Friday, August 31, 2007

Sharing data between Microsoft Word and Access

Dynamically fill Microsoft Word fields using Access data

Filter Access data with Word fields

Office applications share data easily, but sometimes the task is more complicated. Perhaps you want to filter Access data based on the contents of a Word field. The example technique in this TechRepublic How do I... populates a Word 2003 dropdown field with Access data. Then, the same form uses the selected value from that field to retrieve more Access data.

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Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 兼ねて (kanete)

兼ねて (kanete) - combine with

--- Notes ---
Noun + を + 兼ねて
Noun + を + 兼ねる

--- Examples ---
In going to Osaka on business, I'll combine it with a sightseeing visit to

Hold the office of Prime Minister concurrently with the portfolio of
Foreign Minister.

I want to get a job that mixes work and play.

Combined with writing practice, I am corresponding with my Japanese pen
friend. I guess I am killing two birds with one stone.

Along with personal interest and practical reasons, I studied Japanese.
Before I knew it, translation became my main source of income.

--- Comments ---
Thank you for putting this page up.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this in a form other than
Noun+を+兼ねて? (contributor: blabby)

I thought of examles other than Noun nor noun phrase, nothing comes up.
noun phrase eg. 頭を冷やすのを兼ねて公園に散歩に行く (contributor: Miki)

Thanks for your help Miki, I'll add it to the notes section. (contributor:

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 攻めに (zemeni)

攻めに (zemeni) - Overwhelmingly

--- Examples ---
I was overwhelmed with advertisments.

To bombard someone with questions.

Every day I am overwhelmed by an amazing amount of emails.

--- Comments ---
Should the pronunciation be せめ rather than ぜめ? (contributor: godfrey)

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Today's Economics: Why Buy Gold?

Write Some Checks! Bail 'em Out!
Adrian Ash | Aug 24, 2007 | View It
"Goldman Sachs expects rates to finish the year at 4.5%, fully 75-points lower from here."

The Coming Flight To Gold
Roland Watson | Aug 27, 2007 |
View It

"Gold north of $1500?"

Barrick Gold Chief Sees No Slow-Down in U.S. Demand
Reuters | Aug 28, 2007 |
View It
"... Supply is declining, so the supply-demand imbalance is very positive for the gold price."

Why Buy Gold?
Peter Zihlman | Aug 28, 2007 |
View It
"While short-term charts show a lengthy consolidation . . . the long-term up-trends remain well entrenched."

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - や否や (yainaya)

や否や (yainaya) - just as soon as

--- Examples ---
The baby began to cry the moment that she saw my face

No sooner had she gone there than she was taken ill.

The party had no sooner started than it began to rain.

On hearing the sound, the dog rushed away.

Scarcely had the dog seen me before in ran away.

No sooner had the child seen his mother than he burst into tears.

Instantly the girl saw her mother, she burst out crying.

No sooner had the girl caught sight of the monster than she ran away.

On hearing the news, she turned pale.

No sooner had I entered the room than I noticed the smell not only of
tobacco but of gas.

The minute I entered the room, they stopped talking.

As soon as the the Playstation portable was put on sale, it totally sold

--- Comments ---
Good page on this here (contributor: Amatuka)

Relevant grammar question & comments here (second post). (contributor:

ex#1078 can be also said, 赤ん坊は私の顔をみるなり、泣き出した。
hmm no entry for なり? (contributor: Miki)

Is it always a 'negative' sentence that comes after the 'yainaya'? (ie cry,
shut up, rain...) (contributor: Pied)

My textbook uses kanji for this grammar - や否や.
It also says that sometimes the '否や' is omitted - Aや、B. (contributor:

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sơ đồ bơm nước

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜をおいて (wooite)

〜をおいて (wooite) - apart from/leaving aside

--- Examples ---
Apart from you, there is noone suitable for this company's President.

--- Comments ---
を措いて wo oite followed by 〜ない or negative (contributor: Miki)

How is this different from 以外 【いがい】? (contributor: yookoso)

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜にかたく�ネい (nikatakunai)

〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) - not hard to ...

--- Notes ---
in certain circumstances, it would be possible.
often used with imagine 'it would not be hard to imagine this happening'

--- Examples ---
Its not hard to imagine he is worried

It's not hard to guess how happy he is.

--- Comments ---
This is very often used with 想像する and 察する. (contributor: blabby)

子供を亡くした親の悲しみは、察するにかたくない。 (contributor:

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - の極み (nokiwami)

の極み (nokiwami) - the utmost

--- Examples ---
be most regrettable

be extremely honored

feel quite confused

explain why is feeling so churned up

at the height of excitement

height of luxury

state of extreme disorder

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - うっかり (ukkari)

うっかり (ukkari) - carelessly, without thinking

--- Examples ---
make a careless mistake

I made a careless mistake.

A slip of the tongue often brings about unexpected results.

I went past my stop absent-mindedly.

I got on a wrong bus by mistake.

I carelessly dropped a vase.

A foolish impulse made me say what I should have left unsaid.

Something is burning. I carelessly let some bread burn.

I was careless enough to dial without taking off the receiver.

It was careless of you to leave your camera in the taxi.

--- Comments ---
I think we could omit this ukkari from the jgram, since this is actually a
word, and not a grammatical phrase. Otherwise, if we start adding words
(like adverbs), then there would just an enormous number to add. Words
like 'bonyari' would also have to be added, which might be a pain.
(contributor: nhk9)

#3585 J should be …置き忘れてくるなんて…。 (contributor: Miki)

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Friday, August 24, 2007

The Answer to the Panic Question

By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

"Steve, all the financial news lately has got me really worried… I think the market could lose a quarter of its value here… what do you think? "

A friend sent this e-mail to me in what felt like a panic. I'll reply to him in today's DailyWealth.

Dear [friend],

Don't worry…

I know that's easier said than done. The markets are down, politicians are looking for someone to blame for the subprime mess, and there doesn't seem to be an end to the real estate troubles.

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The secret "Penny Option"that could give you 1,017% gains

On March 27, a California investment analyst found an investment using little-known "Penny Options,"which helped one man make profits of 1,017% in less than 48 hours.

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So it's quite normal to worry. Investors, in general, are more than worrying right now… investors are downright panicky.

I went back and crunched the numbers… and found that when investors panic, you want to be a buyer, not a seller.

Investors panicked in 1997 during the Asian crisis… but once the fear subsided, stocks shot up something like 20%. Investors then panicked in 1998 (during the Russian bond default/LTCM crisis). Once again, as the fear started to subside, stocks soared. As you can see in the chart, the S&P 500 shot from less than 1,000 to 1,400 in no time.

We had a few more panics… September 11, 2001, of course, but the S&P 500 rallied nearly 20% very quickly – and this was during a bear market! Late 2002-early 2003, as the U.S. invaded Iraq. Once again, as the uncertainty/panic subsided, stocks soared… The S&P 500 ran from 800 to 1,100.

We're in another panic now. But the fear is subsiding…

The Volatility Index (the VIX) is my measure of fear. Some call it the Fear Gauge. On Friday, it closed at 30. On Monday, it closed at 26. Today, it's around 23.

Now I can't guarantee that fear can't jump once again. As you can see from the chart, the Fear Gauge often has more than one spike to "scary" levels.

But if you ask me, I think we're closer to a near-term bottom than a top. I can be completely wrong, of course… The Crash of '87 set a record on the Fear Gauge, and we didn't get a whole lot of advance warning. Just days before the '87 Crash – the worst one-day drop in Wall Street history – the Fear Gauge was right in line with its average for the previous 12 months.

Instead of betting on a decline from here, this is what I see: Based on valuation, stocks are as cheap as they've been in a dozen years. The Fed is about to start cutting interest rates. And if you believe that you've got to be a contrarian to make money, the contrary thing is to believe in stocks when most people don't… and that's now.

Don't worry. And don't hustle out and sell things in haste.

Good investing,


Grammar a Day - Level 1 - とにかく (tonikaku)

とにかく (tonikaku) - in any case, anyway

--- Notes ---
often comes at the beginning of a sentence

see all these examples at ALC

--- Examples ---
Leaving that aside, how do you intend to deal with this problem?

Anyway, all I can say is...

Anyway I'm asking you to just listen for a minute

Anyway, we won't know unless we try.

In any case you should come up to Tokyo.

In any case, it's no business of yours.

At any rate, you had better go there.

Anyway, I'm glad you were able to broach this difficult subject.

I am against your opinion in any case.

--- Comments ---
とにかく can be replaced by tomokaku ともかく. (contributor: Miki)

I would like to know more about the etymology of this expression. Does it
have anything to do with the Shogi game where two pieces are named 'to' and
'kaku'? (contributor: Nizar)

why is it every time when i clikc on the title the msg below will show.
Return to beginning of the Text Translation function. Unable to map
(contributor: snoopycheng)

Nizar, tonikaku is not to do with 'to' and 'kaku' of Shogi game. とにかく
is used in hiragana by edo period. と of とにかく meant そのように、 かく
meant このように。 Tonikaku is sometimes write as 兎に角 but this is
phonetic equivalent. This is considered to come from Buddhism word
「兎角亀毛」. Rabbit doesn't have horns and turtle doesn't have hairs,
which was used when you talked about something doesn't exist. So this has
no relevance to current とにかく in meaning. BTW, in shogi, 「と金」 which
is another side of 「歩(ふ)」 is called と because the simplified form of
金 looks like と。 角(かく) is also called 角行(かくぎょう).
(contributor: Miki)

I have heard this word used in a lot of contexts where it couldn't mean
anyway, in any case. I asked some friends who had some difficulty
explaining it, but one seemed to say that it also has the meanings:
'quickly', 'with all haste' and maybe also 'naturally'. I also heard it
implies that some information given is generally known by everyone. Any
native speakers care to comment? (contributor: yookoso)

You have it wrong. とにかく急ごう means 'leaving all that aside, let's
hurry.' Thus, とにかく does not have a meaning of 'quickly' or 'naturally.'

Re Miki-san's comment, 角行 is pronounced かくこう.
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - どうやら (douyara)

どうやら (douyara) - it seems, apparently, somehow

--- Examples ---
I rushed, and somehow made it on time

It seems he doesn't know

It appears that he cannot identify that man there.

「あら ごめんなさい。どうやら間違え電話をしてしまったようだね。」
'Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong number.'

Apparently the shabby flat is vacant.

I almost think you're right.

I seem to have caught a bad cold.

There appears to be a misunderstanding.

The chances are that I had my wallet stolen on the bus.

I'm afraid I've eaten too much.

I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow.

It would seem that the weather is improving.

We seem to have escaped form danger.

--- Comments ---
As for the first example, J should be どうやら彼_は_分からないらしい。
彼が分からないらしい would be, it seems she doesn't know who he is.
(contributor: Miki)

どうやら彼が分からないらしい means someone (who remains unidentified but
not the speaker) cannot discern him.

どうやら彼は分からないらしい means 'he' is not able to discern something
(not dicclosed) as observed by the speaker.

(contributor: bamboo4)

Accordingly, 彼が分からないらしい should be changed to 彼は知らないらしい.

(contributor: bamboo4)

Is the 'somehow' meaning similar to nantoka (なんとか)? If so, there is no
entry for that currently... (contributor: yookoso)

Yes, it seems to be so.
ex#1279, 3933 and 3934 どうやら can be replaced by なんとか.
(contributor: Miki)

I would say 'どうやら、あの人は判らないらしい。'

I would say 'どうやら、私はバスの中で財布を盗まれたようだ。'

The other examples are OK. (contributor: Nick)

#3095 どうやら、(あの人は he)あの人が(that man there)判らないらしい。
#3930 Both …らしい。 and …ようだ。 are fine. (contributor: Miki)

彼はどうやら、あの人が誰なのか見分けがつかないようだ。 (contributor: Nick)

〜らしい (I hear that... / Someone says that...)
〜ようだ (It seems that...)
These are not interchangeable. (contributor: Nick)

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The Secret of the Dump-Truck Tires

By Tom Dyson

"Does anyone want a tire?"

Everyone chuckled. Beside our tour bus was a pile of used dump-truck tires. Each one was the size of a garage door and as thick as a car.

"Anyone who wants one can have one," repeated our tour guide, with a smile. "As long as you take it away."

I toured Syncrude's property in Fort McMurray last month. Syncrude is the largest oil company in Athabasca. It's really a syndicate of eight oil companies, all joined together in one massive venture to mine the oil sands in a big way.

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It turns out, you can't do much with an old dump-truck tire.

Syncrude uses a few of them to line the roadways in its mine; farmers use a few of them as cattle feedlots. Some get used in playgrounds. The rest – some 600 tires annually – pile up on Syncrude's property, where tourists can gawk at them.

Syncrude uses the dump trucks to mine the oil sands. These dump trucks are the biggest in the world. They carry 400 tons of oil sand to the top of a mine. A monument overlooks one of the mines. It's a dump-truck tire with a plaque from the Michelin Tire Company underneath. The plaque says, "This is the largest truck tire ever made."

Since Syncrude started using dump trucks in the mid-1990s, its crude oil output has quadrupled and its stock price has gone up 1,500%.

Now Fort McMurray oil-sand miners face a severe shortage of dump-truck tires. A new dump-truck tire runs about $60,000. Tires last about 12 months. Each truck uses six tires at a time. That's more than $360,000 in tire expenses per truck every year. Syncrude owns 90 trucks.

Here's the thing: The tire's cost isn't the main concern of a mining company. It's availability. Oil-sand mines cannot operate without a supply of brand new dump-truck tires. Without dump-truck tires, they'd have to close their operations... and lose billions of dollars. So I bet the oil companies in Athabasca would pay $100,000 for new tires... if it meant keeping their mines open.

Today, I recommend you look into another critical Athabasca supply line, natural gas. Like tires, natural gas is an essential resource for the oil companies. You simply cannot produce oil without it.

In several DailyWealth columns, I explained why the natural gas market is heading into a supply crunch and why Alberta natural gas stocks will benefit. These natural gas producers not only have a bright future ahead of them, they're also deeply depressed right now.

Gas prices were soaring across North America in 2005, thanks to strong demand for clean electricity and accelerating production in the Canadian tar sands. Then Hurricane Katrina propelled gas to more than $15 per mcf. Money rushed into the western Canadian gas sector. In 2005, the number of drill rigs in the region increased by 25%.

But in 2006, the market reversed. The weather behaved, production was plentiful, and storage inventories in the U.S. turned into large surpluses. The price of gas collapsed more than 60%... and Alberta's gas stocks got knocked to the ground... and stayed there. Take a look at these gas plays:

Company Market Cap (C$) Down from
52-week high
West Energy $254 million 40%
Gentry Resources $100 million 54%
Vero Energy $142 million 32%
Ember Resources $74 million 49%
Berens Energy $73 million 59%

Please keep in mind... I've only compiled this table to show you how far the fall has been. More than a hundred players operate in Alberta, and many are great values. But I encourage you to get familiar with Alberta's gas companies... they won't stay depressed for much longer.

Good investing,


P.S. The small stocks I've listed above are extremely risky... and only a speculator with a good knowledge of them will succeed.

I prefer to play it safe. In the September issue of The 12% Letter - out yesterday - I recommended one of the largest owners of natural gas assets in Alberta. It pays you an enormous 14.8% dividend. Click here to learn more about The 12% Letter.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - かろうじて (karoujite)

かろうじて (karoujite) - barely

--- Examples ---
I ran and barely made the 2 O'Clock train

I just barely managed to avoid dropping out of class

They are just barely still together

I barely managed to finish the letter by eleven o'clock.

You are only just in time.

I escaped the accident by the skin of my teeth.

I narrowly escaped being hit by a car.

I barely managed to catch the train.

--- Comments ---
By the look of the examples, this is spoken grammar? (contributor: blabby)

Kaens, I think you mistake 辛 for 幸. 幸 is used in 幸福、幸運 etc.
かろうじて is written as 辛うじて. (contributor: Miki)

blabby, this is the grammar for both spoken and written language (of
Miki, true, I did mistake that ^^; So, the meaning would be 'bitter,
painful, bad' - the opposite to my first comment, so I'm removing that one.
Ugh. (contributor: Kaens)

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Batch Files : Get users default printer via registry (WinXP)

Batch Files : Get users default printer via registry (WinXP)

This is another quickie recipe for you admins. This recipe shows how to get the current user's default printer via the registry and output the information to a text file via a batch file and in turn combine the result files into a larger file to then import into excel.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Maxthon 2.0 Web browser

A few years, ago I stumbled upon a plug-in for Internet explorer called MyIE2 that added Firefox-like functionality such as tabs, ad blocking and autofill. Maxthon 2.0, from the same developers, seems intended to replace the older product and hopefully add maturity that the plug-in lacked. Is it the Right Tool for the Job?

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Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜すら (sura)

〜すら (sura) - just / even if

--- Examples ---
Even a genius such as myself couldn't solve it

I was so nervous that I couldn't even take a quick peek

There are no students that don't even know the 「人」 kanji!

Some student in this university don't even know how to talk to teachers.

Even these words will someday disappear.

Even this cable cost me 6000 yen.

A jealous person gets a feeling of contentment by behaving like a dog in
the manger even with his friends.

The student did not so much as answer the teacher.

Of course, even neither goods nor the mailing fee returned.

Japanese children brought up overseas sometimes face great difficulty in
adjusting themselves to Japanese schools after returning, even though they
have a perfect command of Japanese.

Even the mightiest of empires comes to an end.

Our boss begrudged us even a small raise in pay.

I couldn't even guess.

Some people have even visited the moon.

Even a worm will turn.

If he can do it well, so much more can we.

He has no daily necessities, much less luxuries.

His son cannot so much as write his own name.

He cannot even sing children's songs, let alone opera.

He can't run his own family, let alone a nation!

She doesn't even speak her own language well, let alone French.

--- Comments ---
This seems to be similar to 'demo', which might be a good way to remember
it. (contributor: Ben)

#536O There are no students? I can't read u人」as 「人」. mojibake!
(contributor: Miki)

is this identical to ?

- cannot even see (contributor: dc)

Can you use 〜すら to say something like 'if you so much as touch this,
there'll be trouble'? (contributor: xabre24)

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Land area: 2,090 km2

Population: 5, 037, 155

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh)

Located in the south of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh city is a new settlement, the word Saigon having been registered for the first time in documents dating back to 1698. There are two distinct seasons: the rainy season from May to November and the dry season from December to April. The climate is particularly favorable for tourism.  

Ho Chi Minh City is divided into 17 urban districts and five rural districts. There are also 305 sub-districts and communes. Hundreds of rivers and canals cross the Ho Chi Minh City area, but most are mainly small. Saigon river, crossing the city on 106km, is the biggest. Means of communication by road, railway, or sea from Ho Chi Minh to all other provinces are also efficient.  

One of the main characteristics that influenced the 300 years of Saigon is the combination of three cultural sources: Vietnamese, Chinese, and European.  

The city's resources and accommodations are attractive elements for several tourists. Typical tourist sites would be counted here as Nha Rong Port (where late President Ho Chi Minh first left for France seeking the way to rescue the country from the colonists), Ho Chi Minh Museum, Thong Nhat Hall, Notre Dame Cathedral, Vinh Nghiem Pagoda and Giac Lam Pagoda.  Besides historical relics, the city charms its visitors with and many parks and flower gardens and entertainment resorts (Suoi Tien, Dam Sen, Water Park).

Ho Chi Minh City is located in a special geographical position, converging many favorable conditions for economic development. Since olden time, the City has been a most strategic area on the South, a dense and prosperous trade center, a gate and a relation clue with foreign countries.

In building the country, Ho Chi Minh City really has been an economic, industrial, financial center, an international relation and tourism center of the whole country, with amphibious communication clue and convenient air-line, a cultural and scientific technological center, etc… 

Posted By Nguyen Duc Tien to Tim kiem thong tin tren mang at 8/21/2007 12:58:00 PM


Area: 1,965km2

Population: 800,568

Provincial capital: Vung Tau City

Ethnic capital: Viet (Kinh), Chinese, Khmer.

Ba Ria - Vung Tau is a coastal province in the eastern region of southern Vietnam, around 128 km (79.36 miles) North-East of HCM City. The flat area of the province is nearly 100 metres above sea level and declines gradually toward the 80 km (49.6 miles) of coast with many beautiful swimming beaches. The offshore island of Con Dao boasts a national park and some historical and cultural relics. 

Vung Tau City is a beautiful coastal city with 15 km (9.3 miles) of coastline. It is endowed with many beautiful swimming and sunbathing beaches such as Bai Sau, Bai Dua, and Bai Dau. Thich Ca Phat Dai Park is a large pagoda in Vung Tau City. Its beauty lies in the harmonious combination between the natural surroundings and the architectural structure, which exists exclusively for religious worship.  


Area: 3.244km2

Population: 2,049,039

Provincial capital : Long Xuyen

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Khmer, Cham, Chinese.


An Giang is a southern province of Vietnam with most of area being delta, except several mountains in the districts of Thoai Son, Tinh Bien and Tri Ton. An Giang has a tropical monsoon climate, with the annual average temperature of 270C. (80.60F.). There are two separate seasons in a year: dry season from May to November, and rainy season from December to April. 

There are many famous festivals in An Giang such as Ba Chua Xu (Xu Lady Lord) Festival (takes place every year on Sam Mountain), Nguyen Trung Truc (the leader of the patriots who rose agaisnt the French in Nam Bo) Temple Festival (in Long Kien village, Cho Moi District), Cows race Festival of Khmer Ethnic Group (Unique traditional culture of Khmer people in Tinh Bien and Tri Ton Districts)

Apart from its first rank in the country in terms of rice output (over 2 million ton a year), the province is well-known for bumper crops like corn, soy beans, and aqua-products. Other special products of the An Giang Province: Tan Chau silk, Chau Doc fish sauce, Cho Thu woodwork, and cloth-weaving of the Cham people.



Land area: 921km2

Population: 2,672,122

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh) 


Hanoi lies in the Red River Delta. It borders the hilly provinces of Vinh Phu and Bac Thai to the north, the provinces of Ha Bac and Hai Hung to the east, and the province of Ha Tay to the south and the province of Ha Tay and Vinh Phu to the west.  The city of Hanoi is situated from longitude 20o25' North and from Latitude 105o15' to 106o03' East. It is situated in a tropical area having a strong monsoon influence. Hanoi is endowed with all the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Climate in Hanoi can be divided into two distinct seasons: the dry and the rainy seasons. The dry season. The dry season starts from October to April. This is the period characterized by spells of cold wind and drizzles. The rainy season starts in May and ends in September, there are many torrential rains and fierce sunshine in this period. The autumn season is in August, September and October. Climate in Autumn in Hanoi is characterized by a clear, blue sky and gentle spells of breeze. However at the close of the autumn in the city there are short spells of little cold which are eventually followed by long spells of severe cold and drizzles that make the sky gloomy all day long. That is the beginning of the winter time.


Average temperature in winter time is registered at 17o 2C. The lowest temperature at the same period is recorded at 5o C. Average temperature in summer time is recorded at 29o2C. The highest temperature at the same period is registered at 40oC. Average temperature in a year is recorded at 23o 2C. Annual average of rainfall is registered at 1,800 millimeters.


Hanoi is situated on an ancient soil area deposited from time immemorial with layer after layer of alluvium carried down from the northern mountain ranges by the Red River and its tributaries. That is the reason why Hanoi's feel as closely connected to their Red River as children do towards their mothers. In the old days the Red River has been given another common name: Cai (Mother) River. The name of Hanoi (Exterior side of a river) has derived from an ancient language which is literally known as a land area located in the inner side the Red River. It is not that the city is inside the river but rather it is embraced by about 100 kilometers of the Red river dykes. The dyke portion in Hanoi accounts for about one fifth of the total river dykes flanking on either side of the Red River that runs along the Vietnamese territory on a stretch of more than 500 kilometers.

Other rivers that run through Hanoi include the Duong, the Cau, the Ca Lo, the Day, the Nhue, the Tich, the To Lich and the Kim Nguu rivers. The last two river, To Lich and Kim Nguu, have been regarded as an inexhaustible sources of inspiration for many Vietnamese literature writers and poems who lived in the capital city in the old days. These two rivers were considered the most Poetic and romantic bodies of water that flows through the city.
 At present the two rivers, To Lich and Kim Nguu, are still partly seen in the city. Their former grandeur has long lost their literature charm because they have to give way to urbanization development scheme. Currently these rivers are regarded merely as the city's main open ditch drainage system. However, the government has had in mind a massive upgrading scheme to return the two historic rivers their original beauty


Hanoi has long been considered as the city of romantic lakes. Currently there are 18 lakes with water surface areas totaling more than 2,200 hectares. Those beautiful lakes which have come down into Vietnam's history of prose and verse literature include Ho Hoan Kiem (Sabre Restored Lake), Ho Tay (West Lake), Ho Truc Bach (White Bamboo Lake), Thien Quang Lake, Ho Bay Mau (Bay Mau Lake), Ho Thu Le (Thu Le Lake), and Ho Giang Vo (Martial Art Training Lake). These lakes are considered the giant lungs of the city which is covered with parks and shade trees grown along main boulevards to make the city more close to nature.


Hanoi has six inner precincts: Hoan Kiem, Ba Dinh, Hai Ba Trung, Dong Da, Tay Ho, Cau Giay, Thanh Xuan

Hoan Kiem Precinct:

This is regarded as the business district, the central administrative part of the city. Hoan Kiem precinct is the place where are located the city council locally known as the Municipal People's Committee, big trade centers, and the city's ancient trade and occupation area regionally reputed as the "ancient Hanoi with 36 guild streets."

Ba Dinh Precinct:

This is the area where are located most of the government offices. Ba Dinh Precinct is also famous for the location of the Mausoleum of the late President Ho Chi Minh, next to the historic Ba Dinh Square and many historic and cultural sites of the capital city.

Dong Da Precinct:

This area is mostly marked for residential areas and universities. In the last two or three decades, there have emerged several big residential areas. They are government-built apartment buildings locating in Trung Tu, Giang Vo, Thanh Xuan, Yen Lang areas. Most of the tenants are government employees. Along Nguyen Trai Road leading to National Highway 6 to the southwest of the city are located several major universities and colleges. This area, about seven kilometers from the city's center, houses the Hanoi Foreign Languages Institute, the institute of Architecture, the National University formerly known as the Hanoi University, and several others.

Hai Ba Trung Precinct:

This is also an area mostly used for residential and educational projects. Many projects have been built along the National Highway 1A. There has been some sort of infrastructure for the forming of a national university village on the southern approach to the city. Currently there are the head office of the Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training, The National Polytechnics Institute, the Institute of Construction and the National Institute of Economics.


And Tay Ho, Cau Giay and Thanh Xuan are the three new founded precincts.

There are five suburban districts:

Tu Liem, Thanh Tri, Gia Lam, Dong Anh and Soc Son. The current construction site of the Nghi Tam tourist resort center on the bank of Ho Tay is in Tu Liem district.


Ha Noi is the capital of Socialist Republic of Vietnam as well as the center of culture, economy, trade, and tourism. Lying in Red River Delta, Hanoi is an ancient city that was built in 1010 by Ly Cong Uan Dynasty. Originally named as Thang Long (Ascending Dragon), it was then renamed Dong Do (Eastern Capital) and now Ha Noi (Inner side of river).

Today, Ha Noi still preserves many ancient architectural buildings including the areas of ancient streets, whose names are attached closely with the trade and occupation of its inhabitants, and more than 600 pagodas. Apart from these, there are many modern buildings, such as President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum, Viet Xo Friendship Palace... and a system of different museums and theatres. Part of the city's area is lakes covering 10ha (24.7 acres) with the largest ones being West Lake, Hoan Kiem Lake, and Bay Mau Lake.  

Ha Noi is well known for many types of food. The most impressive food is "Pho" (a kind of rice noodle with a tasty broth), "Cha ca La Vong" (rice noodle served with fried trout), "Nem" (spring roll), "Bun Cha" (warm rice noodle served with roasted pork), and "Banh Goi" (a cake that looks like a pillow).  

Ha Noi is also home to various traditional handicraft articles. They are rattan products; pottery ware; sculptured and carved products; silk items. Many of these have become the most impressive types of souvenirs from Vietnam. 

Arriving in Ha Noi, you have chance to visit One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of Literature (the first University of Vietnam), Hanoi Cathedral, Quan Thanh Temple, Tran Quoc Pagoda, Thong Nhat Park, and Thu Le Park, Cua Bac Church - or go on an excursion to tourist spots around Hanoi: Co Loa Citadel, Huong Pagoda, and Tay Phuong Pagoda.


 In Vietnam's history, Ha Noi has always been the political, cultural, scientific-technological center, as well as a great economic and political center of the whole country.

In the process of national renovation and development, Ha Noi has attracted much investment, contributing to the development of the national economy in general, and of the North Delta Region (Ha Noi-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh) in particular.



Area: 5,257 km2

Population: 1,031,262

Provincial capital: Nha Trang City

Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Gia Rai, Ede, Gie Trieng, Cham...

Khanh Hoa is a coastal province lying in the north of HCM City with Truong Sa archipelago. Khanh Hoa topography gradually lowers from west to east with mountains, hills, coastland and islands. The two biggest rivers flowing through the province are Cai River (enters the sea in Nha Trang) and Dinh River. Khanh Hoa has a rather mild climate with the average annual temperature of 26.50 C. (79.90 F.)

In terms of transportation, Khanh Hoa has many seaports. Its Cam Ranh Port is one of the best seaports of Vietnam. The province also owns two airports in Nha Trang and Cam Ranh.

Khanh Hoa is rich in natural resources, mainly forest products, sea products, and especially sea swallow's nest. Khanh Hoa is also famous for its tourist attractions with a 7km-beach and dozens of historical places, pagodas, and beautiful scenery (the group of five or six islands situated close to each other. The largest of the islands is Hon Tre, which is located 3 km from Nha Trang).  Nha Trang is not only famous for its natural landscapes, but also for its heritage of the Cham culture (Po Nagar Towers).

Monday, August 20, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - せめて (semete)

せめて (semete) - at least, at most a small thing

--- Examples ---
If we at least had a pot, we could cook rice

at most an uninteresting thing, but ...

At least I want to be understood by my parents

At least let me help with the table.

Can't you wait just ten more minutes?

He might at least apologize.

At the very least, I'd like to be able to have everyday conversations.

You should have enough sense not to drink, at least during your illness.

Had we at least one more day!

At least show me your smiling face just one last time.

--- Comments ---
I don't like the second example. せめて is not used that way. (contributor:

would you use seizei instead?
せいぜい、つまらないものですが、、 (contributor: dc)

せいぜい also does not cut it. If you really want to use it in the context
of the second example, it would be like
せめてもと持参したつまらないものですが(it's an uninteresting thing that I
at least brought,' but that's really stretching it. (contributor: bamboo4)

You can say せめてのもの instead of せめて. せめてのもの is stronger than
せめて. (contributor: Miki)

ex1174 J is weird for me. Did you mean ほんのつまらないものですが ?
(contributor: Miki)

攻めて and 責めて are the only two kanji that come up for this word. 責めて
means to criticize, condemn or blame. Maybe せめて means (at it's core)
'Even if you closely examine this situation, x should be expected.' I don't
know if this is true or not, but it's a thought. (contributor: LittleFish)

攻めて and 責めて are not equivalent of せめて, but せめて did derive from
責む in 連用形 form with connective て. In archaic use, there were several
other meanings associated with せめて, but what we now have is 'although
not sufficient, at least this much if the situation compels.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

I agree with Miki-san re ex1174. As he says, it shoud be
ほんのつまらないものですが and therefore does not belong to this thread.
  (contributor: bamboo4)

Beg pardon but what is the difference between せめて and つくなくても ?
(contributor: nadine)

This isn't JLPT 1. My guess is level 3 or 2 but I don't know for sure
which. On another note, does anyone besides me always get せめて and
せいぜい confused? If so, does anyone have a good memory technique?
(contributor: yookoso)

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