Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ がてら (gatera) ]

がてら (gatera) - while doing something

--- Notes ---
Used to express getting one thing accomplished while doing a second thing.
Perhaps a good English equivalent would be 'to kill two birds with one

--- Examples ---
Since I took a walk. I stopped at a bookshop.

Since you go for a run in the car, coud you pick me up at the station?

Chat with a colleague on the internet for a change.

Since I've come all the way to the capital, I might as well get some
shopping done on top of sightseeing.

--- Comments ---
more formal than -nagara but similar - ?? (contributor: dc)

gatera can be reaplced with ついでに or wo を兼ねて.
x散歩をしながら、本屋に寄った。This is not natural.
I think that がてら is used to show another action (本屋に寄る)
taken place in the middle of one main action (散歩をする),
While ながら、two or more actions are at the same time.
eg. 友だちと喋りながら歩く。 I walk as talking with a
friend. 歩く=喋る (contributor: Miki)

You can also use かたがた.
散歩かたがた公園に行った. (contributor: bamboo4)

got it. so its not a verb ending like 〜ながら。
It means more like 'on the occasion of' or 'while doing A, also did B' than
'during or while' ... ie slightly separated incidents.

Is it a very formal/written phrase? (contributor: dc)

Right on, dc.

ついでに is conversational, がてら,かねて and かたがた are
predominantly used in writing. (contributor: bamboo4)

My book says that this is not used for a 'big' event. It is used for
something small or something that can be finished soon.
旅行がてら = NO
散歩がてら = OK (contributor: blabby)

No, that is not correct.がてら can be used in any situation where you
say 'while doing X, I also did Y.'

There is such limitation as Blabby refers to.

It is perfectly correct to say

I dn't know what your book is, but if that's what it says,it is not

(contributor: bamboo4)

The book I am using is
実力アップ!日本語能力試験一級文法編 by Unicom. The
explanations are in Japanese so Ill quote from the book.

〜がてら ー (〜をするときに)
×旅行がてら  ○散歩がてる

Maybe this books explanations are not as good as I thought... (contributor:

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どうも (doumo) ]

どうも (doumo) - apparently, naturally

--- Examples ---
With this kind of sky apparently it will rain

Whatever I do, it doesn't end up well.

I feel very bad about it.

It's not very clear and I don't quite understand.

'Will they go on strike again?' 'I'm afraid so.'

There seems to be no need to go.

Well, thank you/sorry/sorry I'm late/good to see you, etc.

--- Comments ---
済みません means that one's mind remains unsettled and therefore not
澄む, that is not clear. From 澄む came the concept of 済む meaning
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can simply say どうも and you can dispense with all other phrases
you can think of!
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) ]

〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) - Once someone starts something, the person
can't stop it.

--- Notes ---

Once someone starts something, the person can't stop it.

Notes: Easily confused with ~kiri, but the meanings are completely
different and ga saigo doesn't mean 'for the last time'. Always used
with past tense verbs.

--- Examples ---
It was so delicious that once I started eating, I couldn't stop.

Whoever finds us will take the pearl.

Such a restroom that once you enter in it, you wont ever want to come out.

He is such karaoke fan that if only he gets his hands on the mike he
wouldn't drop it all night.

--- Comments ---
There are cases where this is similar to 一旦〜 (Once you 〜)
(contributor: blabby)

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 気が付いた (kigatsuita) ]

気が付いた (kigatsuita) - I realized

--- Notes ---
See also .

kigasuru - feels like

kigatsuku - i noticed
kidsuku - i realized

--- Examples ---
Natto is tasty I realized.

When I came to, I was lying down on a hospital bed.

I just realized that I forgot my satchel in a bench of the park.

--- Comments ---
That was the wrong つく (fixed) (contributor: Amatuka)

うそよ!納豆は美味しくないよ! (contributor: KotatsuSama)

I'm told that you must say:
Can anyone comment on that? (contributor: hennagaijin)

Yeah I think the above is right concerning a verb,
VERBたいのに気がついた (contributor: anna.kendall)

Actually, for a verb, it's the verb + の or こと+に気が付いた。
(contributor: Darrkangel)

I think this entry should be 気が付いた rather than
と気が付いた. Maybe rather JPLT1 than JPLT2 too. If somebody agree
with it, I will change the entry. (contributor: 赤毛)

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ それっきり (Sorekkiri) ]

それっきり (Sorekkiri) - Since, since then

--- Notes ---
それきり is the same as それっきり。

--- Examples ---
Since then, I haven't seen Spike.

The store closed down for good.

I shiefted to pune in november last year. After that I have not
communicated with my teacher.

--- Comments ---
ex #5042の英訳はちょっと違う気がしている。
The shop remained as it was since when it was
(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かのごとく (kanogotoku) ]

かのごとく (kanogotoku) - as if

--- Notes ---
〜かのごとく: 〜かのように + 形容詞・動詞

--- Examples ---
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

Dance freely as if nobody was watching.

Within this forest, it was so mysterious as if one had even gone some ten
thousands years back in time

--- Comments ---
Appeared in JLPT 1 for 2002 (contributor: Amatuka)

Seems may be used mostly in poetic / lyric sense. (contributor: Amatuka)

Actually, this entry is under ごとく since the 〜かの before it can
be seen as a noun phrase, 何万年も前に戻ったか(noun phrase)
+ の + ごとく (contributor: 誠)

Actually, it sounds similar with 〜かのような, only thing is now
since the following phrase is either an Adjective or Verb, it becomes
〜かのように. And also, ごとく is a classical word. (contributor:

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Today's Economics

Volume 16
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U.S. Subprime Bottom; Resumption of Equity Bulls; Gold as New Money
John Lee | April 18, 2008 | View It
"Studies suggest a gold price between $1,500 to $2,000/oz"

Crude Oil Rises to All-Time High Above $119 on Record Euro
Mark Shenk - | April 22, 2008 | View It
"Crude's 24 percent surge this year pulled gasoline and diesel to records, weighing on an economy already reeling from a credit crisis."

Oil Prices Add to Economic Woe
The Press Association | April 22, 2008 | View It
"The weak US dollar has continued to support oil prices despite strengthening this week against the yen and euro. "

Holding Gold is the Best Investment These Days
P.S. Ziad - Mumbai | April 22, 2008 | View It
"Gold's role as a hedge against inflation is unparalleled"

California's Home-Mortgage Defaults More Than Double
Daniel Taub - | April 22, 2008 | View It
"Sales of homes that have been foreclosed upon accounted for about a third of all California resales in the first quarter."

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なり (nari) ]

なり (nari) - As soon as

--- Notes ---
Verb(辞書形) + なり

[AなりB] - B is often an unexpected or unusual thing.

--- Examples ---
As soon as he got home, he went to bed without eating.

As soon as he opened the door, he walked in still wearing his shoes.

As soon as he got to the party, Sam made a bee line for the food.

On encountering the celebrity, the fans asked for his autogaph.

On entering the classroom, our teacher burst into angry speech.

The instant he came in, he fell down.

--- Comments ---
My book says that this is for a strange or unexpected event.

X スイッチを入れるなり電気がついた。
O スイッチを入れると電気がついた。
O スイッチを入れるなり爆発が起きた。

However, my book says it is only used for Verb(辞書形)+なり, but I
have sometimes seen cases of Verb(た形)+なり from other sources. Does
anyone know which is correct? (contributor: blabby)

Verb(た形)+なり is used in a different way. It implies one movement is
continuing. 〜したまま。
会社を出たなり、いつまでも帰らない。He left the office
and hasn't come back.
stared at her and didn't move an inch for a while.
You can find better translations. (contributor: Miki)

that sounds like a totally different nari, so i created a new page for it:
[nari2] (contributor: dc)

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ように (youni-2) ]

ように (youni-2) - became

--- Examples ---
So, I want to become able to speak better english

I don't care whatever you do.

Can you imagine what the 21st century will be like?

It crawls on all fours as a baby, then learns to walk on two legs, and
finally needs a cane in old age.

We are hoping for your quick recovery.

--- Comments ---
ように has a meaning of 'to do' or 'so that one can do' which I guess
would include 'become.' The first example can literally be translated as
'For that reason, I want to do so that I can speak better English.'

My second example follows that vein.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Um, this might be of use but it's especially for the youni NARU -sentence
pattern. But it said in the comments of the 'youninaru' that this grammar
entry would do, so...One of the possible usages of ように:

ようになる expresses a change that takes place gradually.

With verbs:

Vdic + you ni naru= 'reach the point where~'/'come to~'

(My) child has reached the point where she cleans her room herself.

Vneg + you ni naru= 'reach the point where ~not'

Mr.Hayashi has reached the point where he does not smoke.

*Vdic= Verb, dictionary form


Besides なる, there's also する and 言う verbs that can be connected
with ように to create more specific meanings...Did some of these have
their own entries...? (contributor: Naino)

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ずもがな(=無��もがな ) (zumogana) ]

ずもがな(=無くもがな ) (zumogana) - Vn, As well not to ~

--- Examples ---
Japan wins at football, it's a thing you don't even need to ask about to
know how the Korean Mr. Kim feels.

New eletronic gadgets - Pah! - as well not to buy them, if you do then
nothing good will come of it.

In his writings, there are a number of words which might better have been
left out.

--- Comments ---
Two general uses, 1. Something doesn't need doing / saying. (contributor:

2. Something should not be done / said (contributor: Amatuka)

NOTE: This is /relatively/ low usage in modern Japanese - but appeared on
2000 JLPT level 1. (contributor: Amatuka)

I agree with NOTE. I asked J co-workers if they use 買わずもがな, I
was asked the meanings. I know only 言わずもがな. (contributor: Miki)

Formed by V-nai base + ずもがな
e.g. 買う→買わない→買わずもがな

Vn = V-nai base (contributor: Amatuka)

もがな dates bqck to the Heian era, and it means that what precedes
もがな would be the desire of the speaker. It is an archaic Japanese
which only finds its use in some set expressions, such as
言わずもがな,which literally would mean 'I desire that I do not say
that' that would include the case of my regret for having said what I said.
My 広辞苑 shows the following:
and 由もがな.
While 買わずもがな is grammatically correct, I am not sure if it is
actually used.
In any event, except perhaps 言わずもがな, all other instances of the
use of もがな are pretty archaic.

(contributor: bamboo4)

なくもがな 【無くもがな】


「あの一言は≠セった」「≠フ差しで口」 (contributor:

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 居られない (irarenai) ]

居られない (irarenai) - cannot exist, not possible, can't afford to

--- Notes ---
居られない literally means 'the tea drinking cannot exist.' In
English would be something like, cannot afford to do, is not possible,
cannot be done.

--- Examples ---
Guests are arriving soon and we will be very busy, so we won't be able to
have a quiet cup of tea. m

Dazzling is the state when light is so hard that you almost can't keep
the eyes open.

When we went out, we almost couln't stand the bite of the wind.

--- Comments ---
I don't understand why ないではいられない is considered level 2
and いられない is considered level 1. (contributor: 赤毛)

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 依頼 (irai) ]

依頼 (irai) - Request or commission

--- Notes ---
The example has little to do with 依頼 word :-) It is actually the
'contents' of a certain request.

Here's another example:
Hire a lawyer / Ask a lawyer to represent one.

--- Examples ---
I am counting on your continued support and guidance.

--- Comments ---
To tell you the truth, I was expecting this entry to be about 以来,
really. Is this entry even really grammar-related? (contributor: Cone)

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ やまない (yamanai) ]

やまない (yamanai) - not to stop

--- Examples ---
Kids don't stop seeking their parent's love.

From the look of the sky I'm afraid the rain won't let up for a while.

I (never stop) wish you good health.

--- Comments ---
Relevant grammar question & comments here (sixth post). (contributor:

Formed from verb-te + yamanai. (Note that Vte is usually associated with
feelings & desires).

Vte = Verb, -te connective form. (contributor: Amatuka)

This expression is normally used in written Japanese; not conversaitonal
Japanese. I think this belong to Class 3. (contributor: bamboo4)

class 3 as in sankyuu? it seems more 1-kyuu to me, esp if only used
written? (contributor: dc)

Sorry, I made a mistake - I meant 1-kyuu. (contributor: bamboo4)

〜てやまない. This is often used with words such as 求める,
希望する, 祈る and 願う. (contributor: blabby)

This grammar is indeed for 1kyuu and does not always belog to the written
language. If you hold a speech the form '-teyamimasen'

It comes from the word「やむ」that means stop. For example you can say
「雨いつごろやむかな」, which corresponds to when you in English
want to say 'When will it stop raining, I wonder'.

Or this
The sound of the piano stopped. The lesson is over.

B> 「そうね」Yes, indeed.
(contributor: kuma)

I think ex #3368 doesn't really belongs to this category, rather it belongs
to the verb 「やむ」、although this grammar comes from the word
「やむ」。 (contributor: 誠)

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なしに (nashini) ]

なしに (nashini) - without

--- Examples ---
Your hospitality cannot go unthanked.

I can't do without this dictionary.

The arrangements are subject to change without notice.

No one can achieve anything without effort.

I just said so without thinking much about it. I didn't mean anything

He says he can't go without wine even for a day.

--- Comments ---
I guess this would be the noun version of [Vn-zu] (not doing something)?
(contributor: Antonio)

what does o-motenashi have to do with the suffix (?) 'nashi'? (contributor:

Nothing. #4122 おもてなし does not fit to this entry. (contributor:

Agreed. omotenashi = hospitality.
ex #4122 can be translated literally as:
For your hospitality, I cannot completely express my gratefulness no matter
how I thank you. (contributor: 誠)

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜すら (sura) ]

〜すら (sura) - just / even if

--- Examples ---
Even a genius such as myself couldn't solve it

I was so nervous that I couldn't even take a quick peek

There are no students that don't even know the 「人」 kanji!

Some student in this university don't even know how to talk to teachers.

Even these words will someday disappear.

Even this cable cost me 6000 yen.

A jealous person gets a feeling of contentment by behaving like a dog in
the manger even with his friends.

The student did not so much as answer the teacher.

Of course, even neither goods nor the mailing fee returned.

Japanese children brought up overseas sometimes face great difficulty in
adjusting themselves to Japanese schools after returning, even though they
have a perfect command of Japanese.

Even the mightiest of empires comes to an end.

Our boss begrudged us even a small raise in pay.

I couldn't even guess.

Some people have even visited the moon.

Even a worm will turn.

If he can do it well, so much more can we.

He has no daily necessities, much less luxuries.

His son cannot so much as write his own name.

He cannot even sing children's songs, let alone opera.

He can't run his own family, let alone a nation!

She doesn't even speak her own language well, let alone French.

--- Comments ---
This seems to be similar to 'demo', which might be a good way to remember
it. (contributor: Ben)

#536O There are no students? I can't read u人」as 「人」. mojibake!
(contributor: Miki)

is this identical to ?

- cannot even see (contributor: dc)

Can you use 〜すら to say something like 'if you so much as touch this,
there'll be trouble'? (contributor: xabre24)

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Today's Economics

Volume 15
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Going for Gold
Seeking Alpha | April 15, 2008 | View It
"The S&P 500 did well, but gold still outperformed."

The Bear is Out of the Box
Mike Swanson | April 13, 2008 | View It
"More money in circulation makes the price of goods and energy rise. It is an invisible tax you are paying . . ."

Gold, Euros and Risk
Adrian Ash | April 14, 2008 | View It
"Unlike real estate . . . Gold Bullion remains a highly liquid, easily priced asset that can store huge quantities of wealth in a very small space."

How Much Gold Do Vietnamese Keep Under Their Pillows? | April 16, 2008 | View It
"Gold remains the choice of Vietnamese people."

Oil Hits New Record as Investors Flee the Falling Dollar
Pablo Gorondi - WFC Courier | April 16, 2008 | View It
"Annual inflation in euro nations rose to a record 3.6 percent in March"

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜ともなく (tomonaku) ]

〜ともなく (tomonaku) - Without really planning to, ~

--- Notes ---

When 「〜と(も)なく/〜と(も)なしに」is attached to a
question word (or question word and particle), it expresses uncertainty
(about when, where, who, what). Alternatively, when used on either end of
verbs expressing sensation, perception or speculation, as
in「見るともなく見る/聞くともなく聞く」, it indicates
that the action happens unintentionally or without conscious effort. This
model can be said to be representative of Japanese phrases expressing
involuntary/unconscious actions.


--- Examples ---
Without really planning, I looked ouside and saw anpanman!

Out of thin air...

I had not waited long before she turned up.

She came up from goodness knows where.


--- Comments ---
You can also say 〜ともなしに (contributor: blabby)

I think example #5181 is different grammar. 待つこと、もなく、〜
(contributor: blabby)

Correct! ex #5181 does not belong here. (contributor: bamboo4)

#5986 could be translated as:

I just happened to glance outside, when suddenly a large crow flew towards
me. (contributor: montydrei)

見るともなくぼんやり外を見ていたら can be translated as 'I
was looking outside absent-mindedly without really seeing anything.....'
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜べからざる (bekarazaru) ]

〜べからざる (bekarazaru) - must not; cannot

--- Notes ---
〜べからず/〜べからざる : 〜してはいけない・禁止



By the way

--- Examples ---
Movies for adults must not be watched by young people.
成人指定映画は青少年の見る べからざる ものだ

An act that cannot be forgiven.

Is it not true that this is certainly a crime that cannot be ignored?

In today's society, computers are becoming something you can't do without.

On this luggage, it is written/stated that 「Danger! Do not touch」

--- Comments ---
未然形 of an auxilliary verb べかり(from べくあり= should
be)plus negative auxilliary verb ざる,which is 連体形 of ず.
(contributor: bamboo4)

is this extremely formal? it sounds like it... (contributor: dc)

It is not only formal but it is somewhat archaic. (contributor: bamboo4)

I've been studying Japanese for almost 3 years and I've never come across
this grammar except in text books...I asked my (young) Japanese friends and
they have no idea. But if you do a Google search, there are lots of

It is always followed by a noun. もの, こと, 行為, etc. (contributor:

You can also construct a phrase combining it with various suffixes.
(contributor: bamboo4)

This must be worth remembering, but few Japanese use it in everyday speech.
I think that most Japanese usually say:




(contributor: Nick)

Actually, the 終止形 form is べし, and it conjugates like an
adjective, meaning the 未然形 is べから.

As blabby hinted, use べからざる before nouns, and べからず at the
end of sentences. (contributor: jimmyseal)

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ にひきかえ (nihikikae) ]

にひきかえ (nihikikae) - in contrast with; compared to

--- Examples ---

In contrast to my old car, his is really fast

We harvested 50 tomatoes last year. In contrast, this year we harvested
only 30. This may be due to the weather...

--- Comments ---
Is this often used in spoken japanese as well? (contributor: Bree)

ex#5166 needs to have 'this year' added somewhere 'In contrast, we
harvested only 30 this year.' (contributor: Stephen)

done (contributor: dc)

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜でなくてな���だろう (denakute-nandarou) ]

〜でなくてなんだろう (denakute-nandarou) - If thats not ... I
don't know what is

--- Notes ---
always follows a noun. written only

〜でなくてなんだろう literally means : 'If it is not 〜,then
what it is/ what can it be?'

--- Examples ---
If this isn't the world's best cake, then I don't know what is.

The president of that country decides everything himself ignoring nation's
concerns. If that's not dictatorship, then i don't know what is.


--- Comments ---
JLPT Level 4? (contributor: anon)

well spotted. Level 1 i think. (contributor: dc)

JPLT Level 1 without a doubt. (contributor: olivier)

not to be a nit-picker, but how does that example sentence fit in with
'written only'? (contributor: rasmusjp)

suppose we're talking about a person, is 〜でなくてだれだろう
acceptable? (same goes for places, time, etc) (contributor: cosmo)

think its grammatically correct its just probably not used. Also consider
that when speaking about other people you have to be careful about
politeness, so saying なくてだれだろう?might be considered a
little bit rude. (contributor: iamharenchi)

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なり (nari2) ]

なり (nari2) - expresses continuing state

--- Notes ---
Verb(た形)+なり implies one movement is continuing. 〜したまま。

--- Examples ---
He left the office and hasn't come back.

He stared at her and didn't move an inch for a while.

--- Comments ---
is this identical to -kiri
he went ... (and hasnt been seen since) (contributor: dc)

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜をものとも���ずに (~womonotomosezuni) ]

〜をものともせずに (~womonotomosezuni) - In the face of, in
defiance of

--- Examples ---
Undaunted, despite the pain in her legs, she finished her run in the
marathon race.

Without heed to the road deeply covered with snow, he doggedly drove on.

Heedless of the enemy advance, the troops charged.

in defiance of everyone around them, the two of them got married.

Making nothing of the cold he went out in thin clothes.

He jumped into the river in defiance of the icy water.

The reckless girl climbed the tree regardless of danger.

--- Comments ---
added a translation and some see also links.
be nice to know subtelties between this and (contributor: dc)

perhaps others are 'despite' whereas this is a much stronger 'in defiance
of/against all odds' type phrase... (contributor: dc)

I think it also means 'regardless'; behaving as though the obstacle or
whatever isn't actually there. (contributor: Rob)

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかにも (ikanimo) ]

いかにも (ikanimo) - seems (but is not); indeed

--- Notes ---
Description + いかにも + evidence to the contrary = seems (but isn't)
Desciption + いかにも = indeed

--- Examples ---
The bag indeed looks heavy, but there's nothing inside, so it only weighs 1

That guy has a really frightening look, but he is in fact a very gentle

That indeed sounds like what he would have said.

That suit has an expensive look.

That's Bill all over.

Your clothes say 'vacation resort' to me.

Such playfulness is characteristic of Mr Baker.

I look for all the world like an athlete in this outfit, but the truth is I
don't do any sports at all.

That way of talking is typical of him.

That way of talking is typical of him.

Such behavior is just like Meg.

Such words are particular to him.

A person who makes an easy matter sound difficult does not seem to be so

I firmly believe it is characteristic of him to be late.

It was typical of him to arrive late.

It is characteristic of him to go to work before breakfast.

He's a salesman's salesman.

He posed as my close friend.

She talks too aloofly.

--- Comments ---
ex#2993 とても親切な人でした。not でた。
you can also say,
(contributor: Miki)

In #2993, if you want to say 親切な, you have to say 'kind,' but if you
say 優しい then you can say 'gentle.' YOu can be 親切 but do not
necessarily be 優しい and vice versa.
(contributor: bamboo4)

JDict gives both kind and gentle as meanings for both - can you clarify?

親切な 【しんせつ】kind
優しい 【やさしい】gentle (contributor: dc)

It is true that 親切な and 優しい are often mixed up. However,
technically speaking 親切 is what is represented by the act of Good
Samaritan in the Bible, meaning going out of one's way to help, but this
does not necessrily mean he is 優しい, which means that he is gentle of
disposition and sweet-tempered. A sweet-tempered person could often be a
kind person at the same time, but that is not the necessary condition.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Edited #2993. (contributor: bamboo4)

I added in a note that clarified a bit of confusion for me. After I wrote
it, it seemed a bit obvious, but I suppose that's how learning goes. I hope
it's useful for others, and the kind of note that's desired. (contributor:
Ebisu Dave)

ex #3968 ' With this appearance/outfit, I indeed look like doing sports,
but the truth is I don't do any sports at all. ' Sounds better.
(contributor: 誠)

The note says Description + いかにも but all the examples appear to be
いかにも + Description. Should we change that? (contributor: yookoso)

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 唯でさえ (tadadesae) ]

唯でさえ (tadadesae) - To add to, something alone is normally enough

--- Examples ---
This neighbourhood is already normally noisy enough but this week
construction started nearby so now I can hardly get a wink of sleep.

Haven't you caused enough trouble already

This is normally really delicious anyway but if you add our special
ingredient it will be irresistable.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならともかく (naratomokaku) ]

ならともかく (naratomokaku) - I'm not sure if it is [possible/so]

--- Notes ---
名詞句 + ならともかく, B

--- Examples ---
Maybe you can do it, but I don't do such a thing.

Maybe it's possible for a foreigner, but Japanese people would never do

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まだしも (madashimo) ]

まだしも (madashimo) - would be much better, would be acceptable

--- Examples ---
Once would be acceptable, but you've misspelled that word six times now.

This would be better than that.

I would rather die than have such a terrible experience.

A few days would have been excusable but you are in arrears for 10 days.

--- Comments ---
often appears with 'nara' in front, meaning '(if it were this) then that
would be OK, but...'
This was a correct answer on the 1kyuu in 2005. (contributor:

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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜てはいられ���い・〜てばかりはいられない (tehairarenai / tebakarihairarenai) ]

〜てはいられない・〜てばかりはいられない (tehairarenai
/ tebakarihairarenai) - can't / can't afford 〜(doing something)

--- Notes ---

one can't afford doing or continue doing a certain action because of
nervousnes or to meet the demands of that particular situation or moment.
「〜てばかりはいられない」is almost the same as
「〜てはいられない」, only the ばかり emphasizes of ' only
just doing .... (action that one should not be doing that moment)'.

--- Examples ---
Because exam is just around the corner, I can't (afford to) be fooling

Since the customers will be coming in no time and it will be a hard time,
we can't just relaxing around drinking tea.

--- Comments ---
In #5856, 'Since the customers will be coming in no time and it will be a
hard time' is awkward. Should read: 'Since customers will be arriving in no
time and we will have more than our fill...' (contributor: bamboo4)

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜の至り (noitari) ]

〜の至り (noitari) - completely; utmost

--- Notes ---
formal, written.

Noun + の至り

Notes: Formal. No kiwami and no itari mean exactly the same thing and are
also exactly the same grammatically. The only difference is that no itari
sounds more humble.

khongbietboi, according to my JLPT1 grammar book what you are saying isn't
entirely correct. no itari can only be used for the speaker, whereas no
kiwami can be used for others as well. so they are NOT exactly the same.

--- Examples ---
I was completely embarassed

in the folly of youth

utmost joy

great blessing

I shook the hand of my favourite actress. I was completely overwhelmed.

--- Comments ---
is this the same as (contributor: dc)

maybe has more of an implication of something that lead up to this
situation? like - same kanji 至る (contributor: dc)

I read that this is mainly used with experssions of emotion. 光栄,
感激, 若気,感心, etc are commonly used. It is ofen inerchangable
with 〜の極み but 〜の極み is also used for words of non-emotion
such as 疲労の極み. (contributor: blabby)

Can somebody confirm if 〜の至り is used only for emotions.

贅沢(ぜいたく)の至り and 低俗の至り are wrong because they
are not emotions. Right?

They should be 贅沢の極み and 低俗の極み right??

Is ther an easier way to tell the difference between 〜の極みand
〜の至り? (contributor: blabby)

I am not sure if you can categorize 至り as relating to emotions
and 極み as not. 光栄の至り、汗顔の至り
and 慶賀の至り, etc., may not just relate to emotions. It is hard to
set up any rule to differentiate.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Everyone, according to my JLPT1 grammar book, an important difference
between の至り and の極み is that the first can only be used for
yourself (the speaker), whereas the latter can be used for others as well.
Hope that helps (contributor: mankind)

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 兼ねて (kanete) ]

兼ねて (kanete) - combine with

--- Notes ---
Noun + を + 兼ねて
Noun + を + 兼ねる

--- Examples ---
In going to Osaka on business, I'll combine it with a sightseeing visit to

Hold the office of Prime Minister concurrently with the portfolio of
Foreign Minister.

I want to get a job that mixes work and play.

Combined with writing practice, I am corresponding with my Japanese pen
friend. I guess I am killing two birds with one stone.

Along with personal interest and practical reasons, I studied Japanese.
Before I knew it, translation became my main source of income.

--- Comments ---
Thank you for putting this page up.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this in a form other than
Noun+を+兼ねて? (contributor: blabby)

I thought of examles other than Noun nor noun phrase, nothing comes up.
noun phrase eg. 頭を冷やすのを兼ねて公園に散歩に行く
(contributor: Miki)

Thanks for your help Miki, I'll add it to the notes section. (contributor:

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ からすると (karasuruto-2) ]

からすると (karasuruto-2) - from (the point of view)

--- Examples ---
As the person receiving the email he might casually forward the message
with no ill intent but for the person who sent the email, put together with
hard effort, to be sent on to a third party without notice could be

From the point of view of those who know ...

From this point of view, you are right.

From the look of the sky, I'm afraid the rain won't let up for a while.

From the look of the sky, it may begin to snow tonight.

I from an aestheitc point of view.

The circumstances gave color to her story.

From the buyer's point of view, the prices of these CD players are too

His plan seems very good from my point of view.

From the standpoint of the law, he is free.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ たりとも (taritomo) ]

たりとも (taritomo) - Even only / Even merely / Even just

--- Notes ---
Small amount + たりとも。
Often the small amount starts with a 1. 1円, 1分, 1セント, etc.

〜たりとも...ない  : (1円/一日/...)

often with negative potential form, できない、許されない

--- Examples ---
Don't you dare waste even one grain of rice!

With this type of video game, you can't afford to lose your concentration
for even just a second.

Not progress even a centimeter.

--- Comments ---
#5444 is awkward. You just use も in that case and say:

1センチも進まない or 1センチも進むことができない.
たりとも in such cases is used to prevent or deter the progress. E.g.,
(contributor: bamboo4)

agree with bamboo on #5444 (contributor: 誠)

Besides which 'Not progress' is bad English. (contributor: Paul)

Agree with bamboo (contributor: サリル)

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜をおいて (wooite) ]

〜をおいて (wooite) - apart from/leaving aside

--- Examples ---
Apart from you, there is noone suitable for this company's President.

--- Comments ---
を措いて wo oite followed by 〜ない or negative (contributor: Miki)

How is this different from 以外 【いがい】? (contributor: yookoso)


I'm wondering if this is grammatically correct? (contributor: ozonitabetai)

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