Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜であれ (deare) ]

〜であれ (deare) - No matter what; Even if; No matter how

--- Notes ---
Same meaning as 'Tatoe~temo'. Written. Formal.



--- Examples ---
Even the company president has to obey the rules.

Voting is something that you have to do, even if you live abroad.


No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are
moments when you wish you had chosen some other career.

I will go, be the weather what it may.

Whoever is at the door, please ask him to wait.

--- Comments ---
Please, think to the people who have a hardtime understandin japanes
writing and put the example also in romanji. Thank you. (contributor:

I am not able to read kanjis... (contributor: uetaki)

This example is JLPT level 1. It is formal and WRITTEN grammar.

Just click on the example and you will get a tranlastion into hiragana from
the Edict dictionary.

If you can't read hiragana, you will find studying advanced written grammar
a little hard... (contributor: blabby)

Is this just like a formal version of 「だって」、As
in, アメリカ人だってご飯を食べますよ。

Hmm actually that's not right, is it. I guess it's more like でも or
であっても, yeah? (contributor: rogen)

From what I have studied so far であれ has a similar meaning to
であっても and でも (contributor: evdsluys)

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どうやら (douyara) ]

どうやら (douyara) - it seems, apparently, somehow

--- Examples ---
I rushed, and somehow made it on time

It seems he doesn't know

It appears that he cannot identify that man there.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong number.'

Apparently the shabby flat is vacant.

I almost think you're right.

I seem to have caught a bad cold.

There appears to be a misunderstanding.

The chances are that I had my wallet stolen on the bus.

I'm afraid I've eaten too much.

I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow.

It would seem that the weather is improving.

We seem to have escaped form danger.


I only meant to eat one cookie, but I seem to have eaten the lot.

--- Comments ---
As for the first example, J should be
彼が分からないらしい would be, it seems she doesn't know who he
is. (contributor: Miki)

どうやら彼が分からないらしい means someone (who remains
unidentified but not the speaker) cannot discern him.

どうやら彼は分からないらしい means 'he' is not able to
discern something (not dicclosed) as observed by the speaker.

(contributor: bamboo4)

Accordingly, 彼が分からないらしい should be changed to

(contributor: bamboo4)

Is the 'somehow' meaning similar to nantoka (なんとか)? If so, there is
no entry for that currently... (contributor: yookoso)

Yes, it seems to be so.
ex#1279, 3933 and 3934 どうやら can be replaced by なんとか.
(contributor: Miki)

I would say 'どうやら、あの人は判らないらしい。'

I would say

The other examples are OK. (contributor: Nick)

#3095 どうやら、(あの人は he)あの人が(that man
#3930 Both …らしい。 and …ようだ。 are fine. (contributor:

(contributor: Nick)

〜らしい (I hear that... / Someone says that...)
〜ようだ (It seems that...)
These are not interchangeable. (contributor: Nick)

Perhaps I don't understand. This is what I think from these two phrases:

It looks like I had my wallet stolen on the bus somehow. (The person has
noticed their wallet is missing all on their own.)

I heard/It seems that I had my wallet stolen on the bus somehow.
(They don't remember what happened on the bus, but someone has told them
later they saw the wallet being stolen. Or maybe someone has told them
their wallet was stolen before they noticed it themselves. However, I don't
think I would have the nerve to tell someone I saw their wallet being
stolen yet didn't say it at the time it was happening...)

Please correct me if I'm wrong. (contributor: Petra)

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜にして (nishite) ]

〜にして (nishite) - only; because of that

--- Notes ---

other similar meanings:

だけ only:
 a thing only a scholar could do

だから so
 he is a scholar so he could do it

だからこそ due to/because of
 because he is a great scholar he could do it

--- Examples ---
He worked hard to execute Nobel Prize level research. This was the
something only a great scholar could achieve.

Only as a student did I go to Japan.

90歳 にして彼はいまだに驚くほど元気である。
At the age of ninety he still has surprising vigour.

--- Comments ---
#5146: can someone check please? (contributor: dc)

#6138 The Japanese is weird. 留学生として日本に行った。 is
better. That means this example does not fit to this entry. (contributor:

#5146 The Japanese looks ok. Usually the expression is used as written
language. Simpler expression is
(contributor: Miki)

#6139 For your reference, this にして is different from the entry.
(contributor: Miki)

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かのごとく (kanogotoku) ]

かのごとく (kanogotoku) - as if

--- Notes ---
〜かのごとく: 〜かのように + 形容詞・動詞

--- Examples ---
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

Dance freely as if nobody was watching.

Within this forest, it was so mysterious as if one had even gone some ten
thousands years back in time

--- Comments ---
Appeared in JLPT 1 for 2002 (contributor: Amatuka)

Seems may be used mostly in poetic / lyric sense. (contributor: Amatuka)

Actually, this entry is under ごとく since the 〜かの before it can
be seen as a noun phrase, 何万年も前に戻ったか(noun phrase)
+ の + ごとく (contributor: 誠)

Actually, it sounds similar with 〜かのような, only thing is now
since the following phrase is either an Adjective or Verb, it becomes
〜かのように. And also, ごとく is a classical word. (contributor:

I agree. The かの of 〜かのよう(に) might need special
explanation for those at a lower level who aren't familiar with these
constructions, but once you've reached level 1 and presumably long-since
mastered 〜よう(に) and 〜かのよう(に) I wouldn't have
thought this required any further mention once the entry for ごとく had
been read; certainly not a seperate entry. (contributor: mochabean)

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜かたわら (〜katawara) ]

〜かたわら (〜katawara) - not only, ...also (This expression is only
used in writing)

--- Examples ---
As well as studying Spanish, I decided to study flamenco as a hobby.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ あっての (atteno) ]

あっての (atteno) - Thanks to (various things), (outcome)

--- Examples ---
My success is thanks to your support.

What I am today is thanks to my parents who gave me a life twenty some
years ago.

I just said so without thinking much about it. I didn't mean anything

I know you're complaining about your car being totaled but it's just a good
thing you weren't injured. You should be thankful to be alive.

While there is life, there is hope.

Victory is not possible without everyday practice. .

--- Comments ---
Noted on a site as 'JLPT 2' level. (contributor: your name)

ケータイで読めるだ! (contributor: まさか)

I can't find this in my copies of JPLT2 grammar... (contributor: halx)

English version of the example is kinda awkward. (contributor: bamboo4)

Its JLPT1 (contributor: dc)

A good translation of AあってのB might be 'B exists because of A' or
more naturally, 'B wouldn't be anything without A'? (contributor: blabby)

AあってのB means 'there ain't no B except for A.'

平和があっての経済の発展 would therefore mean 'There would be
no economic prosperity without peace.' (contributor: bamboo4)

What if you said,

Does that still make sense? (contributor: rogen)

I think so. (contributor: Miki)

#3645 is seems to be different in meaning and form from the あっての
construction described here; rather it seems to simply be a form of ある.
(contributor: mochabean)

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ もさることな���ら (mosarukotonagara) ]

もさることながら (mosarukotonagara) - is (such) but (____) is also

--- Notes ---
Not only~

--- Examples ---
In solving the problem of street-parking of cars the response of the
council is obviously important but the attitude of the local residents is
also a significant factor.

In America, Basketball is clearly popular but so is Football.

Not only intention of the parents, the child himself has yearned to the
famous school.

--- Comments ---
See daijirin entry on 然ること
(contributor: Paul)

See entry 'mo saru koto nagara' (contributor: Paul)

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ たかだか (takadaka) ]

たかだか (takadaka) - At most

--- Examples ---
This work can be completed within about three days at the outside.

--- Comments ---
is this the same as ? (contributor: dc)

Yes, it is sinonymous to
(contributor: bamboo4)

Can anyone make use of sentence to use Seizei (contributor: Narender)

Please check . Especially, #1111 (contributor: Miki)

Proper translation for takadaka is 'At best'.
At most has opposite meaning. (contributor: christ)

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ せる・させる (causepass) ]

せる・させる (causepass) - make, let (someone do something)

--- Examples ---
I let my daughter eat ice cream.

Let me pay for it.

--- Comments ---
causative verbs 使役動詞
passive verbs  受動態動詞、受身動詞 (contributor: anon)

Great page, I found it most helpful.
Just one question - how would we translate 'shinareru'?

For verbs which obviously have actors and objects such as to eat, to play
etc, to be eaten and to be played are easy translations. But for things
like die, and other such verbs that you do yourself? (contributor: bi-ru)

These actions are done unto you by others (the subject is the passive
recepient) So in the case of 死なれる, in most cases, you should be
able to translate it as 'someone dies on you'. (contributor: kimchi314)

It is great! There are not many text books that cover cuasative and passive
verbs properly. I'm impressed! (contributor: Masumi)

shinareru = to be killed
ex: Kanojo wa kare ni shinaremashita. (She was killed by him.)
(contributor: Ayumi)

shinareru = to be killed (contributor: Dama)

Tha Causative form of 'kuru' is KOSASERU not koraseru as it appears in the
Causative Conjugation Rules Box (contributor: kaszarob)

彼女は彼に殺された=She was killed by him.

彼女は彼に死なれた=She had died on him.

気をつけてね!^^ (contributor: akiokun)

〜られる=Passive 〜させる=Causative  ね^^
(contributor: akiokun)

Why don´t you write the example also in romaji?
Despite you explanation it is very dificult to know how to read the kanji.
(contributor: futaro)

彼女は彼に死なれた=He had died on her
It is 'he' who had died on 'her' and not the other way round. (contributor:

'ask a question' looks confusing for you.
Tthe example (2)先生が質問をたくさん聞かせてくれた。 is
strange. It should be 先生がたくさん質問を_させてくれた。
if English is Teacher let (someone) ask lots of questions.
Another example
(5) 外国人に質問を聞かれたが、答えられなかった。 is
correct. You can also say 外国人に質問をされたが、…。
(contributor: Miki)

This is most definitely on JLPT level 3. (contributor: Drew)

futaro, this page was originally from another Japanese 'tutorial', and the
original writer never put it in romaji...I think he wanted the readers to
look it up. (contributor: Saralynne)

I understood the 払わせてください (Let me pay for it).
And the 彼に払わせてあげる (I let him pay).

What about:
払わせてもらう? (contributor: sky)

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まさか (masaka) ]

まさか (masaka) - incredible!

--- Examples ---
Did I ever expect you to come!

Incredible !

Oh my gosh! You're the last person I expected to meet in a situation like

What he said can scarcely be true.

Teacher automatically uttered 'masaka' when he heard that Runny cleared the

--- Comments ---
真逆 [まさか] (adv) (uk) by no means, (P)
まさか (adv) never!, well, I never!, you don't say!
真 [ま] (n,pref) just, right, due (east), pure, genuine, true, (P)
逆 [ぎゃく] (adj-na,n) reverse, opposite, (P)
逆さ [さかさ] (n) reverse, inversion, upside down, (P)
In English: 'directly opposite'

(contributor: deweychetham)

まさか coupled with negative or denial expresses unexpected hypothetical
case. Synonimous with よもや or いくらなんでも.
(contributor: bamboo4)

V-plain + とは思う is used in most of the examples above - does that
deserve its own JGram entry? (contributor: yookoso)

I think using only まさか can have the connotation of 'no way'... the
'nai' is often left unsaid.

A: 彼がもう結婚しちゃったって
B: まさか(そういうことあるわけないだろう) (contributor:

I agree with nhk9さん、but i think that should be under the entry of
which literally ' it can't be that 〜,right?'

まさか〜とは思わなかった should deserve a different entry ,
since it literally means
'Didn't expect 〜(to be) ' (contributor: 誠)

I agree with yookosoさん, how does V-plain +とは思う differ from
V-plain +と思う/だと思う? (contributor: xabre24)

Another phrase I like to use when translating まさか is 'Don't tell me
... !', though that doesn't work in every case.

And a まさか phrase that doesn't translate literally is
そのまさかだ! (or the equivalent). Sometimes, when someone says,
for example, まさか、(insert unlikely/unwelcome situation
here)じゃないだろう? (It COULDN'T be (situation), right?), the
response is そのまさかだ! (It IS that (situation)!). Try
translating まさか itself directly in that case, and you're just asking
for trouble. (contributor: KWhazit)

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ながらも (nagaramo) ]

ながらも (nagaramo) - even while, even though, as she was

--- Examples ---
He could not refrain from smiling, though with a slight sense of guilt.

Although he says he might return to Iran to marry, his plans after Japan
are up in the air.

He gave me what little money he had about him.

Tom took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble
along to a party.

Enough gold that have it even though there is little he were given to me.

Woman as she was, she fought bravely.

She gave what few coins she has to the beggar.

She did it against her will.

Child as he was , he was brave.

--- Comments ---
How did we end up with many duplicate examples?
(contributor: bamboo4)

I put in the same ones twice, oops. (contributor: dc)

ex #3777 'He gave me what little money he had on him.'

ex #3783 'Even though he didn't have much he gave me all that he had'
or'Even though he didn't have much he gave it all to me'

ex #3784 'Even though a woman she fought bravely' or 'Even though she was
only a woman she fought bravely'

ex #3787 'Even though he was only a child he was brave' or 'He was brave
even though only a child.'

These sound more natural to me. (contributor: Kanemiya)

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかん (ikan) ]

いかん (ikan) - based on

--- Notes ---
〜いかん is the same as によって


Look at this subtle difference:

1 結果いかんで、次のレベルを決める
  based on the result, the next level will be decided

2 結果いかんでは、次のレベルに行ける
  based on the result, you will go to the next level

in (1) a clear result comes out, so the で particle is used.
in (2) a process will start, so では is used to link the two parts.


Negative case 'without regard to'


As far as I know, いかんで means that one thing depends on another.
i.e. We'll decide what to do depending on the results.

いかんでは means that something has already happened, so the speaker
is using those results to predict/suggest something else . i.e. Looking at
these results we should do this.

〜いかんだ : Based on how/whether 〜

名詞 + いかんだ

Depending on the results, it is possible to enter university.

Depending on the results, it is possible(there are times where one) not
being able to enter university.

--- Examples ---
Depending on the exam results its possible also to fail graduation

On the basis of your test results, your level will be decided

Regardless of the weather, I will come

depending on the fortune teller consultation, it will be decided if i will
return to America

Depending on the weather, i will come

That cannot be helped one way or another.

That issue would be decided depending on what your attitude will be on it.

What will be the fate of Spiderman!

Anyone can participate in the game, no matter what nationality they are.

Happiness depends, not so much on circumstances, as on one's way of looking
at one's life.

It can't be helped.

Whether you will succeed or not depends upon your own exertions.

Success depends on your efforts.

Rain or shine, I will come to meet you at the station.

He stood for freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color.

His life hangs on the judge's decision.

--- Comments ---
My comments re によって is equally applicable to Examples 1 and 2.
(contributor: bamboo4)

占いの相談 is a strange Japanese. Normally, 占いの結果.
(contributor: bamboo4)

直った (contributor: dc)

RE 天気 いかんでは, whether you say 来ます or 行きます, that
is an uncommon expression. One would say 次第では instead of

(contributor: bamboo4)

#1307 There is no such word as irregardless. Don't let the Japanese
double-beg fool you, the correct Eigo is Regardless, regardless of the
situation... (contributor: Stickler)

PS, make that double-neg. I can't type (contributor: Stickler)

welcome Stickler!
changes made, example upped to 'checked'... feel free to edit the examples
yourself too... (contributor: dc)

In notes dc[62], I think....
結果いかんでは is by emphasizing with では, implies more another
side than just 結果いかんで that you will not have a chance to go to
the next level depending on the result. You next action is decided after
the result of something is clear and see the situation you are in.
結果いかんで implies neutral. What to do is automatically followed by
the result. (contributor: Miki)

The difference between 結果如何で and 結果いかんでは disappears
when you say 結果如何で駄目になることがある and
(contributor: bamboo4)

ex#3353 this いかん is derivative of いかぬ, means
ex#3355 いかん comes from the combination of 厳し「い」and
か「かん」ばつ 旱魃 drought. (contributor: Miki)

well spotted. i deleted those two examples... (contributor: dc)

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 精一杯 (seiippai) ]

精一杯 (seiippai) - as hard as possible

--- Examples ---
I don't know if i can do it or not, but I will try my best!

That was his nearest approach to a smile.

This is the extent of my ability.

--- Comments ---
Is this the same as 一所懸命 【いっしょけんめい】? If so, any
tips on when to use each? (contributor: yookoso)

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Swiss Gold Bullion in Huge Demand as Trust in Banks Dives
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に至る (niitaru) ]

に至る (niitaru) - leads to, all the way to, as far as

--- Notes ---
noun + に至る
 東京に至るまで as far as tokyo

Vdic + に至る

often used with まで:until

--- Examples ---
This road goes to the park.

The path of duty was the way to glory.

The civil rights movement leads to a dream.

It is not the goal but the way there that matters.

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class

Thus were affairs circumstanced in the period leading up to the declaration
of war.

The fire was put out before it got serious.

They have branches all over the world, from Calcutta to New York City.

For the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction.

From Tokyo as far as Touhoku.

--- Comments ---
#5145 could be replaced with [kara-nikakete] (contributor: dc)

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なしに (nashini) ]

なしに (nashini) - without

--- Examples ---
Your hospitality cannot go unthanked.

I can't do without this dictionary.

The arrangements are subject to change without notice.

No one can achieve anything without effort.

I just said so without thinking much about it. I didn't mean anything

He says he can't go without wine even for a day.

--- Comments ---
I guess this would be the noun version of [Vn-zu] (not doing something)?
(contributor: Antonio)

what does o-motenashi have to do with the suffix (?) 'nashi'? (contributor:

Nothing. #4122 おもてなし does not fit to this entry. (contributor:

Agreed. omotenashi = hospitality.
ex #4122 can be translated literally as:
For your hospitality, I cannot completely express my gratefulness no matter
how I thank you. (contributor: 誠)

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ でなくては (denakuteha) ]

でなくては (denakuteha) - if not.. then noone

--- Examples ---
Noone but mother could make this delicious food

There is no point in discussing it unless that would be the case.


No matter how rich one may be, one cannot live happily without health.

Chestnuts have to be boiled for at least fifteen minutes.

You students are supposed to be diligent.

Food is essential to life.

You must be faithful to your word.

Nobody except you can write this book.

--- Comments ---
can be used for #5459, and with appropriate modification for #5017,but note
that they are not ready replacements for other examples.

You may want to think why. (contributor: bamboo4)

what's up with no one being misspelled twice? (contributor: Claytonain)

its waiting for you to edit + correct claytonian. feel free to improve the
content... (contributor: dc)

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今から思えば (imakaraomoeba) ]

今から思えば (imakaraomoeba) - Looking back on it now

--- Examples ---
Looking back on it now, quitting the company was the right thing to do.

Looking back on it now I wish i had done things the way my parents told

Looking back on it now I haven't done anything to help my parents.

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかにも (ikanimo) ]

いかにも (ikanimo) - seems (but is not); indeed

--- Notes ---
Description + いかにも + evidence to the contrary = seems (but isn't)
Desciption + いかにも = indeed

--- Examples ---
The bag indeed looks heavy, but there's nothing inside, so it only weighs 1

That guy has a really frightening look, but he is in fact a very gentle

That indeed sounds like what he would have said.

That suit has an expensive look.

That's Bill all over.

Your clothes say 'vacation resort' to me.

Such playfulness is characteristic of Mr Baker.

I look for all the world like an athlete in this outfit, but the truth is I
don't do any sports at all.

That way of talking is typical of him.

That way of talking is typical of him.

Such behavior is just like Meg.

Such words are particular to him.

A person who makes an easy matter sound difficult does not seem to be so

I firmly believe it is characteristic of him to be late.

It was typical of him to arrive late.

It is characteristic of him to go to work before breakfast.

He's a salesman's salesman.

He posed as my close friend.

She talks too aloofly.

--- Comments ---
ex#2993 とても親切な人でした。not でた。
you can also say,
(contributor: Miki)

In #2993, if you want to say 親切な, you have to say 'kind,' but if you
say 優しい then you can say 'gentle.' YOu can be 親切 but do not
necessarily be 優しい and vice versa.
(contributor: bamboo4)

JDict gives both kind and gentle as meanings for both - can you clarify?

親切な 【しんせつ】kind
優しい 【やさしい】gentle (contributor: dc)

It is true that 親切な and 優しい are often mixed up. However,
technically speaking 親切 is what is represented by the act of Good
Samaritan in the Bible, meaning going out of one's way to help, but this
does not necessrily mean he is 優しい, which means that he is gentle of
disposition and sweet-tempered. A sweet-tempered person could often be a
kind person at the same time, but that is not the necessary condition.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Edited #2993. (contributor: bamboo4)

I added in a note that clarified a bit of confusion for me. After I wrote
it, it seemed a bit obvious, but I suppose that's how learning goes. I hope
it's useful for others, and the kind of note that's desired. (contributor:
Ebisu Dave)

ex #3968 ' With this appearance/outfit, I indeed look like doing sports,
but the truth is I don't do any sports at all. ' Sounds better.
(contributor: 誠)

The note says Description + いかにも but all the examples appear to be
いかにも + Description. Should we change that? (contributor: yookoso)

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜てはいられ���い・〜てばかりはいられない (tehairarenai / tebakarihairarenai) ]

〜てはいられない・〜てばかりはいられない (tehairarenai
/ tebakarihairarenai) - can't / can't afford 〜(doing something)

--- Notes ---

one can't afford doing or continue doing a certain action because of
nervousnes or to meet the demands of that particular situation or moment.
「〜てばかりはいられない」is almost the same as
「〜てはいられない」, only the ばかり emphasizes of ' only
just doing .... (action that one should not be doing that moment)'.

--- Examples ---
Because exam is just around the corner, I can't (afford to) be fooling

Since the customers will be coming in no time and it will be a hard time,
we can't just relaxing around drinking tea.

--- Comments ---
In #5856, 'Since the customers will be coming in no time and it will be a
hard time' is awkward. Should read: 'Since customers will be arriving in no
time and we will have more than our fill...' (contributor: bamboo4)

Sorry if this is too simplistic, but am wondering if I can use this with
the negative form as well?
For example, can I say '___ しなくてはいられない' (Can't afford
not to do __)
(contributor: wribbit)

hey wribbit,

If you want to say you cant afford not to do, you should probably use I
must do or have to grammar forms. English and Japanese don`t have the same
idiomes, so trying to translate your thoughts exactly will end up in
strange Japanese. when you want to say Can`t afford not to do try

しなくではいけない (I must) or しなくではならない (I
have to)

also if you want to add a hypothetical if to it
しなければいけない or しなければならない

(contributor: tigert)

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ これ以上〜ば (koreijyou-ba) ]

これ以上〜ば (koreijyou-ba) - if ~ any more than this

--- Examples ---
If it rains any more than this the river will flood.

Having received many kind compliments from all of you, I cannot feel any
more honored than this.

It's a waste of time to wait any longer.

これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
How much more do I have to lose, before my heart is forgiven? (from 'one
more time, one more chance' by yamasaki masayoshi)

--- Comments ---
It doesn't look like examples #3008 or #4042 actually use the grammar
construct. (contributor: Nanashi)

I agree with Nanashi. (contributor: bamboo)

これ以上待てば時間を浪費するばかりだ。 (contributor:

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜そびれる (sobireru) ]

〜そびれる (sobireru) - Fail to ~

--- Notes ---
Verb(〜ますform) + そびれる。

--- Examples ---
I failed to return the money I borrowed.

I drank too much and failed to catch the last train.

--- Comments ---
This grammar is the same as 〜損なう。
返し損なう - Fail to return (it).
やり損なう - Mess up. (contributor: blabby)

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どんな (donna) ]

どんな (donna) - Whatever; whoever, etc.

--- Examples ---
No matter what happens.

No matter whatever you said......

Noone whatsoever can enter.

We try to accept whatever opinion you may have.

In what manner did you explain it?

No matter how much I drink, I want more.

What do you have to do with this matter?

--- Comments ---
Tried to show similarity to 'ikanaru-demo' which is not necessarily
conversational. (contributor: bamboo4)

should this be donna-demo to keep consistency with [ikanaru-demo]
(contributor: dc)

I don't think so. どんな is not inherently coupled with でも.
(contributor: bamboo4)

for #3000
i was told:
どんな人も、入る事はできません sounds odd.
more natural are:

but these arent examples of !
is there a reason this might sound uncomfortable? (contributor: dc)


どんなに飲んでももっと欲しくなる (contributor: dc)

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Today's Economics

Volume 47
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Gold Shines On
CNN | December 9, 2008 | View It
"the precious metal should still shine for investors in 2009."

Treasury Bills Trade at Negative Rates | December 9, 2008 | View It
"the Fed will lower its 1 percent target rate on overnight loans between banks to 0.25 percent on Dec. 16."

Goodbye Paper Money Hello Gold
pyrabang | December 7, 2008 | View It
"European central banks no longer want to sell gold. China wants to buy 360 tons of it as soon as humanly possible,"

Time to Retire
MarketWatch | December 8, 2008 | View It
"I've always been a long-term investor -- until today." "Now I'm a sold out bull."

SAs October Gold Mining Output Down 2.4% Y-on-Y
Esmarie Swanepoel | December 9, 2008 | View It
"Year-on-year, gold production decreased by 14,4% during this period."

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) ]

〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) - Once someone starts something, the person
can't stop it.

--- Notes ---

Once someone starts something, the person can't stop it.

Notes: Easily confused with ~kiri, but the meanings are completely
different and ga saigo doesn't mean 'for the last time'. Always used
with past tense verbs.

--- Examples ---
It was so delicious that once I started eating, I couldn't stop.

Whoever finds us will take the pearl.

Such a restroom that once you enter in it, you wont ever want to come out.

He is such karaoke fan that if only he gets his hands on the mike he
wouldn't drop it all night.

--- Comments ---
There are cases where this is similar to 一旦〜 (Once you 〜)
(contributor: blabby)

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ めく (meku) ]

めく (meku) - like / ish

--- Notes ---
means '-ish' or 'steeped in'. hard to translate!

I felt sure that this would work out.

--- Examples ---
because of the President's sarcastic like way of speech, the employees felt

The glisten ing sun on the blue sea...Ahhh, just thinking about it makes my
heart beat fast.

Hey, we've been friends for many years right? Don't use such a
strangerish/stranger- like style of speaking with me!

--- Comments ---
what does this mean? example: 
(contributor: dc)

This grammar is quite difficult because it is hard to translate into
English. The best translation I can come up with is

* to become ~like (山は春めく - 'The mountain became spring-like')
* to show signs of (show signs of spring)
* ~ish (他人めく - 'strangerish')?
* ~ly (冗談めく - Jokingly/皮肉めく - sarcastically)
* ~ing (謎めく - Puzzling) (contributor: blabby)

Another interesting thing about this grammar is its use with

きらきらする = きらめく To glitter
ひらひらする = ひらめく To flash/flutter
どきどきする? = ときめく To pulpitate

If anyone can correct this or has more information, I would love to hear
it. (contributor: blabby)

きらめく、ときめく are totally different animals from
皮肉めいた、他人めいた。 (contributor: dc)

名詞や副詞、形容詞や形容動詞の語幹base+めく means like
something or being in a condtion of something. (contributor: Miki)

I thought that きらめく/ときめく was different to
皮肉めく/他人めく too. But in my old grammar dictionary and here:
they are treated as the same grammar point. Can anyone clarify this?
(contributor: blabby)

I think they all mean 'summer-like'. (contributor: Suitto)

That's just the transformation of natsumeku 夏めく. Yes, all means
Natsumeku here is used as compliments of the season for June in a letter.
(contributor: Miki)

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならともかく (naratomokaku) ]

ならともかく (naratomokaku) - I'm not sure if it is [possible/so]

--- Notes ---
名詞句 + ならともかく, B

--- Examples ---
Maybe you can do it, but I don't do such a thing.

Maybe it's possible for a foreigner, but Japanese people would never do

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 始末だ (shimatsuda) ]

始末だ (shimatsuda) - Unfortunately, (it has become ~)

--- Notes ---
Verb(辞書形) + しまつだ。

The result is always something bad.

Meaning: Finally, on top of that. Used to describe when something bad
becomes worse.

--- Examples ---
Those two don't get along very well. Unfortunately , at the drop of a hat,
they start arguing.

Unfortunately, it has got to the point where he has to borrow money from

Just as I said, it turned out like this!

On top of getting divorced, I got fired from my job

--- Comments ---
I think this is similar to '〜してしまった' or
In my grammar book, there is no kanji but if you do a google search,
始末だ comes up often.
I'm not very confident about example #5437... (contributor: blabby)

#5437 Do you mean 結末 ketsumatus instead of 始末? (contributor: Miki)

#5437 is copied exactly as I found it. I'm not quite sure about it because
it is not at the end of the sentence as all the other examples are. 結末
and probably even 結果 sound like they would be good in context.
(contributor: blabby)

In #5437,始末 means 'from the beginning to the end' whereas in all other
examples, 始末 is used to mean 'situation' or 'circumstances.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ みせる (miseru) ]

みせる (miseru) - am determined to

--- Examples ---
This very year or never, I'm going to finish my MA thesis, if you will.

I'm going to read it, if you will.

I win by all means.

I'm sure I can overcome any difficulty.

I will succeed at any cost.

--- Comments ---
the will read ex is more a usage example - note the in boxes. i decided to
skip a big coding exercise and use the existing structure to include basic
grammar usage too. (contributor: dc)

This is an (or however you're going to categorize 'verb-te aux-verb'
(contributor: Amatuka)

not to be confused with 見せかける, to pretend/feign or have outward
appearance (usually used for things though) (contributor: dc)

...してみせる is a very difficult concept to convey. I am not sure
that there is an English equivalent. (contributor: bamboo4)

After thinking about it at length, I scrap verything I said and decided
that the best Japanese equivlant is 'if you will.'
That's not exactly the concept behind みせる but I think it is what I
would say if I am speaking in English. (contributor: bamboo4)

what about simply 'i'll show you! '? (contributor: rasmusjp)

'i'll show you! '? sounds like a really easy way to remember this. i wonder
if its accurate translation of the mood... (contributor: dc)

in many movies and comics that i translate(d), みせる is usually said by
annoyed youths, so the mood might as well be the same :) (contributor:

This is a tricky one. I think that the translation into 'I'll show you' is
good - except that you wouldn't really say that in English.
It is a form used when you have something to prove, or the desire to show
someone that you can/will do (whatever).
That said, in English there is no set phrase commonly uttered aloud to
express that feeling.
(Other than 'I'll show you/him/her/them!', but that is more often said to
one's self, rather than to another.
- I will eat an apple

- I will eat an apple (*while thinking* ...and show you! You said I
couldn't, so this will show you how wrong you are!) (contributor: skottt)

There are plenty of good translations in English.

The phrases 'Just you wait!' and 'You'll see!' pop immediately to mind, in
terms of phrases you can use when you've got something to prove.

The only difference? It's not in vogue in America to directly convey that
you have something to prove -- has a bit of the air of a children's

As a result, both of the phrases above, while a good translation, are
mostly only used in a silly or archaic fashion in English.

For instance, when I make fun of my girlfriend, she always replies
defiantly, 'One day I'll show you, you big lout!'

You could translate that to 'Itsuka Utte miseru!' (The 'utsu' verb for
exacting revenge, I forget the kanji)

It's archaic language used to convey a silly effect, not because the words
are 'old fashioned' but because the *feeling behind them* isn't one that
English speakers like to directly express. (contributor: Televangelist)

can it be thought of in contrast with ~てみる ? if so would the
translation of ~てもせる be ? (contributor: gandal)

how about this for a simpler explanation. the verb 見せる means to show.
so してみせる could best be translated as I will see (because I will
show you).


You will see, This year I will graduate.
(contributor: tigert)

How about 'too' as in, I will too eat the apple! (contributor: db)

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 気が付いた (kigatsuita) ]

気が付いた (kigatsuita) - I realized

--- Notes ---
See also .

kigasuru - feels like

kigatsuku - i noticed
kidsuku - i realized

--- Examples ---
Natto is tasty I realized.

When I came to, I was lying down on a hospital bed.

I just realized that I forgot my satchel in a bench of the park.

I realized that I liked him

--- Comments ---
That was the wrong つく (fixed) (contributor: Amatuka)

うそよ!納豆は美味しくないよ! (contributor: KotatsuSama)

I'm told that you must say:
Can anyone comment on that? (contributor: hennagaijin)

Yeah I think the above is right concerning a verb,
VERBたいのに気がついた (contributor: anna.kendall)

Actually, for a verb, it's the verb + の or こと+に気が付いた。
(contributor: Darrkangel)

I think this entry should be 気が付いた rather than
と気が付いた. Maybe rather JPLT1 than JPLT2 too. If somebody agree
with it, I will change the entry. (contributor: 赤毛)

Hey 赤毛、 I agree with you. the と in
納豆が美味しいと気が付いた is a quotation marker. it is the
same と used in 納豆が美味しいと思います. but it has nothing
to do with the second 気が付ける。

I think there should also be a note about the diffrence between
気が付ける and 気を付ける their meanings are completely
diffrent. the first being 'I realized' and the second being 'being safe' or
'taking care'

well thats my two yen lol じゃね (contributor: tigert)

Thanks Tigertさん. I changed the entry and the level. (contributor:

What about also adding 気づく to the same entry? They mean the same.
(contributor: lonesoullost)

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Today's Economics

Volume 46
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HSBC Fund Returns to Buying Gold To Hedge Against Inflation
Bloomberg | December 3, 2008 | View It
"Gold is the best supported of all commodities," "People are buying in anticipation of inflation"

Meltdown: Gold Emerges as Safest Bet
Gold Investing News | December 3, 2008 | View It
"As worries over global slump deepens with many countries slipping into recession, investors have started shifting their fund to gold,"

Gold Will Rise to $2000 An Ounce By 2010 | December 3, 2008 | View It
"Gold will be going through $1,000 very shortly in 2009, and go on to as high as $2,000 by 2010"

Depression in 2009
Cliff Droke | November 30, 2008 | View It
"if silver was remonetized, the economy would be restored to its former glory as both prices and wages advanced."

Citigroup Predicts Gold $2000 in 2009
The Market Oracle | December 2, 2008 | View It
"Citigroup says gold could rise above $2,000 next year as world unravels."

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ やむをえない (yamuwoenai) ]

やむをえない (yamuwoenai) - no other way to do
something しかたがない

--- Examples ---
regretfully there may be situations where the game has to be cancelled due
to bad weather.

regretfully there may be situations where the game has to be cancelled due
to bad weather.

--- Comments ---
The meaning I think is much stronger than しかったが無い. It
expresses the fact that in certain special situations an action or event
which is forthcoming is unavoidable. On the other hand although the former
is used in similar situations it expresses more the idea that something
always pans out in a certain way.

Coming I expect from the grammar construct 〜ざるをえない

You can also say やむにやまれず to mean the same thing.

I added my own example to show an alternative usage. (contributor:

if anyone reads the above comment, be careful. しかったが無い is
incorrect; the correct phrase is 仕方が無い(しかたがない),
without the small 'tsu.' (contributor: tmkain)

Can the Japanese example and the English translation be moved to the same
example rather than separate? I keep getting blank questions on the grammar
quiz because of the 'missing' data. (contributor: mochabean)

mochabean - yes, they can. can you do the edit? (contributor: dc)

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならでは (naradeha) ]

ならでは (naradeha) - but, except, without, but for

--- Notes ---
implies a special characteristic, or something that is unique to (that type
of person)

Almost always seems to be used like

noun +ならでは + の + noun

○ あの人ならではの能力
× あの人ならではできる

--- Examples ---
No one could have written such a prose as this one except him.

Noone but he would be equal to this task.

no one but mother could have made such delicious food.

characteristic of the dictionary

a feeling special to this season perhaps

A charming type of work specific to the region

Especially for the fussy 'master' (husband?) anything fresh and tasty.

With that company's stress on limited edition and hard to obtain goods, you
are sure to be satisfied. (bad trans)

Such a new conception is something only of that designer.

--- Comments ---
ならでは is equal to でなくては.
(contributor: bamboo4)

#5012 I think this would be better Japanese.
or こんなおいしい料理は母親でなくては作れない。
母親ならでは作られない。is somewhat not natural for me.
(contributor: Miki)

I agree, Miki-san. (contributor: bamboo4)

changed. (contributor: dc)

is this a little like 「のことだから」
its hiroko of course, so she was late. (contributor: dc)

It is not like 弘子のことだから, which means 'as it is usual for
Hiroko.' Accordingly, you would not say
弘子のことだから、遅れました, but you would say
弘子のことだから、遅れるでしょう. In other words, we use
that expression for prediction rather than description of what actually
took place. If you want to say 'HIroko was late, as usual,' you would say
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can also say : 弘子はいつも通りに遅れてきた (contributor:

So would it be correct to say that in cases where ならでは isn't
followed by の it will always be followed by a phrase containing a
negative verb? (contributor: Sumofan)

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今さら〜たと���ろで (imasara-tatokorode) ]

今さら〜たところで (imasara-tatokorode) - it's already too late

--- Notes ---
This is usually followed by a negative.

 imasara (verb-ta) tokorode, (verb2-nai)
 imasara setsumei shita tokorode, yurusanai.

= its too late to explain - you won't be forgiven

--- Examples ---
It's too late to explain, I don't think the teacher will forgive you now.

Yelling about it won't help now . You should have done that when it


It's too late to come back, he no longer loves you.

--- Comments ---
not sure how this is different from (contributor: dc)

They are almost the same. 
今頃になって説明したって、…。 (contributor: Miki)

ex#3980 can be also said as
今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。…。 (contributor:

imasara-demo/temo (contributor: Miki)

A better translation would be ' Even if (one) had 〜ed now, ... still ...'
(contributor: 誠)

I agree with 誠. ex#3980 translation makes more sense as: 'Even if you
make a fuss now, nothing can be done (about it). It's too late!'
(contributor: godfrey)

I sometimes hear the slang version without the ところで at the end, for
example: 「いまさら言うなよ」 (contributor: nickm758)

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なり (nari2) ]

なり (nari2) - expresses continuing state

--- Notes ---
Verb(た形)+なり implies one movement is continuing. 〜したまま。

--- Examples ---
He left the office and hasn't come back.

He stared at her and didn't move an inch for a while.

--- Comments ---
is this identical to -kiri
he went ... (and hasnt been seen since) (contributor: dc)

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ずもがな(=無��もがな ) (zumogana) ]

ずもがな(=無くもがな ) (zumogana) - Vn, As well not to ~

--- Examples ---
Japan wins at football, it's a thing you don't even need to ask about to
know how the Korean Mr. Kim feels.

New eletronic gadgets - Pah! - as well not to buy them, if you do then
nothing good will come of it.

In his writings, there are a number of words which might better have been
left out.

--- Comments ---
Two general uses, 1. Something doesn't need doing / saying. (contributor:

2. Something should not be done / said (contributor: Amatuka)

NOTE: This is /relatively/ low usage in modern Japanese - but appeared on
2000 JLPT level 1. (contributor: Amatuka)

I agree with NOTE. I asked J co-workers if they use 買わずもがな, I
was asked the meanings. I know only 言わずもがな. (contributor: Miki)

Formed by V-nai base + ずもがな
e.g. 買う→買わない→買わずもがな

Vn = V-nai base (contributor: Amatuka)

もがな dates bqck to the Heian era, and it means that what precedes
もがな would be the desire of the speaker. It is an archaic Japanese
which only finds its use in some set expressions, such as
言わずもがな,which literally would mean 'I desire that I do not say
that' that would include the case of my regret for having said what I said.
My 広辞苑 shows the following:
and 由もがな.
While 買わずもがな is grammatically correct, I am not sure if it is
actually used.
In any event, except perhaps 言わずもがな, all other instances of the
use of もがな are pretty archaic.

(contributor: bamboo4)

なくもがな 【無くもがな】


「あの一言は≠セった」「≠フ差しで口」 (contributor:

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ こととて (kototote) ]

こととて (kototote) - because/since - explains the cause or gives a
reason for

--- Notes ---
Not normally used in speech. A more formal, written word for letters and
whatnot. Explains the reason for something with the sense that it is
precisely because of (person,thing) that( ).
Because it was early in the morning, there wasn't even a dog around this
street that is so lively during the day.

--- Examples ---
Since I did not knew anything, I ended up making mistake.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かたがた (katagata) ]

かたがた (katagata) - at the same time, incidentally

--- Notes ---

--- Examples ---
While on business, go sightseeing in Kyoto

My grandson, who is getting married next spring, has brought his fiancee
with him to visit while bringing us news of his wedding.

She was able to graduate without any problems and so wrote a letter to
thank her professor.

--- Comments ---
Relevant grammar question here. (Fourth post). (contributor: Amatuka)

かたがた is interchangeable to 兼ねて (contributor: bamboo4)

Yeah, but 兼ねて takes a direct object particle - かたがた doesn't.
(contributor: Amatuka)

whats a direct object particle? it doesn't require a は・を after the
item it relates to? (contributor: dc)

Amatuka means, for example, を in 仕事を兼ねて京都見物にゆく
(contributor: bamboo4)

I added 'kanete' (兼ねて) in the grammar section, but I cannot edit it!
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かろうじて (karoujite) ]

かろうじて (karoujite) - barely

--- Examples ---
I ran and barely made the 2 O'Clock train

I just barely managed to avoid dropping out of class

They are just barely still together

I barely managed to finish the letter by eleven o'clock.

You are only just in time.

I escaped the accident by the skin of my teeth.

I narrowly escaped being hit by a car.

I barely managed to catch the train.

--- Comments ---
By the look of the examples, this is spoken grammar? (contributor: blabby)

Kaens, I think you mistake 辛 for 幸. 幸 is used in 幸福、幸運 etc.
かろうじて is written as 辛うじて. (contributor: Miki)

blabby, this is the grammar for both spoken and written language (of
Miki, true, I did mistake that ^^; So, the meaning would be 'bitter,
painful, bad' - the opposite to my first comment, so I'm removing that one.
Ugh. (contributor: Kaens)

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