Thursday, July 31, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜べからざる (bekarazaru) ]

〜べからざる (bekarazaru) - must not; cannot

--- Notes ---
〜べからず/〜べからざる : 〜してはいけない・禁止



By the way

--- Examples ---
Movies for adults must not be watched by young people.
成人指定映画は青少年の見る べからざる ものだ

An act that cannot be forgiven.

Is it not true that this is certainly a crime that cannot be ignored?

In today's society, computers are becoming something you can't do without.

On this luggage, it is written/stated that 「Danger! Do not touch」

--- Comments ---
未然形 of an auxilliary verb べかり(from べくあり= should
be)plus negative auxilliary verb ざる,which is 連体形 of ず.
(contributor: bamboo4)

is this extremely formal? it sounds like it... (contributor: dc)

It is not only formal but it is somewhat archaic. (contributor: bamboo4)

I've been studying Japanese for almost 3 years and I've never come across
this grammar except in text books...I asked my (young) Japanese friends and
they have no idea. But if you do a Google search, there are lots of

It is always followed by a noun. もの, こと, 行為, etc. (contributor:

You can also construct a phrase combining it with various suffixes.
(contributor: bamboo4)

This must be worth remembering, but few Japanese use it in everyday speech.
I think that most Japanese usually say:




(contributor: Nick)

Actually, the 終止形 form is べし, and it conjugates like an
adjective, meaning the 未然形 is べから.

As blabby hinted, use べからざる before nouns, and べからず at the
end of sentences. (contributor: jimmyseal)

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まさかの〜 (masakano) ]

まさかの〜 (masakano) - If unexpectedly there is anything , 〜

--- Notes ---
Always come with

--- Examples ---

If there is anything unexpected/For the unexpected , please contact to
this place.

If there is anything(unexpected) ,please let me know at once.

In an emergency you can fall back on your savings.

Keep something for a rainy day.

Friend in need is a friend indeed.

I'll stand by you in time of need.

--- Comments ---
In #5842, まさかの場合 should preferably be まさかの時は and in
#5843, まさかの時 should be まさかの時は  (contributor:

There are 19 まさかの時 examples in WWWJDIC
which can be 'borrowed' as necessary. In WWWJDIC examples the Japanese is
usually good, but the English is sometimes dodgy. (contributor: Paul Blay)

a lot of those examples are duplicates, but i added the best. FYI the link
on this page to 'Search big database for more examples of まさかの〜'
searches the same WWJDIC example database. (contributor: dc)

Wouldn't example [#5843] be more succinctly translated as, 'If there is
anything unexpected, please call.'? It's not really necessary to include
the 'to this place' (or better - 'here'). (contributor: lonesoullost)

(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Today's Economics

Volume 29
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Financial and Economic Crisis Deepening
Gold Seek | July 29, 2008 | View It
"gold's safe haven status will likely see it reaching $1,200 per ounce prior to year end."

Is Gold's Big Season in Sight?
Mineweb | July 29, 2008 | View It
"we expect increased demand looking ahead to August, September, and October."

Gold Consolidates in Lower Half of Range
Peter Grant - Morning Gold Report | July 29, 2008 | View It
"June and July have, . . . allowed investors to buy gold at a price below what is ultimately determined to be the average annual price."

No Bottom Yet For Flailing Financials
John Browne - Euro Pacific Capital | July 24, 2008 | View It
"Soon, even the government must wonder how much more taxpayer "rescue" the $14 trillion U.S. economy can afford?"

Gold Ambush Tactics and Potpourri
Jim Willie - Hat Trick Letter | July 28, 2008 | View It
"For the second time in the last several weeks, the gold market has been on the receiving end of ambushes."

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ は言うまでも���く (haiumademonaku) ]

は言うまでもなく (haiumademonaku) - goes without saying/not to

--- Notes ---
* iu made mo naku is used only in the midle of the phase.
* iu made mo nai or 'iu mo oroka' is used in the end of the phase.

--- Examples ---
We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.

There are a number of methodological problems here, not to mention the
inaccuracy of some of the results.

The teacher speaks good French, not to mention English.

Jane can play the violin, not to mention the guitar.

Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago.

He speaks German, not to mention English.

Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons.

Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons.

We admired his wisdom, not to mention his courage.

We admired his wisdom, not to mention his courage.

istrust of people, not to mention hate, is the root of human suffering.

His wife now had to take care of his grandfather, not to mention their two

He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain.

He doesn't speak English, not to mention French.

He can speak German, not to mention English and French.

He can speak French and German, not to mention English.

He can speak French, not to mention English.

He knows little of mathematics, still of chemistry.

He reads foreign books, not to mention Japanese ones.

He cannot afford the common comforts of life, not to mention luxuries.


She speaks French and German, not to mention English.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならでは (naradeha) ]

ならでは (naradeha) - but, except, without, but for

--- Notes ---
implies a special characteristic, or something that is unique to (that type
of person)

Almost always seems to be used like

noun +ならでは + の + noun

○ あの人ならではの能力
× あの人ならではできる

--- Examples ---
No one could have written such a prose as this one except him.

Noone but he would be equal to this task.

no one but mother could have made such delicious food.

characteristic of the dictionary

a feeling special to this season perhaps

A charming type of work specific to the region

Especially for the fussy 'master' (husband?) anything fresh and tasty.

With that company's stress on limited edition and hard to obtain goods, you
are sure to be satisfied. (bad trans)

Such a new conception is something only of that designer.

--- Comments ---
ならでは is equal to でなくては.
(contributor: bamboo4)

#5012 I think this would be better Japanese.
or こんなおいしい料理は母親でなくては作れない。
母親ならでは作られない。is somewhat not natural for me.
(contributor: Miki)

I agree, Miki-san. (contributor: bamboo4)

changed. (contributor: dc)

is this a little like 「のことだから」
its hiroko of course, so she was late. (contributor: dc)

It is not like 弘子のことだから, which means 'as it is usual for
Hiroko.' Accordingly, you would not say
弘子のことだから、遅れました, but you would say
弘子のことだから、遅れるでしょう. In other words, we use
that expression for prediction rather than description of what actually
took place. If you want to say 'HIroko was late, as usual,' you would say
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can also say : 弘子はいつも通りに遅れてきた (contributor:

So would it be correct to say that in cases where ならでは isn't
followed by の it will always be followed by a phrase containing a
negative verb? (contributor: Sumofan)

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ やむをえない (yamuwoenai) ]

やむをえない (yamuwoenai) - no other way to do
something しかたがない

--- Examples ---
regretfully there may be situations where the game has to be cancelled due
to bad weather.

regretfully there may be situations where the game has to be cancelled due
to bad weather.

--- Comments ---
The meaning I think is much stronger than しかったが無い. It
expresses the fact that in certain special situations an action or event
which is forthcoming is unavoidable. On the other hand although the former
is used in similar situations it expresses more the idea that something
always pans out in a certain way.

Coming I expect from the grammar construct 〜ざるをえない

You can also say やむにやまれず to mean the same thing.

I added my own example to show an alternative usage. (contributor:

if anyone reads the above comment, be careful. しかったが無い is
incorrect; the correct phrase is 仕方が無い(しかたがない),
without the small 'tsu.' (contributor: tmkain)

Can the Japanese example and the English translation be moved to the same
example rather than separate? I keep getting blank questions on the grammar
quiz because of the 'missing' data. (contributor: mochabean)

mochabean - yes, they can. can you do the edit? (contributor: dc)

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ めく (meku) ]

めく (meku) - like / ish

--- Notes ---
means '-ish' or 'steeped in'. hard to translate!

I felt sure that this would work out.

--- Examples ---
because of the President's sarcastic like way of speech, the employees felt

The glisten ing sun on the blue sea...Ahhh, just thinking about it makes my
heart beat fast.

Hey, we've been friends for many years right? Don't use such a
strangerish/stranger- like style of speaking with me!

--- Comments ---
what does this mean? example: 
(contributor: dc)

This grammar is quite difficult because it is hard to translate into
English. The best translation I can come up with is

* to become ~like (山は春めく - 'The mountain became spring-like')
* to show signs of (show signs of spring)
* ~ish (他人めく - 'strangerish')?
* ~ly (冗談めく - Jokingly/皮肉めく - sarcastically)
* ~ing (謎めく - Puzzling) (contributor: blabby)

Another interesting thing about this grammar is its use with

きらきらする = きらめく To glitter
ひらひらする = ひらめく To flash/flutter
どきどきする? = ときめく To pulpitate

If anyone can correct this or has more information, I would love to hear
it. (contributor: blabby)

きらめく、ときめく are totally different animals from
皮肉めいた、他人めいた。 (contributor: dc)

名詞や副詞、形容詞や形容動詞の語幹base+めく means like
something or being in a condtion of something. (contributor: Miki)

I thought that きらめく/ときめく was different to
皮肉めく/他人めく too. But in my old grammar dictionary and here:
they are treated as the same grammar point. Can anyone clarify this?
(contributor: blabby)

I think they all mean 'summer-like'. (contributor: Suitto)

That's just the transformation of natsumeku 夏めく. Yes, all means
Natsumeku here is used as compliments of the season for June in a letter.
(contributor: Miki)

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) ]

〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) - not hard to ...

--- Notes ---
in certain circumstances, it would be possible.
often used with imagine 'it would not be hard to imagine this happening'

--- Examples ---
Its not hard to imagine he is worried

It's not hard to guess how happy he is.

--- Comments ---
This is very often used with 想像する and 察する. (contributor:

(contributor: khongbietboi)

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかなる〜でも (ikanaru-demo) ]

いかなる〜でも (ikanaru-demo) - whatever ~

--- Examples ---

whatever your opinion is, i'll accept it

Whoever you might be, you can't come in.

Under no circumstances must you leave the room.

Under no circumstances will the princess succeed to the throne.

Whenever, wherever I am.

However his attitude is, I still love him.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ なくして (nakushite) ]

なくして (nakushite) - If it wasn't for...

--- Examples ---
If it wasn't for love, marriage would not succeed.

If it wasn't for democracy, it would be unattainable.

No gain without pains.

You should not have done it without my permission.

Nobody is able to succeed without endurance.

--- Comments ---
I think a good translation for this is 'If it wasn't for_,'. (contributor:

I agree that it should be translated as ' If it wasn't for...'.
By the way, in ex #5309 the usage of なくして seems strange. Because it
sounds strange when translated,
[ If it wasn't my permission, you should not have done such a thing].
〜なくして(は)...ない where the usage usually comes with
'If it wasn't ..., then..(followed usually by sentence stating : can't /
doesn't have the potential or possibility to do or have something)'

It should have been :
If there wasn't any of my permission, you shouldn't have done such a

If it wasn't of my permission, you shouldn't have done such a thing.

Or another example for なくして,

(contributor: 誠)

As for #5309, I don't think the Japanese is wrong even if it sounds strange
when translated. Please advise a proper translation for it. (contributor:

ex #5309 would mean that
if it wasn't of my permission, you shouldn't have done such a thing.

I am actually doubting the usage of なくして in that example,
not the Japanese.
Instead I suggest:
If it wasn't of my permission, it is impossible you could achieve such a

After なくして、 it is natural to be followed by something that one
can't achieve or something that is impossible to happen without it.

In #5309, it is 'shouldn't' instead of 'can't/impossible'

Here are some examples from a book:







There is a difference between 'If it wasn't for...' with 'without'.
(contributor: 誠)

Below is some explanation from my 先生:
「私の許可なしに、______」 (contributor: 誠)

私の許可なくして is perfectly valid in terms of written Japanese.
In terms of spoken Japanese, perhaps 私の許可を受けないで would
be normal, even though 私の許可なしに would also be acceptable.
(contributor: bamboo)

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Today's Economics

Volume 28
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Armed and Dangerous
Peter Schiff | July 20, 2008 | View It
"When the government pulls the trigger the blast will blow the dollar, and what's left of our capitalist economy, to smithereens."

Supply and Demand Fundamentals Favorable for Gold
Evy Hambro - Telegraph | July 22, 2008 | View It
"one of the world's largest gold companies estimated that global production will fall by 10%-15% over the next five years."

Mortgage Giant Rescue Could Cost $25B
Julie Hirschfeld Davis | July 22, 2008 | View It
"Critics have charged that the open-ended offer of support exposes taxpayers to billions of dollars of losses."

Gold Forecasts Revised Upwards to $1200
Market Oracle | July 22, 2008 | View It
''If gold moves from being a minority-held asset class to a popular safe-haven then our forecasts of . . . $1,050 in three months will look conservative.''

Gold ETF Holdings Up 5 Tonnes in 2Q
Reuters | July 22, 2008 | View It
"WGC said that inflow into all gold ETFs totaled 22 tonnes in May, and the pace picked up in June to 45 tonnes,"

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 兼ねて (kanete) ]

兼ねて (kanete) - combine with

--- Notes ---
Noun + を + 兼ねて
Noun + を + 兼ねる

--- Examples ---
In going to Osaka on business, I'll combine it with a sightseeing visit to

Hold the office of Prime Minister concurrently with the portfolio of
Foreign Minister.

I want to get a job that mixes work and play.

Combined with writing practice, I am corresponding with my Japanese pen
friend. I guess I am killing two birds with one stone.

Along with personal interest and practical reasons, I studied Japanese.
Before I knew it, translation became my main source of income.

--- Comments ---
Thank you for putting this page up.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this in a form other than
Noun+を+兼ねて? (contributor: blabby)

I thought of examles other than Noun nor noun phrase, nothing comes up.
noun phrase eg. 頭を冷やすのを兼ねて公園に散歩に行く
(contributor: Miki)

Thanks for your help Miki, I'll add it to the notes section. (contributor:

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 果たして (hatashite) ]

果たして (hatashite) - really, as was expected

--- Examples ---
Is it really true?

Would we ever meet again?

He succeeded as I had expected that he would.

That guy failed, as I had expected that he would.

We will check to see what you have said is really the truth.

I was afraid it would not work out well and sure enough it failed.

Is management really going to consider our bonus, or was that just lip

Computers are certainly playing an important role in our life, whether we
like it or not.

The Diet is not fully functioning as such.

He was in despair when he spent the last of his money.

We have used up the coal.

Nature plays an important role in our life.

These bodies have actually played indispensable roles in attaining these

People carried their own weight then.

We've run out of water.

War bankrupted the nation's resources and manpower.

Some politicians never make good on campaign promises.

Japan plays a key role in the world economy.

His money melted away in Hawaii.


They soon used up their food supplies.

--- Comments ---
Is this similar to ? (contributor: anonymous)

Yes, I think so as for ex#3100 and #3101.
While ex#1187 and #3099 imply a slight suspicious mind or assumption. So
these are similar to hontouni 本当に. (contributor: Miki)

使い果たして seems to be a frequent set phrase meaning to 'use up;
exhaust'. Is this related to hatashite as a grammar construct? ie the
implication is 'used up as we expected' ? (contributor: dc)

plz told us!!!!!!!!!!!! (contributor: semoo)

ex#4265- #4277 these 果たす are different meaning from the entry.
(contributor: Miki)

Those 使い果たす examples do not belong here.They should be set up in
a separate head.
(contributor: bamboo4)

In response to dc's question...
There are 2 uses with slightly different essence:
1. as we expected
2. to accomplish, finish
You can see that accomplish and as we expected have similarities.
(contributor: christ)

For this item of grammar, 果たして is to be used as the adverb of the
sentense. 果たす,使い果たす are verb so they are out of scope.
(contributor: kikkoro)

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今さら〜たと���ろで (imasara-tatokorode) ]

今さら〜たところで (imasara-tatokorode) - it's already too late

--- Notes ---
This is usually followed by a negative.

 imasara (verb-ta) tokorode, (verb2-nai)
 imasara setsumei shita tokorode, yurusanai.

= its too late to explain - you won't be forgiven

--- Examples ---
it's too late to explain, I don't think the teacher will forgive you now.

Yelling about it won't help now. You should have done that when it counted.


It's too late to come back, he no longer loves you.

--- Comments ---
not sure how this is different from (contributor: dc)

They are almost the same. 
今頃になって説明したって、…。 (contributor: Miki)

ex#3980 can be also said as
今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。…。 (contributor:

imasara-demo/temo (contributor: Miki)

A better translation would be ' Even if (one) had 〜ed now, ... still ...'
(contributor: 誠)

I agree with 誠. ex#3980 translation makes more sense as: 'Even if you
make a fuss now, nothing can be done (about it). It's too late!'
(contributor: godfrey)

I sometimes hear the slang version without the ところで at the end, for
example: 「いまさら言うなよ」 (contributor: nickm758)

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に至る (niitaru) ]

に至る (niitaru) - leads to, all the way to, as far as

--- Notes ---
noun + に至る
 東京に至るまで as far as tokyo

Vdic + に至る

often used with まで:until

--- Examples ---
This road goes to the park.

The path of duty was the way to glory.

The civil rights movement leads to a dream.

It is not the goal but the way there that matters.

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class

Thus were affairs circumstanced in the period leading up to the declaration
of war.

The fire was put out before it got serious.

They have branches all over the world, from Calcutta to New York City.

For the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction.

From Tokyo as far as Touhoku.

--- Comments ---
#5145 could be replaced with [kara-nikakete] (contributor: dc)

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とはいえ (tohaie) ]

とはいえ (tohaie) - However (the truth is in fact different)

--- Notes ---
Same as といっても but:
といっても is for spoken clauses, and
とはいえ is for written clauses.

way of use: P1 とはいえ P2.
P1 is the sentence in question, P2 is the reason why.

--- Examples ---
This is Spring, however wind is still freezing.

Spring has came, but mornings and evenings are still cold.

'for mobile use' but it weighs 5 kg or more.

'useful' computer but so expensive that I can't hardly buy it.

Recently, my 80 years old grand mother fall in the stairs and hurt herself
in the feet, so unfortunately she became disabled for walking. However,
even if she can't walk, she have no problem to do his housework.

Because I have a mountain of work, on Sunday however I must work hard.

Compared with olden days, my physical strength is declining, however I
didn't loose against young people yet.

--- Comments ---
Delete this item! (contributor: bamboo4)

I agree 消してください (contributor: tigert)

I intended to give a second live to this entry. Is it OK now? (contributor:

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Today's Economics

Volume 27
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Gold Remains "Crisis Hedge" as Inflation Rises
Bullion Vault | July 16, 2008 | View It
"Credit risk, and the risk of more banks defaulting, remains rife - which has been supporting gold and silver,"

Gold Bugs on the Move
Howard Katz | July 14, 2008 | View It
"almost all commodities are in a massive, grand cycle up move which will almost certainly last from 1 to 2 decades."

Is your Money Safe?
Richard Benson | July 15, 2008 | View It
"The FDIC offers iron-clad insurance up to $100,000 per account. If you have a lot of money, spread it around between different banks."

GSE Nationalization May Be an Option, Bernanke Says
Bloomberg | July 16, 2008 | View It
"There certainly are a number possibilities ranging from outright nationalization, to privatization to breaking them up,"

$1000 Gold and $20 Silver In Sights Again
Mineweb - Lawrence Williams | July 16, 2008 | View It
"The collapse of world stock markets is again pushing gold's safe haven status to the forefront within the investment community."

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• Gold is moving - and projections from even the major brokerages say, "gold will hit $1500 within the next five years". Lear would like to offer the easiest way to start your gold purchase with the American Eagle at just 1% over dealer cost! And by acting now, we will even cover your shipping cost on your first order when you use the promo code NL101 when you check out. Online special only, click here to take advantage.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ばかりに (bakarini-2) ]

ばかりに (bakarini-2) - as if to

--- Examples ---
'I'm fine thanks.' McDonagal answered cooly, as if to say this is no
occasion to be eating lemon candies.

She winked at me, as much as to say , I love you.

At this, Hermione stood up, her hand stretching toward the dungeon ceiling.

He nodded as much as to say, I agree.

They looked at us, as much as to say, 'Poor creature.'

She winked at me as much as to say she knew everything.

My friend shook his head as much as to say 'impossible'.

--- Comments ---
there are lots of different bakari~~s! bakari bakari! (contributor: dc)

I think the と quotation in the second example /may/ have an implied
言わない after it. (contributor: Amatuka)

'Seems to be used in casual/slang speech with negative verb stem + ん so
as to mean 'as if to ' without actually doing so.' (contributor: dc)

Appeared in 2000 JLPT level 1 (contributor: Amatuka)

Meaning changed back. Seems that I was right in the first place.
(contributor: Amatuka)

hmm I don't see the difference this and another ばかりに。The same
nuance when you add (言わん).
(contributor: Miki)

Maybe we need more examples for the other bakarini[/b] but it seems to have
a qualitative (type) difference to me. (contributor: Amatuka)

Could just be down to lack of familiarity with forms like 言わん
though... (contributor: Amatuka)

is 言わん just short for iwanai? like
'iwanai bakari ni -> just about not saying (but its almost as if it was
(contributor: Snake)

You would say 言わなかったばかりに and 言わんばかりに, but
not 言わないばかりに.
(contributor: bamboo4)

言わん can be short for 言わない, but in this case, 言わん =
言わむ is an old fashioned subjunctive, equivalent to 言おう.
I was highly confused at first until I discovered that the final 'ん' can
signal two different inflectional forms (contributor: DealPete)

Maybe this should be listed as 'と(言わん)ばかりに'. I've seen lots
of examples such as
My dog looked at me and barked as if to say 'let's go for a walk!'
(contributor: blabby)

In Californish it would be 'was like' (contributor: Bakurosareta)

I think it would be helpful if the Authors of grammar posts made sure to
include a grammar note. examples are helpful, but good solid grammatical
information makes it easier to memorize and utilize in real life
situations. (contributor: tigert)

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ばかりに (bakarini-2) ]

ばかりに (bakarini-2) - as if to

--- Examples ---
'I'm fine thanks.' McDonagal answered cooly, as if to say this is no
occasion to be eating lemon candies.

She winked at me, as much as to say , I love you.

At this, Hermione stood up, her hand stretching toward the dungeon ceiling.

He nodded as much as to say, I agree.

They looked at us, as much as to say, 'Poor creature.'

She winked at me as much as to say she knew everything.

My friend shook his head as much as to say 'impossible'.

--- Comments ---
there are lots of different bakari~~s! bakari bakari! (contributor: dc)

I think the と quotation in the second example /may/ have an implied
言わない after it. (contributor: Amatuka)

'Seems to be used in casual/slang speech with negative verb stem + ん so
as to mean 'as if to ' without actually doing so.' (contributor: dc)

Appeared in 2000 JLPT level 1 (contributor: Amatuka)

Meaning changed back. Seems that I was right in the first place.
(contributor: Amatuka)

hmm I don't see the difference this and another ばかりに。The same
nuance when you add (言わん).
(contributor: Miki)

Maybe we need more examples for the other bakarini[/b] but it seems to have
a qualitative (type) difference to me. (contributor: Amatuka)

Could just be down to lack of familiarity with forms like 言わん
though... (contributor: Amatuka)

is 言わん just short for iwanai? like
'iwanai bakari ni -> just about not saying (but its almost as if it was
(contributor: Snake)

You would say 言わなかったばかりに and 言わんばかりに, but
not 言わないばかりに.
(contributor: bamboo4)

言わん can be short for 言わない, but in this case, 言わん =
言わむ is an old fashioned subjunctive, equivalent to 言おう.
I was highly confused at first until I discovered that the final 'ん' can
signal two different inflectional forms (contributor: DealPete)

Maybe this should be listed as 'と(言わん)ばかりに'. I've seen lots
of examples such as
My dog looked at me and barked as if to say 'let's go for a walk!'
(contributor: blabby)

In Californish it would be 'was like' (contributor: Bakurosareta)

I think it would be helpful if the Authors of grammar posts made sure to
include a grammar note. examples are helpful, but good solid grammatical
information makes it easier to memorize and utilize in real life
situations. (contributor: tigert)

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜ともなく (tomonaku) ]

〜ともなく (tomonaku) - Without really planning to, ~

--- Notes ---

When 「〜と(も)なく/〜と(も)なしに」is attached to a
question word (or question word and particle), it expresses uncertainty
(about when, where, who, what). Alternatively, when used on either end of
verbs expressing sensation, perception or speculation, as
in「見るともなく見る/聞くともなく聞く」, it indicates
that the action happens unintentionally or without conscious effort. This
model can be said to be representative of Japanese phrases expressing
involuntary/unconscious actions.


--- Examples ---
Without really planning, I looked ouside and saw anpanman!

Out of thin air...

I had not waited long before she turned up.

She came up from goodness knows where.


--- Comments ---
You can also say 〜ともなしに (contributor: blabby)

I think example #5181 is different grammar. 待つこと、もなく、〜
(contributor: blabby)

Correct! ex #5181 does not belong here. (contributor: bamboo4)

#5986 could be translated as:

I just happened to glance outside, when suddenly a large crow flew towards
me. (contributor: montydrei)

見るともなくぼんやり外を見ていたら can be translated as 'I
was looking outside absent-mindedly without really seeing anything.....'
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どうやら (douyara) ]

どうやら (douyara) - it seems, apparently, somehow

--- Examples ---
I rushed, and somehow made it on time

It seems he doesn't know

It appears that he cannot identify that man there.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong number.'

Apparently the shabby flat is vacant.

I almost think you're right.

I seem to have caught a bad cold.

There appears to be a misunderstanding.

The chances are that I had my wallet stolen on the bus.

I'm afraid I've eaten too much.

I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow.

It would seem that the weather is improving.

We seem to have escaped form danger.

--- Comments ---
As for the first example, J should be
彼が分からないらしい would be, it seems she doesn't know who he
is. (contributor: Miki)

どうやら彼が分からないらしい means someone (who remains
unidentified but not the speaker) cannot discern him.

どうやら彼は分からないらしい means 'he' is not able to
discern something (not dicclosed) as observed by the speaker.

(contributor: bamboo4)

Accordingly, 彼が分からないらしい should be changed to

(contributor: bamboo4)

Is the 'somehow' meaning similar to nantoka (なんとか)? If so, there is
no entry for that currently... (contributor: yookoso)

Yes, it seems to be so.
ex#1279, 3933 and 3934 どうやら can be replaced by なんとか.
(contributor: Miki)

I would say 'どうやら、あの人は判らないらしい。'

I would say

The other examples are OK. (contributor: Nick)

#3095 どうやら、(あの人は he)あの人が(that man
#3930 Both …らしい。 and …ようだ。 are fine. (contributor:

(contributor: Nick)

〜らしい (I hear that... / Someone says that...)
〜ようだ (It seems that...)
These are not interchangeable. (contributor: Nick)

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まだしも (madashimo) ]

まだしも (madashimo) - would be much better, would be acceptable

--- Examples ---
Once would be acceptable, but you've misspelled that word six times now.

This would be better than that.

I would rather die than have such a terrible experience.

A few days would have been excusable but you are in arrears for 10 days.

--- Comments ---
often appears with 'nara' in front, meaning '(if it were this) then that
would be OK, but...'
This was a correct answer on the 1kyuu in 2005. (contributor:

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) ]

〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) - Once someone starts something, the person
can't stop it.

--- Notes ---

Once someone starts something, the person can't stop it.

Notes: Easily confused with ~kiri, but the meanings are completely
different and ga saigo doesn't mean 'for the last time'. Always used
with past tense verbs.

--- Examples ---
It was so delicious that once I started eating, I couldn't stop.

Whoever finds us will take the pearl.

Such a restroom that once you enter in it, you wont ever want to come out.

He is such karaoke fan that if only he gets his hands on the mike he
wouldn't drop it all night.

--- Comments ---
There are cases where this is similar to 一旦〜 (Once you 〜)
(contributor: blabby)

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 始末だ (shimatsuda) ]

始末だ (shimatsuda) - Unfortunately, (it has become ~)

--- Notes ---
Verb(辞書形) + しまつだ。

The result is always something bad.

Meaning: Finally, on top of that. Used to describe when something bad
becomes worse.

--- Examples ---
Those two don't get along very well. Unfortunately, at the drop of a hat,
they start arguing.

Unfortunately, it has got to the point where he has to borrow money from

Just as I said, it turned out like this!

On top of getting divorced, I got fired from my job

--- Comments ---
I think this is similar to '〜してしまった' or
In my grammar book, there is no kanji but if you do a google search,
始末だ comes up often.
I'm not very confident about example #5437... (contributor: blabby)

#5437 Do you mean 結末 ketsumatus instead of 始末? (contributor: Miki)

#5437 is copied exactly as I found it. I'm not quite sure about it because
it is not at the end of the sentence as all the other examples are. 結末
and probably even 結果 sound like they would be good in context.
(contributor: blabby)

In #5437,始末 means 'from the beginning to the end' whereas in all other
examples, 始末 is used to mean 'situation' or 'circumstances.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かけた (kaketa) ]

かけた (kaketa) - started but not finished

--- Notes ---
~kakeru is for verbs:
言いかけ (いいかけ)
In the middle of saying something

I fell asleep with the book half read.

~kakeno is a modifier for nouns (eg. tabekake no ringo)
A half-eaten apple

~kake da comes at the end of a sentence
where だ is derived from です
it is in the middle of being written

--- Examples ---
the essay has to be finished by today, but I am still in the middle of
writing it.

I am in the process of reading it.

I've totally forgotten (them). Even though it's certain that I've read
(no, well, started to read,) them.

please throw away the half-drunk things in the fridge.

This in the middle of being eaten bento box is who's?

Just as I was about to eat the cake, the phone rang.

The man who nearly drowned began to breath.

The child was nearly run over by a car.

Half-forgotten music danced through his mind.

He started to say something, but I beat him to it.

I caught him by the arm before he could fall.

He was about to fall asleep, when he heard his name called.

He got tired of the work, and left it half-done.

--- Comments ---
書きかけた is incorrect, and should be 書きかけだ.
(contributor: bamboo4)

飲み かけた is incorrect and should be 飲みかけの (contributor:

読み かけた means 'just started to read' and does not have the context
of 'I didn't finish reading it' which would be 読み終えなかった.
(contributor: bamboo4)

corrections made, thanks! (contributor: dc)

書きかけた does seem to be a valid (if low) usage - 3,000 Google hits
compared to
(書きかけ -書きかけた)'s 27,600.
Do 飲みかけ, 書きかけ etc belong in the same entry as
読みかけた ? (contributor: Amatuka)

I suppose 読みかけた doesn't have the nuance of
読み終えなかった - because that would imply that you probably
aren't going to finish it. (contributor: Amatuka)

Presumably they are all based on
かける (aux-v,v1) to turn on; to dial (e.g. phone); to start doing
something (but not finish) (contributor: Amatuka)

Maybe this entry should be changed to 'かける - To start (but not
finish) something' with the noun + past tense verb form noted in comments.
(contributor: Amatuka)

I think this has two meanings:
1. to start (but not finish)
2. to almost start (contributor: dc)

is different from
食べかけの+noun (contributor: dc)

食べかけの is simply the noun form of 食べかける with の acting
as a modifier. I think there is no difference in meaning between
'食べかけたケーキ' and '食べかけのケーキ' (although the
latter is much more common). (contributor: your name)

as someone else pointed out the かけた in 話しかけた is nothing
to do with this grammar, it's a set phrase
'he started to talk to me' (contributor: dc)

this might fall into a category of verb endings, including -dashita
(contributor: dc)

I'm still not convinced of 'to almost start' as distinct from 'to start
(but not finish)' although there are cases where both could be used in
translations of sentences using かけた. (contributor: Amatuka)

私はケーキを 食べ かけた should be 私が (contributor:

Made the change by deleting 私は in #1612. Not need in the context.
(contributor: bamboo4)

The english in ex#1082 is really awkward. I think it should be 'Whose is
this half-eaten bento box?' (contributor: CorDarei)

you're right, that is a literal translation...trying to keep the same order
as the japanese. out of style i guess on this site, so i moved it to the
notes section. (contributor: dc)

not yet tho! (contributor: dc)

what would you say this means kaketa arnou i have taken the spelling off
something heard so it is probably incorect
(contributor: rudy)

This is a Level 2 grammar point. (contributor: Olivier)

の in 食べかけの is a nominalizer, which makes a noun phrase out of
食べかけ(started to eat but not yet finished). (contributor: bamboo4)

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どうも (doumo) ]

どうも (doumo) - apparently, naturally

--- Examples ---
With this kind of sky apparently it will rain

Whatever I do, it doesn't end up well.

I feel very bad about it.

It's not very clear and I don't quite understand.

'Will they go on strike again?' 'I'm afraid so.'

There seems to be no need to go.

Well, thank you/sorry/sorry I'm late/good to see you, etc.

--- Comments ---
済みません means that one's mind remains unsettled and therefore not
澄む, that is not clear. From 澄む came the concept of 済む meaning
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can simply say どうも and you can dispense with all other phrases
you can think of!
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ あっての (atteno) ]

あっての (atteno) - Thanks to (various things), (outcome)

--- Examples ---
My success is thanks to your support.

What I am today is thanks to my parents who gave me a life twenty some
years ago.

I just said so without thinking much about it. I didn't mean anything

I know you're complaining about your car being totaled but it's just a good
thing you weren't injured. You should be thankful to be alive.

While there is life, there is hope.

Victory is not possible without everyday practice. .

--- Comments ---
Noted on a site as 'JLPT 2' level. (contributor: your name)

ケータイで読めるだ! (contributor: まさか)

I can't find this in my copies of JPLT2 grammar... (contributor: halx)

English version of the example is kinda awkward. (contributor: bamboo4)

Its JLPT1 (contributor: dc)

A good translation of AあってのB might be 'B exists because of A' or
more naturally, 'B wouldn't be anything without A'? (contributor: blabby)

AあってのB means 'there ain't no B except for A.'

平和があっての経済の発展 would therefore mean 'There would be
no economic prosperity without peace.' (contributor: bamboo4)

What if you said,

Does that still make sense? (contributor: rogen)

I think so. (contributor: Miki)

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ たかだか (takadaka) ]

たかだか (takadaka) - At most

--- Examples ---
This work can be completed within about three days at the outside.

--- Comments ---
is this the same as ? (contributor: dc)

Yes, it is sinonymous to
(contributor: bamboo4)

Can anyone make use of sentence to use Seizei (contributor: Narender)

Please check . Especially, #1111 (contributor: Miki)

Proper translation for takadaka is 'At best'.
At most has opposite meaning. (contributor: christ)

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ によって (niyotte-2) ]

によって (niyotte-2) - depending on

--- Examples ---
depending on the weather, i will come

Depending upon the outcome, you may not be hired.

Depending upon the weather, the event may be cancelled.

--- Comments ---
天気によって来ます is weird. It should be
(contributor: bamboo4)

how about
 天気によっては来ます (contributor: dc)

If you say 天気によっては来ます,it is very likely that you are
talking about some third party or things. Like in Nikko, there are many
monkeys, and you can say that to indicate that those monkeys will show up
depending on the weather.

If you are talking about yourself, it is normal to say
天気によってはゆきます or
天気によっては帰って来ます but one do not normally see
来ます very often.

(contributor: bamboo4)

erm, sorry my encoding messed up again, that first line should be 'saiyou
shinai _koto_ ga arimasu'

delete button doesn't seem to work :(
(contributor: Snake)

snake hiya - deleted your mojibake post above... dunno why your delete btn
is not working - are you logged in?
also the encoding, i haven't seen probs with. what browser/OS are you on?
(contributor: dc)

dc, I cannot delete my comment, too. When I am logged off, I cannot see
delete btn. でしょ? (contributor: Miki)

I could delete an example I added. (contributor: Miki)

yes, you can only delete your own comments - so you have to be logged in so
the system knows which are yours! otherwise an anonymous user could come in
and delete everything... (contributor: dc)

I was logged in, and i tried it again just then logged in, but no go. I'm
using Opera though.. gomen
(contributor: Snake)

dang. that would class as a bug then. might be Opera cookie/session
handling. I recommend firefox but IE seems OK too. (contributor: dc)

Firefox cannot handle Japanese fonts. (contributor: bamboo4)

ex1309 天気 によっては 来ます can also be used such when you were
at a gathering and asked if you comes to next gathering. 
一郎:「次回はきますか?」Will you come next time?
花子:「天気によっては来ます。」 (contributor: Miki)

I use Firefox and have had no problems with japanese fonts..? (contributor:

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 気が付いた (kigatsuita) ]

気が付いた (kigatsuita) - I realized

--- Notes ---
See also .

kigasuru - feels like

kigatsuku - i noticed
kidsuku - i realized

--- Examples ---
Natto is tasty I realized.

When I came to, I was lying down on a hospital bed.

I just realized that I forgot my satchel in a bench of the park.

I realized that I liked him

--- Comments ---
That was the wrong つく (fixed) (contributor: Amatuka)

うそよ!納豆は美味しくないよ! (contributor: KotatsuSama)

I'm told that you must say:
Can anyone comment on that? (contributor: hennagaijin)

Yeah I think the above is right concerning a verb,
VERBたいのに気がついた (contributor: anna.kendall)

Actually, for a verb, it's the verb + の or こと+に気が付いた。
(contributor: Darrkangel)

I think this entry should be 気が付いた rather than
と気が付いた. Maybe rather JPLT1 than JPLT2 too. If somebody agree
with it, I will change the entry. (contributor: 赤毛)

Hey 赤毛、 I agree with you. the と in
納豆が美味しいと気が付いた is a quotation marker. it is the
same と used in 納豆が美味しいと思います. but it has nothing
to do with the second 気が付ける。

I think there should also be a note about the diffrence between
気が付ける and 気を付ける their meanings are completely
diffrent. the first being 'I realized' and the second being 'being safe' or
'taking care'

well thats my two yen lol じゃね (contributor: tigert)

Thanks Tigertさん. I changed the entry and the level. (contributor:

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならともかく (naratomokaku) ]

ならともかく (naratomokaku) - I'm not sure if it is [possible/so]

--- Notes ---
名詞句 + ならともかく, B

--- Examples ---
Maybe you can do it, but I don't do such a thing.

Maybe it's possible for a foreigner, but Japanese people would never do

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