Monday, March 31, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ あっての (atteno) ]

あっての (atteno) - Thanks to (various things), (outcome)

--- Examples ---
My success is thanks to your support.

What I am today is thanks to my parents who gave me a life twenty some
years ago.

I just said so without thinking much about it. I didn't mean anything

I know you're complaining about your car being totaled but it's just a good
thing you weren't injured. You should be thankful to be alive.

While there is life, there is hope.

Victory is not possible without everyday practice. .

--- Comments ---
Noted on a site as 'JLPT 2' level. (contributor: your name)

ケータイで読めるだ! (contributor: まさか)

I can't find this in my copies of JPLT2 grammar... (contributor: halx)

English version of the example is kinda awkward. (contributor: bamboo4)

Its JLPT1 (contributor: dc)

A good translation of AあってのB might be 'B exists because of A' or
more naturally, 'B wouldn't be anything without A'? (contributor: blabby)

AあってのB means 'there ain't no B except for A.'

平和があっての経済の発展 would therefore mean 'There would be
no economic prosperity without peace.' (contributor: bamboo4)

What if you said,

Does that still make sense? (contributor: rogen)

I think so. (contributor: Miki)

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ きらいがある (kiraigaaru) ]

きらいがある (kiraigaaru) - there is a tendency for ~ to happen (and
it is somewhat bad and/or a cause for concern)

--- Notes ---
きらいがある is used for tendencies or characteristics that people
have, usually unfavorable ones.

This is a formal grammar structure.

--- Examples ---
It seems people have a tendency not to listen to things they dont want to
hear, right?

She is a nice person; however, she tends to say hurtful things

As humans get on in years, they tend to not listen to what others say.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ て初めて (tehajimete) ]

て初めて (tehajimete) - not until, only after

--- Examples ---
It was not until a few days later that he arrived.

She did not decide to be a singer until she reached the age of twenty.

Only afterward did he explain why he did it.

It was only much later that I came to understand the importance of child

And I was fourteen years old before I touched a piano for the first time.

Only then did I see the danger we were in.

Not till then did I realize the danger of the situation.

It was only recently that she changed her mind.

--- Comments ---
ex#584 We usually say えっ for うぇ Eh. (contributor: Miki)

ex #3568 should end with きづいた (気づく) (contributor: Tan)

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 隙に (sukini) ]

隙に (sukini) - While 〜 To take advantage of a moment of time to do
something (there is an element of cunning in its meaning)

--- Examples ---
1. Lets prepare the surprise party for John in his absence.

2. Taken from lyrics of 'Invitation' by Shibasaki Kou) I want you to take
me by the hand while everyone else is looking the other way.

3. While the teacher's attention was momentarily distracted you passed me
a love letter didn't you. 

--- Comments ---
Is this the same 'suki' as in 'sukiari', like when someone drops their
guard and you grab them? (contributor: Tensigh)

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ にかかわる (nikakawaru) ]

にかかわる (nikakawaru) - affects; relates to; a matter of

--- Notes ---

--- Examples ---
That kind of behaviour affects your honour.

Such conduct is beneath your dignity.

The problem affects the honor of our school.

It is a matter of life and death.

If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you're risking your


Lack of oxygen is fatal to most animals.


We will not tolerate anyone who engages in insane terrorism.


Any industrial property rights relating to the Product Specification shall
belong to ABC Inc.

War concerns us all.

He got angry because his honor was at stake.

The illness is not a matter of life or death.

--- Comments ---
is this a formal version 関係? (contributor: dc)

The opposite to this is にかかわらず which is 2級 grammar.
(contributor: blabby)

The kanji is 関わる (contributor: Nanashi)

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかなる〜でも (ikanaru-demo) ]

いかなる〜でも (ikanaru-demo) - whatever ~

--- Examples ---

whatever your opinion is, i'll accept it

Whoever you might be, you can't come in.

Under no circumstances must you leave the room.

Under no circumstances will the princess succeed to the throne.

Whenever, wherever I am.

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Today's Economics

Volume 13
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Experts Forecast the Tumble in Gold May Be Short-lived
Stevenson Jacobs - AP | March 21, 2008 | View It
"The dollar has been firming up and there's a lot profit-taking"

Three Ways To Own Silver Before It Reches $30
Michael Checkan - Money Morning | March 24, 2008 | View It
"Silver will shine brighter in 2008 for a number of reasons"

Investors Keen Despite Gold Price Dip | March 24, 2008 | View It
"Many say they will not sell their gold holdings and will look into buying again, since fundamental underpinnings for gold remain unchanged."

Fed-Engineered Commodities Cave-In
Alex Wallenwein | March 22, 2008 | View It
"Ask yourself: has anything fundamentally changed in the markets to cause this across-the-board commodities sell-off?"

Three Resaons to Have the Midas Metal in Your Portfolio
Mark Skousen | March 20, 2008 | View It
"in real terms, gold is relatively cheap, given the massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar since 1980."

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どうも (doumo) ]

どうも (doumo) - apparently, naturally

--- Examples ---
With this kind of sky apparently it will rain

Whatever I do, it doesn't end up well.

I feel very bad about it.

It's not very clear and I don't quite understand.

'Will they go on strike again?' 'I'm afraid so.'

There seems to be no need to go.

Well, thank you/sorry/sorry I'm late/good to see you, etc.

--- Comments ---
済みません means that one's mind remains unsettled and therefore not
澄む, that is not clear. From 澄む came the concept of 済む meaning
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can simply say どうも and you can dispense with all other phrases
you can think of!
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まさかの〜 (masakano) ]

まさかの〜 (masakano) - If unexpectedly there is anything , 〜

--- Notes ---
Always come with

--- Examples ---

If there is anything unexpected/For the unexpected , please contact to
this place.

If there is anything(unexpected) ,please let me know at once.

In an emergency you can fall back on your savings.

Keep something for a rainy day.

Friend in need is a friend indeed.

I'll stand by you in time of need.

--- Comments ---
In #5842, まさかの場合 should preferably be まさかの時は and in
#5843, まさかの時 should be まさかの時は  (contributor:

There are 19 まさかの時 examples in WWWJDIC
which can be 'borrowed' as necessary. In WWWJDIC examples the Japanese is
usually good, but the English is sometimes dodgy. (contributor: Paul Blay)

a lot of those examples are duplicates, but i added the best. FYI the link
on this page to 'Search big database for more examples of まさかの〜'
searches the same WWJDIC example database. (contributor: dc)

Wouldn't example [#5843] be more succinctly translated as, 'If there is
anything unexpected, please call.'? It's not really necessary to include
the 'to this place' (or better - 'here'). (contributor: lonesoullost)

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ それっきり (Sorekkiri) ]

それっきり (Sorekkiri) - Since, since then

--- Notes ---
それきり is the same as それっきり。

--- Examples ---
Since then, I haven't seen Spike.

The store closed down for good.

I shiefted to pune in november last year. After that I have not
communicated with my teacher.

--- Comments ---
ex #5042の英訳はちょっと違う気がしている。
The shop remained as it was since when it was
(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に相当する (nisoutousuru) ]

に相当する (nisoutousuru) - equivalent

--- Notes ---
noun+ni soutou suru
 There is no English equivalent for this Japanese

--- Examples ---
In Japanese, there is no equivalent to this english

This painting is worth great deal of money.

Do you know the French equivalent of the word?

The blue lines on the map correspond to rivers.

The broad lines on the map correspond to roads.

Birds' wings correspond to man's arms and hands.

Japanese shogi corresponds to chess.

We cannot find an English equivalent for the Japanese 'giri'.

Branches are to trees what limbs are to us.

At that time one dollar was nearly equivalent to 110 yen.

His monthly salary is equivalent to my salary of a half year.

The amount of food they eat a day is equivalent to their own body weight.

--- Comments ---
there seem to be other variations too, perhaps these are more specific

might mean as in an equivalent value (価格 kakaku = unit price) ?

同等物{どうとう ぶつ}
(contributor: dc)

sore is a more conversational way of saying equivalent (contributor: dc)

等価 is often a mathematic terminology or something of equivalent value.
同等 is often used to 'something that can be substituted, e.g.,
一等賞または同等品=The first prize or a substitute.
均等 is often used to indicate substantive equivalence in terms of
purpose, use, characteristics, etc. 均等論=Theory of equivalents, often
used in patent infringement cases.
(contributor: bamboo4)

why is this not 相当している - eg the thing is -still- equivalent ?
(contributor: dc)

The English version of #1237 should be corrected to read: There is no
English equivalent for this Japanese.
In #3618, 足 shold be corrected to read 手.
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今ごろになっ��� ~も (imagoroninatte) ]

今ごろになって ~も (imagoroninatte) - it's already too late

--- Notes ---
this is used like

--- Examples ---
Even though we won the lawsuit, it's too late to bring the dead back.

You are leaving tomorrow, and I can't believe at this late point you still
haven't gotten yourself a visa!

It's too late for you to tell me that at this stage!

Its too late to tell me to stop now!


its too late to buy tickets


It's too late to order

Are you telling me that at this juncture in time?

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜尽くめ (zukume) ]

〜尽くめ (zukume) - Full of / A lot of

--- Notes ---
Noun + ずくめだ。
Noun + ずくめ + の + Noun

--- Examples ---
That school is full of rules.

The girl that seemed full of happiness even had hidden worries.

He was wearing all black.

I managed to pass JLPT level 1 with no problems, this year was full of so
many good things.

--- Comments ---
Similar in some ways to 'だらけ' and 'まみれ' and it seems to have
the same meaning as '全て〜ばかり' or
It often has the form of Adjective+こと+ずくめ
(contributor: blabby)

ずくめ also written 尽くめ added to a noun means 100% so.But there
are a lot of nouns and noun phrases which to do accept ずくめ.
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とはいえ (tohaie) ]

とはいえ (tohaie) - However (the truth is in fact different)

--- Examples ---
This is Spring, however wind is still freezing.

--- Comments ---
Delete this item! (contributor: bamboo4)

I agree 消してください (contributor: tigert)

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Today's Economics

Volume 12
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Gold Set to Storm Higher, Experts Say
Emma Thelwell - Telegraph | March 17, 2008 | View It
"Gold will continue to set new record highs in coming weeks"

Gold Pares Gains After Profit-Taking After Record
Reuters | March 17, 2008 | View It
"It looks as though there is just profit-taking after a great run. There could be selling to meet margin calls as equities tank"

Four Digit Gold Sets a New World Order
James West - Seeking Alpha | March 17, 2008 | View It
"the only way to truly assess the value of any given paper currency is in terms of how much gold it can obtain."

Commodities Retreat As Confidence Crumbles
Chris Flood - | March 17, 2008 | View It
"Traders said hedge funds liquidating profitable positions in commodity markets to pay margin calls in other asset classes."

Why Silver is Better than Oil as an Investment
Jason Hommel | March 15, 2008 | View It
"There is a 40-year supply of oil in the ground. There is a 14-year supply of silver in the ground."

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429 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 440, Santa Moinica, CA 90401. (800) 965-0580
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならでは (naradeha) ]

ならでは (naradeha) - but, except, without, but for

--- Notes ---
implies a special characteristic, or something that is unique to (that type
of person)

Almost always seems to be used like

noun +ならでは + の + noun

○ あの人ならではの能力
× あの人ならではできる

--- Examples ---
No one could have written such a prose as this one except him.

Noone but he would be equal to this task.

no one but mother could have made such delicious food.

characteristic of the dictionary

a feeling special to this season perhaps

A charming type of work specific to the region

Especially for the fussy 'master' (husband?) anything fresh and tasty.

With that company's stress on limited edition and hard to obtain goods, you
are sure to be satisfied. (bad trans)

Such a new conception is something only of that designer.

--- Comments ---
ならでは is equal to でなくては.
(contributor: bamboo4)

#5012 I think this would be better Japanese.
or こんなおいしい料理は母親でなくては作れない。
母親ならでは作られない。is somewhat not natural for me.
(contributor: Miki)

I agree, Miki-san. (contributor: bamboo4)

changed. (contributor: dc)

is this a little like 「のことだから」
its hiroko of course, so she was late. (contributor: dc)

It is not like 弘子のことだから, which means 'as it is usual for
Hiroko.' Accordingly, you would not say
弘子のことだから、遅れました, but you would say
弘子のことだから、遅れるでしょう. In other words, we use
that expression for prediction rather than description of what actually
took place. If you want to say 'HIroko was late, as usual,' you would say
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can also say : 弘子はいつも通りに遅れてきた (contributor:

So would it be correct to say that in cases where ならでは isn't
followed by の it will always be followed by a phrase containing a
negative verb? (contributor: Sumofan)

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 致す (itasu) ]

致す (itasu) - to do (humble)

--- Notes ---

--- Examples ---
We will make further efforts for it.


At about that time, we lived in a shack in Kitayama, where being awake and
sleeping were the same...(from Mori Ogai's 'Takasebune').

--- Comments ---
from 大辞林

混乱する〜(-.-;) (contributor: Miki)

堀田小屋 should be 掘立小屋, meaning a crude shack built by
inserting the pillers directly into the ground without using any foundation
stones. (contributor: bamboo4)

Ah! I was so careful not to mess up my first contibution and I did! Sorry!
Thanks, bamboo4, for the catch. (contributor: Ness)

#5520 Ness, I think the sentence is missing ところで or ところに :
北山の掘立小屋同様のところに, otherwise the sentence doesn't
make sense. Please check the book again. (contributor: Miki)

Re #5520: Correct version is:
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならいざ知らず (naraizashirazu) ]

ならいざ知らず (naraizashirazu) - I'm not sure if it is
[possible/so] but...

--- Notes ---
名詞句 + ならいざ知らず, B

--- Examples ---
Maybe it's possible if I had a dictionary but with nothing, it is by no
means easy to read.

Maybe it's possible for an expert, but a beginner can't make this chemical.

--- Comments ---
You can also say ならともかく which has the same meaning.
(contributor: blabby)

ex#5780 ものではない means : ' shouldn't'. So,I feel that it may be
わけがない (impossible, by no means) or ことができない
(contributor: 誠)

Thanks for your great contributions to this site!
Yes you are correct that わけがない and ことができない are good
translations for 'by no means'/'impossible'.

However, this example uses '読める' which is like saying
'できるものではない' rather than just 'ものではない'.
Therefore I stand by my translation. (contributor: blabby)

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かけた (kaketa) ]

かけた (kaketa) - started but not finished

--- Notes ---
~kakeru is for verbs:
言いかけ (いいかけ)
In the middle of saying something

I fell asleep with the book half read.

~kakeno is a modifier for nouns (eg. tabekake no ringo)
A half-eaten apple

~kake da comes at the end of a sentence
where だ is derived from です
it is in the middle of being written

--- Examples ---
the essay has to be finished by today, but I am still in the middle of
writing it.

I am in the process of reading it.

I've totally forgotten (them). Even though it's certain that I've read
(no, well, started to read,) them.

please throw away the half-drunk things in the fridge.

This in the middle of being eaten bento box is who's?

Just as I was about to eat the cake, the phone rang.

The man who nearly drowned began to breath.

The child was nearly run over by a car.

Half-forgotten music danced through his mind.

He started to say something, but I beat him to it.

I caught him by the arm before he could fall.

He was about to fall asleep, when he heard his name called.

He got tired of the work, and left it half-done.

--- Comments ---
書きかけた is incorrect, and should be 書きかけだ.
(contributor: bamboo4)

飲み かけた is incorrect and should be 飲みかけの (contributor:

読み かけた means 'just started to read' and does not have the context
of 'I didn't finish reading it' which would be 読み終えなかった.
(contributor: bamboo4)

corrections made, thanks! (contributor: dc)

書きかけた does seem to be a valid (if low) usage - 3,000 Google hits
compared to
(書きかけ -書きかけた)'s 27,600.
Do 飲みかけ, 書きかけ etc belong in the same entry as
読みかけた ? (contributor: Amatuka)

I suppose 読みかけた doesn't have the nuance of
読み終えなかった - because that would imply that you probably
aren't going to finish it. (contributor: Amatuka)

Presumably they are all based on
かける (aux-v,v1) to turn on; to dial (e.g. phone); to start doing
something (but not finish) (contributor: Amatuka)

Maybe this entry should be changed to 'かける - To start (but not
finish) something' with the noun + past tense verb form noted in comments.
(contributor: Amatuka)

I think this has two meanings:
1. to start (but not finish)
2. to almost start (contributor: dc)

is different from
食べかけの+noun (contributor: dc)

食べかけの is simply the noun form of 食べかける with の acting
as a modifier. I think there is no difference in meaning between
'食べかけたケーキ' and '食べかけのケーキ' (although the
latter is much more common). (contributor: your name)

as someone else pointed out the かけた in 話しかけた is nothing
to do with this grammar, it's a set phrase
'he started to talk to me' (contributor: dc)

this might fall into a category of verb endings, including -dashita
(contributor: dc)

I'm still not convinced of 'to almost start' as distinct from 'to start
(but not finish)' although there are cases where both could be used in
translations of sentences using かけた. (contributor: Amatuka)

私はケーキを 食べ かけた should be 私が (contributor:

Made the change by deleting 私は in #1612. Not need in the context.
(contributor: bamboo4)

The english in ex#1082 is really awkward. I think it should be 'Whose is
this half-eaten bento box?' (contributor: CorDarei)

you're right, that is a literal translation...trying to keep the same order
as the japanese. out of style i guess on this site, so i moved it to the
notes section. (contributor: dc)

not yet tho! (contributor: dc)

what would you say this means kaketa arnou i have taken the spelling off
something heard so it is probably incorect
(contributor: rudy)

This is a Level 2 grammar point. (contributor: Olivier)

の in 食べかけの is a nominalizer, which makes a noun phrase out of
食べかけ(started to eat but not yet finished). (contributor: bamboo4)

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とする (tosuru) ]

とする (tosuru) - assume, regard X as ~ , suppose

--- Examples ---
If we assume that we go to japan

We assume that temperature is constant.

If you are to be a good world citizen, you should try to be free of any

私たちは みな、 人生に おいて 成功を
We all try hard to make the grade in life, but only a few succeed.

One who is not willing to learn is not worth teaching.

When I try to walk, I get an awful pain here.

The workers have no incentive to work harder.

--- Comments ---
温度は一定であるとする。is more natural. (contributor: Miki)

OK, done. (contributor: Amatuka)

仮定する (katei suru) I think also means 'to assume' (contributor: dc)

ひょっとする = perhaps (contributor: dc)

about ex #4191:
i tought that the form [-ou to suru] meant 'to be in a process of' or 'try
to do'. (contributor: NutritiveSoul)

what about ~ta to suru?? (contributor: Hakeem)

hakeem - can you give an example please? (contributor: dc)

perhaps you mean [youni-suru]

maybe [ou-tosuru] would be 'if you try..' which we have also as
(contributor: dc)

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ながらも (nagaramo) ]

ながらも (nagaramo) - even while, even though, as she was

--- Examples ---
He could not refrain from smiling, though with a slight sense of guilt.

Although he says he might return to Iran to marry, his plans after Japan
are up in the air.

He gave me what little money he had about him.

Tom took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble
along to a party.

Enough gold that have it even though there is little he were given to me.

Woman as she was, she fought bravely.

She gave what few coins she has to the beggar.

She did it against her will.

Child as he was, he was brave.

--- Comments ---
How did we end up with many duplicate examples?
(contributor: bamboo4)

I put in the same ones twice, oops. (contributor: dc)

ex #3777 'He gave me what little money he had on him.'

ex #3783 'Even though he didn't have much he gave me all that he had'
or'Even though he didn't have much he gave it all to me'

ex #3784 'Even though a woman she fought bravely' or 'Even though she was
only a woman she fought bravely'

ex #3787 'Even though he was only a child he was brave' or 'He was brave
even though only a child.'

These sound more natural to me. (contributor: Kanemiya)

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ をよそに (woyosoni) ]

をよそに (woyosoni) - Without consideration for... / Despite... /
Without thinking...

--- Notes ---
Noun + をよそに

Aは Bをよそに Cする。- 'Despite B, A did C.'

--- Examples ---
Despite having university entrance exams soon, he's wasting his time on
the computer every day.

Without considering that his parents might be worried, he always slacks

Without respect for the protests from China, Mr Koizumi visited Yasukuni

--- Comments ---
I think this grammar might be related to 他所/よそ/'A different place'.
For example '他所の人' - 'Stranger'.

I know this kanji is not used often, but is this relationship correct?
(contributor: blabby)

I think so.
#5495 Looks 文字化け. 毎日???に興じてる。 (contributor: Miki)

Thanks for pointing that out Miki. For some reason sometimes just one or
two Kanji become 文字化け. Im not sure if its this site or my
computer... (contributor: blabby)

blabby - what browser and OS are you using? it might be because your
browser is not sending pages in the right encoding. sometimes multi-byte
items can get chewed up. (contributor: dc)

よそに or 余所に means 'treating as if it is somehwere unrelated.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Hi DC, I'm using Windows XP SP2 English version with microsoft IME 2002
version 8.1. I am using firefox v1.0.6. If nobody else has problems then it
is probably just my computer. Its not a big problem, Ill just have to check
my examples a lot. (contributor: blabby)

should the note read 'Despite B, A did C'? (contributor: yookoso)

Whoops, thanks yookoso. I mixed up A and B. Fixed! (contributor: blabby)

よそに=ものともせず?? (contributor: サリル)

よそに and ものともせず is not equal.
よそに implys neglecting/(despite) B, A did C.
ものともせず implyes overcome obstacles and do something. in defiance
of [~womonotomosezuni]
(contributor: Miki)

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Volume 11
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Watch for Falling Dollars or for Falling Helicopters
Jay Taylor | March 09, 2008 | View It
"The spread between debt and income is growing very, very rapidly."

Long Positions Show Oil's Popularity
Javier Blas - | March 10, 2008 | View It
"This latest set of CFTC data indicates that strong sentiment towards the petroleum complex remains firmly in place"

South African Gold Output Fell 7.4% in 2007
Reuters | March 10, 2008 | View It
"the country's gold production fell 7.4 percent . . . mainly because of lower ore grades as well as safety-related mine closures."

Gold Weakens as Investors Take Profits to Cover Other Asset Losses | March 10, 2008 | View It
"The metal's failure to break higher Friday suggests the market may, just for the short-term, be in need of a phase of consolidation . . ."

Barrick's Bullish View of Gold Signals Higher Prices Ahead
William Patalon III | March 10, 2008 | View It
"It?s possible automakers could switch to the lower-priced gold for inclusion as a key element in automobile catalytic converters."

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ によって (niyotte-2) ]

によって (niyotte-2) - depending on

--- Examples ---
depending on the weather, i will come

Depending upon the outcome, you may not be hired.

Depending upon the weather, the event may be cancelled.

--- Comments ---
天気によって来ます is weird. It should be
(contributor: bamboo4)

how about
 天気によっては来ます (contributor: dc)

If you say 天気によっては来ます,it is very likely that you are
talking about some third party or things. Like in Nikko, there are many
monkeys, and you can say that to indicate that those monkeys will show up
depending on the weather.

If you are talking about yourself, it is normal to say
天気によってはゆきます or
天気によっては帰って来ます but one do not normally see
来ます very often.

(contributor: bamboo4)

erm, sorry my encoding messed up again, that first line should be 'saiyou
shinai _koto_ ga arimasu'

delete button doesn't seem to work :(
(contributor: Snake)

snake hiya - deleted your mojibake post above... dunno why your delete btn
is not working - are you logged in?
also the encoding, i haven't seen probs with. what browser/OS are you on?
(contributor: dc)

dc, I cannot delete my comment, too. When I am logged off, I cannot see
delete btn. でしょ? (contributor: Miki)

I could delete an example I added. (contributor: Miki)

yes, you can only delete your own comments - so you have to be logged in so
the system knows which are yours! otherwise an anonymous user could come in
and delete everything... (contributor: dc)

I was logged in, and i tried it again just then logged in, but no go. I'm
using Opera though.. gomen
(contributor: Snake)

dang. that would class as a bug then. might be Opera cookie/session
handling. I recommend firefox but IE seems OK too. (contributor: dc)

Firefox cannot handle Japanese fonts. (contributor: bamboo4)

ex1309 天気 によっては 来ます can also be used such when you were
at a gathering and asked if you comes to next gathering. 
一郎:「次回はきますか?」Will you come next time?
花子:「天気によっては来ます。」 (contributor: Miki)

I use Firefox and have had no problems with japanese fonts..? (contributor:

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ うっかり (ukkari) ]

うっかり (ukkari) - carelessly, without thinking

--- Examples ---
make a careless mistake

I made a careless mistake.

A slip of the tongue often brings about unexpected results.

I went past my stop absent-mindedly.

I got on a wrong bus by mistake.

I carelessly dropped a vase.

A foolish impulse made me say what I should have left unsaid.

Something is burning. I carelessly let some bread burn.

I was careless enough to dial without taking off the receiver.

It was careless of you to leave your camera in the taxi.

--- Comments ---
I think we could omit this ukkari from the jgram, since this is actually a
word, and not a grammatical phrase. Otherwise, if we start adding words
(like adverbs), then there would just an enormous number to add. Words
like 'bonyari' would also have to be added, which might be a pain.
(contributor: nhk9)

#3585 J should be …置き忘れてくるなんて…。 (contributor:

(contributor: ppmohapatra)

ppmohapatraさん、僕も今まで「うっかり」を見たことがなかったのに 文法として向かないと思います。 もし、別のスレッドがあればよかったと思います。 でもここに入れるのが危ないと思わないの? 一回すると あっという間に、皆さんが自分の見たことない言葉入れてしまって、このサイトが探し難くなります。 そう言う問題にならないために文法なら、いいですけど 単語なら、jim
(contributor: tigert)

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜そびれる (sobireru) ]

〜そびれる (sobireru) - Fail to ~

--- Notes ---
Verb(〜ますform) + そびれる。

--- Examples ---
I failed to return the money I borrowed.

I drank too much and failed to catch the last train.

--- Comments ---
This grammar is the same as 〜損なう。
返し損なう - Fail to return (it).
やり損なう - Mess up. (contributor: blabby)

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なり (nari2) ]

なり (nari2) - expresses continuing state

--- Notes ---
Verb(た形)+なり implies one movement is continuing. 〜したまま。

--- Examples ---
He left the office and hasn't come back.

He stared at her and didn't move an inch for a while.

--- Comments ---
is this identical to -kiri
he went ... (and hasnt been seen since) (contributor: dc)

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ めく (meku) ]

めく (meku) - like / ish

--- Notes ---
means '-ish' or 'steeped in'. hard to translate!

I felt sure that this would work out.

--- Examples ---
because of the President's sarcastic like way of speech, the employees felt

The glisten ing sun on the blue sea...Ahhh, just thinking about it makes my
heart beat fast.

Hey, we've been friends for many years right? Don't use such a
strangerish/stranger- like style of speaking with me!

--- Comments ---
what does this mean? example: 
(contributor: dc)

This grammar is quite difficult because it is hard to translate into
English. The best translation I can come up with is

* to become ~like (山は春めく - 'The mountain became spring-like')
* to show signs of (show signs of spring)
* ~ish (他人めく - 'strangerish')?
* ~ly (冗談めく - Jokingly/皮肉めく - sarcastically)
* ~ing (謎めく - Puzzling) (contributor: blabby)

Another interesting thing about this grammar is its use with

きらきらする = きらめく To glitter
ひらひらする = ひらめく To flash/flutter
どきどきする? = ときめく To pulpitate

If anyone can correct this or has more information, I would love to hear
it. (contributor: blabby)

きらめく、ときめく are totally different animals from
皮肉めいた、他人めいた。 (contributor: dc)

名詞や副詞、形容詞や形容動詞の語幹base+めく means like
something or being in a condtion of something. (contributor: Miki)

I thought that きらめく/ときめく was different to
皮肉めく/他人めく too. But in my old grammar dictionary and here:
they are treated as the same grammar point. Can anyone clarify this?
(contributor: blabby)

I think they all mean 'summer-like'. (contributor: Suitto)

That's just the transformation of natsumeku 夏めく. Yes, all means
Natsumeku here is used as compliments of the season for June in a letter.
(contributor: Miki)

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ やむをえない (yamuwoenai) ]

やむをえない (yamuwoenai) - no other way to do
something しかたがない

--- Examples ---
regretfully there may be situations where the game has to be cancelled due
to bad weather.

regretfully there may be situations where the game has to be cancelled due
to bad weather.

--- Comments ---
The meaning I think is much stronger than しかったが無い. It
expresses the fact that in certain special situations an action or event
which is forthcoming is unavoidable. On the other hand although the former
is used in similar situations it expresses more the idea that something
always pans out in a certain way.

Coming I expect from the grammar construct 〜ざるをえない

You can also say やむにやまれず to mean the same thing.

I added my own example to show an alternative usage. (contributor:

if anyone reads the above comment, be careful. しかったが無い is
incorrect; the correct phrase is 仕方が無い(しかたがない),
without the small 'tsu.' (contributor: tmkain)

Can the Japanese example and the English translation be moved to the same
example rather than separate? I keep getting blank questions on the grammar
quiz because of the 'missing' data. (contributor: mochabean)

mochabean - yes, they can. can you do the edit? (contributor: dc)

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に即して (nisokushite) ]

に即して (nisokushite) - in line with, in keeping with

--- Notes ---
this phrase is rather formal and used mostly in written material.

--- Examples ---
In line with japanese customs

His biography is quite true to life.

appraise someone realistically

do something that is not part of the rules of the game

be pertinent to the line of work

in view of the facts

be developed from a recommendation

give a faithful account of

think realistically

face up to heavy stress realistically

--- Comments ---
You do realize that this phrase is rather formal and used mostly in written
material. (contributor: bamboo4)

i had no idea, so it will be noted! (contributor: dc)

perhaps is a similar but less formal phrase? (contributor: dc)

Yes, it is. にしたがって(従う) is not as casual as
にそって(沿う) and is also not formal as
に即して。に従って and に沿って are used in conversation as
(contributor: Miki)

I thought に従って implied more hierarchy, or cause and effect,
whereas is more in parallel?

(fact) (effect)

It was expensive. Accordingly, I did not buy it.

the street parallel with the river (contributor: dc)

Your 従って in the eg above is 接続詞 conjunction.
My 従って is a transformation of 従う。Yes, 従う implies hierarchy
but not all the time. Also 沿う and 従う aren't the same meaning but
implications are the same here.
example :
Please answer following the example
例題に従って、回答してください。 (contributor: Miki)

See also に即した 'based on, adapted to'
As professionals we present solutions adapted to the facts of the
situation. (contributor: Paul)

According to two of my texts, this phrase is written using different 漢字
depending on the nuance: に即して (in accordance with the facts,
objective reality, experience, etc.) and に則して (in accordance with
arbitrary rules, laws, etc.) Following that, #5151 is not written correctly
(boo to ALC). However, I also see that another source uses に即して in
both cases, so maybe this is just a nitpicky distinction. Can any native
speakers address this? (contributor: srobertson)

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Today's Economics

Volume 10
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Palladium Stars as Investors Focus on Future Substitution
Tessa Kruger - Mineweb | March 4, 2008 | View It
"Palladium is set to enter the $650-$685 target zone."

Safety Is a Piece of Gold
Bullion Vault | March 4, 2008 | View It
"You can't find a currency that you trust as a store of value, so you create a new one"

View of the Day: Gold Will Plough Through $1000
John Reade - Financial Times| March 4, 2008 | View It
"gold to reach $1,025 an ounce in one month?s time and $1,075 in three months"

Gold Falls From Record as Some Investors Deem Rally Overdone
Feiwen Rong - Bloomberg | March 4, 2008 | View It
"There's been some short-term profit-taking going on this afternoon"

Investors, Automakers to Drive Platinum Prices in 2008
Laura Boback - Resource Investors | March 3, 2008 | View It
"Platinum prices will be boosted by several factors this year"

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならともかく (naratomokaku) ]

ならともかく (naratomokaku) - I'm not sure if it is [possible/so]

--- Notes ---
名詞句 + ならともかく, B

--- Examples ---
Maybe you can do it, but I don't do such a thing.

Maybe it's possible for a foreigner, but Japanese people would never do

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まさか (masaka) ]

まさか (masaka) - incredible!

--- Examples ---
Did I ever expect you to come!


Oh my gosh! You're the last person I expected to meet in a situation like

What he said can scarcely be true.

--- Comments ---
真逆 [まさか] (adv) (uk) by no means, (P)
まさか (adv) never!, well, I never!, you don't say!
真 [ま] (n,pref) just, right, due (east), pure, genuine, true, (P)
逆 [ぎゃく] (adj-na,n) reverse, opposite, (P)
逆さ [さかさ] (n) reverse, inversion, upside down, (P)
In English: 'directly opposite'

(contributor: deweychetham)

まさか coupled with negative or denial expresses unexpected hypothetical
case. Synonimous with よもや or いくらなんでも.
(contributor: bamboo4)

V-plain + とは思う is used in most of the examples above - does that
deserve its own JGram entry? (contributor: yookoso)

I think using only まさか can have the connotation of 'no way'... the
'nai' is often left unsaid.

A: 彼がもう結婚しちゃったって
B: まさか(そういうことあるわけないだろう) (contributor:

I agree with nhk9さん、but i think that should be under the entry of
which literally ' it can't be that 〜,right?'

まさか〜とは思わなかった should deserve a different entry ,
since it literally means
'Didn't expect 〜(to be) ' (contributor: 誠)

I agree with yookosoさん, how does V-plain +とは思う differ from
V-plain +と思う/だと思う? (contributor: xabre24)

Another phrase I like to use when translating まさか is 'Don't tell me
... !', though that doesn't work in every case.

And a まさか phrase that doesn't translate literally is
そのまさかだ! (or the equivalent). Sometimes, when someone says,
for example, まさか、(insert unlikely/unwelcome situation
here)じゃないだろう? (It COULDN'T be (situation), right?), the
response is そのまさかだ! (It IS that (situation)!). Try
translating まさか itself directly in that case, and you're just asking
for trouble. (contributor: KWhazit)

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なりに (narini) ]

なりに (narini) - in one's own way, one's own style

--- Examples ---
I have my own outlook on life.

Animals have their own way of communicating

Kids have kids own world

If that is so, then try to do it accordingly (in line with that).

End up according to (as) what one has been told.

In that country I was a foreigner and was treated as such.

This push-button phone turned out to be useful in its way.

All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in
its own way.

The picture is good in its way.

Takeo is quite a good fellow in his way.

Some people say that cartoons on television are educational in themselves.

I read a lot of books in my youth; I am a scholar in my own way.

A man's worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.

He has his own collection of phobias.


I would rather live by myself than do as he tells me to do.


--- Comments ---
not to be confused with nari~nari which is more like, for example...
(contributor: dc)

this might be easier to remember in english by using the same repetition
kids have kids own...
he has his own...
(contributor: dc)

hmm That means there is only one 'have' in the first example? (contributor:

oops. eagle eyes! (contributor: dc)

なりに does not always mean 'one's own way' as shown by my example.
(contributor: bamboo4)

なり could mean 'accroding to' as shown in my examples, and it also could
mean 'even though not entirely satisfactory, but corresponding to the
capability that one has' that could be equal to 'one's own way' in a broad
sense. However, don't forget that there is this modesty that is at the root
of なりに.
(contributor: bamboo4)

ex# 3611 人となり is one word. (contributor: Miki)

>miki ↑ which one word? 人となり you mean one 字 ?
or as spoken it is a set phrase? (contributor: dc)

I think Miki is referring to the fact that 人となり in the sense it is
used in #3611 is a single word - also written 為人, meaning 'inborn
character' - rather than an example of the なりに phrase. (contributor:

srobertson's comment is what I wanted to say. ;) (contributor: Miki)

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ふと (futo) ]

ふと (futo) - suddenly, by coincidence

--- Notes ---
and do not always have negative connotations

whereas implies more regret, or that the action was done carelessly.

other words for suddenly include

--- Examples ---
By coincidence, I happened to see Kimura san on the train

Suddenly, I hit upon this new idea.

Watching TV,I had this instant recall of the memory of my friend during my
student days.

A pure happenstance can be a die-casting event in your life.

A happy idea came upon me.

A bight idea occurred to me.

That word dropped from his mouth.

The old man stopped suddenly and looked back.

It occurred to me that I should not keep it secret.

Accidentally, the rumor has turned out to be false.

It occurred to me that I had left my purse at home.

I had a notion to tell what I had seen.

It occurred to me that the man was tryng to cheat me out of moy money.

It struck me that the girl was trying to hide something.

It occurred to me that I had left my bg on the train.

Through trial and error, he found the right answer by chance.

It occurred to me that he was the right man.

The sight tempted him to steal.

It occurred to me that he had done it on purpose.

It occurred to me that he was trying to conceal something.

It occurred to me that he might not tell the truth.

I overheard their mockery.

She hit upon a good idea.

Suddenly, my feet stopped.

--- Comments ---
whats the difference with いきなり or 突然? (contributor: dc)

hmm this is a very good question... Let me think. (contributor: Miki)

ふと would be used in the sense of 'incidentally' or 'by some unexpected
turn of event.' It is more or less an unexpected thing that catch you more
or less passively.

いきなり and 突然 has the connotation of 'out of blue' or 'abruptly'
so that there is a big element of surprise. (contributor: bamboo4)

what is the difference with 偶然 ? (contributor: marvin)

偶然 「ぐうぜん」 I think means more what a coincidence. As in
'what a surprise to see you here!'

突然 「とつぜん」is more similar, like 'out of the blue'.

いきなり is another similar word.
いきなり結婚した - got married all of a sudden (contributor: dc)

For me, there are hints (like endling と) for the word is an onomatopoeia
construction, that's the difference... As in,
「ふと気がついたの。」''Pooh!' - the realization came.' Although
it's not as childish in Japanese, as they use onomatopoeia words a lot.
(contributor: Kaens)

Yes. Bamboo4 is correct. 3940 should start 'Incidentally, ' (contributor:

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