Friday, November 30, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - がてら (gatera)

がてら (gatera) - while doing something

--- Notes ---
Used to express getting one thing accomplished while doing a second thing.
Perhaps a good English equivalent would be 'to kill two birds with one

--- Examples ---
Since I took a walk. I stopped at a bookshop.

Since you go for a run in the car, coud you pick me up at the station?

Chat with a colleague on the internet for a change.

Since I've come all the way to the capital, I might as well get some
shopping done on top of sightseeing.

--- Comments ---
more formal than -nagara but similar - ?? (contributor: dc)

gatera can be reaplced with ついでに or wo を兼ねて.
x散歩をしながら、本屋に寄った。This is not natural.
I think that がてら is used to show another action (本屋に寄る) taken
place in the middle of one main action (散歩をする), 散歩→本屋→散歩
While ながら、two or more actions are at the same time.
eg. 友だちと喋りながら歩く。 I walk as talking with a friend. 歩く=喋る
(contributor: Miki)

You can also use かたがた.
散歩かたがた公園に行った. (contributor: bamboo4)

got it. so its not a verb ending like 〜ながら。
It means more like 'on the occasion of' or 'while doing A, also did B' than
'during or while' ... ie slightly separated incidents.

Is it a very formal/written phrase? (contributor: dc)

Right on, dc.

ついでに is conversational, がてら,かねて and かたがた are predominantly
used in writing. (contributor: bamboo4)

My book says that this is not used for a 'big' event. It is used for
something small or something that can be finished soon.
旅行がてら = NO
散歩がてら = OK (contributor: blabby)

No, that is not correct.がてら can be used in any situation where you say
'while doing X, I also did Y.'

There is such limitation as Blabby refers to.

It is perfectly correct to say 中国旅行がてらタイにも足を伸ばした。Or

I dn't know what your book is, but if that's what it says,it is not

(contributor: bamboo4)

The book I am using is 実力アップ!日本語能力試験一級文法編 by Unicom. The
explanations are in Japanese so Ill quote from the book.

〜がてら ー (〜をするときに)
×旅行がてら  ○散歩がてる

Maybe this books explanations are not as good as I thought... (contributor:

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 頂く (itadaku)

頂く (itadaku) - to receive (polite)

--- Examples ---
based on the email I received today...

For what we are about to receive (said before eating a meal, like 'grace'
in the west)

Would the President like DC to send the letter to the lawyer?

Should I have asked your permission?

Your response is greatly appreciated and will enable us to prepare more

--- Comments ---
where itadaku is to receive, I think / is the opposite, ie a polite way of
saying something I give to someone (contributor: dc)

ex#3167 It is possible to say 社長は、DCに手紙を弁護士に送って 欲しい or
貰いたい のでしょうか? When DC is ranked higher in a company than the
speak and the listener, it is desirable to use 頂きたい with respect.
(contributor: your name)

(contributor: your name)

特に外人にとっては便利 ^○^ (contributor: dc)

#3167 is weird. You want me to edit it? (contributor: bamboo4)

Yes, please. When you are confident its correct, please change the
'checked' dropdown to a +1 to greenlight the example... (contributor: dc)

つまり、修正頂きたいと思います。宜しくお願い致します。 (contributor: dc)

itadaku is the plain (dict) form of itadakimasu (contributor: dc)

I changed it, but it no longer belongs to this category of 頂きたい.
(contributor: bamboo4)

hmm, why would you use morau there instead of itadaku ? i was trying to
include more biz usable examples (contributor: dc)

社長 need not use any honorifics to make DC to do something for him. If DC
wants 社長 to do that, it's a different
story.DCから社長に頼んで弁護士に手紙を送って頂くようにしたい would be okay.
(contributor: bamboo4)

no, that phrase was DC asking the President what he wanted him to do. ie DC
talking to the Prez. (contributor: dc)

In that case, you have to use 貰いたい.
(contributor: bamboo4)

This is level one? I don't believe it. (contributor: bab)

bab Please suggest what you think the level is if you don't think this is
not the level one. (contributor: Miki)

致す/致しますis not the opposite of 頂く。Instead, it is a humble form of
する。 (contributor: 誠)

bab is correct - This appears in JLPT level 3. (contributor: NickT)

Can someone explain to me the rule behind requests in the form of, for
example, お送りいただけませんか? (contributor: mwhite)

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜までもな�「 (〜mademonai)

〜までもない (〜mademonai) - It's not necessary (to bother) to; do not have

--- Examples ---

Its just a cold, so its not neccessary to take medicine

It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy in many ways.

It goes without saying that money is not everything.

It goes without saying that health is above wealth.

It goes without saying that everybody is given the equal right to speak.

It goes without saying that smoking is bad for the health.

It goes without saying that diligence is the key to success.

It goes without saying that nobody can come between us.

It goes without sayng, if you are tired, you should take a rest.

Topics that don't need their own threads should go here

--- Comments ---
ex#3305 I don't understand the Japanese, especially スレ立てる.
(contributor: Miki)

I dont understand it either! It came up as the first google for an example:
(contributor: dc)

I dont understand it either! It came up as the first google for an
here (contributor: dc)

I didn't know. スレ立てる is short for スレッドを立てる thread It
sometimes means 発言とそれに対するコメントから成る一連のメッセージ群
I'm a dinosaur. dc, you, too! (^o^)
(contributor: Miki)

#3305 スレ立てるまでもない話題はこちらへ in English would be: 'Click here
for topics that do not require a new thread.' (contributor: bamboo4)

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 兼ねて (kanete)

兼ねて (kanete) - combine with

--- Notes ---
Noun + を + 兼ねて
Noun + を + 兼ねる

--- Examples ---
In going to Osaka on business, I'll combine it with a sightseeing visit to

Hold the office of Prime Minister concurrently with the portfolio of
Foreign Minister.

I want to get a job that mixes work and play.

Combined with writing practice, I am corresponding with my Japanese pen
friend. I guess I am killing two birds with one stone.

Along with personal interest and practical reasons, I studied Japanese.
Before I knew it, translation became my main source of income.

--- Comments ---
Thank you for putting this page up.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this in a form other than
Noun+を+兼ねて? (contributor: blabby)

I thought of examles other than Noun nor noun phrase, nothing comes up.
noun phrase eg. 頭を冷やすのを兼ねて公園に散歩に行く (contributor: Miki)

Thanks for your help Miki, I'll add it to the notes section. (contributor:

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜にして (nishite)

〜にして (nishite) - only; because of that

--- Notes ---

other similar meanings:

だけ only:
 a thing only a scholar could do

だから so
 he is a scholar so he could do it

だからこそ due to/because of
 because he is a great scholar he could do it

--- Examples ---
He worked hard to execute Nobel Prize level research. This was the
something only a great scholar could achieve.

Only as a student did I go to Japan.

90歳 にして彼はいまだに驚くほど元気である。
At the age of ninety he still has surprising vigour.

--- Comments ---
#5146: can someone check please? (contributor: dc)

#6138 The Japanese is weird. 留学生として日本に行った。 is better. That
means this example does not fit to this entry. (contributor: Miki)

#5146 The Japanese looks ok. Usually the expression is used as written
language. Simpler expression is
これは、偉大な科学者であって初めてできることであろう。 (contributor: Miki)

#6139 For your reference, this にして is different from the entry.
(contributor: Miki)

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - なりに (narini)

なりに (narini) - in one's own way, one's own style

--- Examples ---
I have my own outlook on life.

Animals have their own way of communicating

Kids have kids own world

If that is so, then try to do it accordingly (in line with that).

End up according to (as) what one has been told.

In that country I was a foreigner and was treated as such.

This push-button phone turned out to be useful in its way.

All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in
its own way.

The picture is good in its way.

Takeo is quite a good fellow in his way.

Some people say that cartoons on television are educational in themselves.

I read a lot of books in my youth; I am a scholar in my own way.

A man's worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.

He has his own collection of phobias.

I would rather live by myself than do as he tells me to do.


--- Comments ---
not to be confused with nari~nari which is more like, for example...
(contributor: dc)

this might be easier to remember in english by using the same repetition
kids have kids own...
he has his own...
(contributor: dc)

hmm That means there is only one 'have' in the first example? (contributor:

oops. eagle eyes! (contributor: dc)

なりに does not always mean 'one's own way' as shown by my example.
(contributor: bamboo4)

なり could mean 'accroding to' as shown in my examples, and it also could
mean 'even though not entirely satisfactory, but corresponding to the
capability that one has' that could be equal to 'one's own way' in a broad
sense. However, don't forget that there is this modesty that is at the root
of なりに.
(contributor: bamboo4)

ex# 3611 人となり is one word. (contributor: Miki)

>miki ↑ which one word? 人となり you mean one 字 ?
or as spoken it is a set phrase? (contributor: dc)

I think Miki is referring to the fact that 人となり in the sense it is used
in #3611 is a single word - also written 為人, meaning 'inborn character' -
rather than an example of the なりに phrase. (contributor: srobertson)

srobertson's comment is what I wanted to say. ;) (contributor: Miki)

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - さながら (sanagara)

さながら (sanagara) - Just like

--- Examples ---
Just like a spoiled, selfish child, I avoided the main issue.

The training session included a variety of mock situations and emergencies.

A jazz night just like a genuine New York one.

How to light a fire just like they did it in the stone age.

A stylish atmosphere like New York

Questions just like the real ones that appear in the TOEIC test.

A simulation just like the real thing.

A practice exam, just like the real one.

The group of robbers dug a 110m tunnel from a nearby house and entered the
premises. It's just like a movie.

--- Comments ---
There is Kanji for this grammar (宛ら), but it is usually written in

For #5509, 'Avoiding the main issue' is the only translation I can come up
with for お茶を濁す that doesn't sound awkward. Any better ideas?
(contributor: blabby)

Something like 'muddle along' may be?
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - ふと (futo)

ふと (futo) - suddenly, by coincidence

--- Notes ---
and do not always have negative connotations

whereas implies more regret, or that the action was done carelessly.

other words for suddenly include

--- Examples ---
By coincidence, I happened to see Kimura san on the train

Suddenly, I hit upon this new idea.

Watching TV,I had this instant recall of the memory of my friend during my
student days.

A pure happenstance can be a die-casting event in your life.

A happy idea came upon me.

A bight idea occurred to me.

That word dropped from his mouth.

The old man stopped suddenly and looked back.

It occurred to me that I should not keep it secret.

Accidentally, the rumor has turned out to be false.

It occurred to me that I had left my purse at home.

I had a notion to tell what I had seen.

It occurred to me that the man was tryng to cheat me out of moy money.

It struck me that the girl was trying to hide something.

It occurred to me that I had left my bg on the train.

Through trial and error, he found the right answer by chance.

It occurred to me that he was the right man.

The sight tempted him to steal.

It occurred to me that he had done it on purpose.

It occurred to me that he was trying to conceal something.

It occurred to me that he might not tell the truth.

I overheard their mockery.

She hit upon a good idea.

Suddenly, my feet stopped.

--- Comments ---
whats the difference with いきなり or 突然? (contributor: dc)

hmm this is a very good question... Let me think. (contributor: Miki)

ふと would be used in the sense of 'incidentally' or 'by some unexpected
turn of event.' It is more or less an unexpected thing that catch you more
or less passively.

いきなり and 突然 has the connotation of 'out of blue' or 'abruptly' so
that there is a big element of surprise. (contributor: bamboo4)

what is the difference with 偶然 ? (contributor: marvin)

偶然 「ぐうぜん」 I think means more what a coincidence. As in 'what a
surprise to see you here!'

突然 「とつぜん」is more similar, like 'out of the blue'.

いきなり is another similar word.
いきなり結婚した - got married all of a sudden (contributor: dc)

For me, there are hints (like endling と) for the word is an onomatopoeia
construction, that's the difference... As in,
「ふと気がついたの。」''Pooh!' - the realization came.' Although it's not
as childish in Japanese, as they use onomatopoeia words a lot.
(contributor: Kaens)

Yes. Bamboo4 is correct. 3940 should start 'Incidentally, ' (contributor:

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 始末だ (shimatsuda)

始末だ (shimatsuda) - Unfortunately, (it has become ~)

--- Notes ---
Verb(辞書形) + しまつだ。

The result is always something bad.

Meaning: Finally, on top of that. Used to describe when something bad
becomes worse.

--- Examples ---
Those two don't get along very well. Unfortunately, at the drop of a hat,
they start arguing.

Unfortunately, it has got to the point where he has to borrow money from

Just as I said, it turned out like this!

On top of getting divorced, I got fired from my job

--- Comments ---
I think this is similar to '〜してしまった' or
In my grammar book, there is no kanji but if you do a google search, 始末だ
comes up often.
I'm not very confident about example #5437... (contributor: blabby)

#5437 Do you mean 結末 ketsumatus instead of 始末? (contributor: Miki)

#5437 is copied exactly as I found it. I'm not quite sure about it because
it is not at the end of the sentence as all the other examples are. 結末
and probably even 結果 sound like they would be good in context.
(contributor: blabby)

In #5437,始末 means 'from the beginning to the end' whereas in all other
examples, 始末 is used to mean 'situation' or 'circumstances.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜をものと�烽ケずに (~womonotomosezuni)

〜をものともせずに (~womonotomosezuni) - In the face of, in defiance of

--- Examples ---
Undaunted, despite the pain in her legs, she finished her run in the
marathon race.

Without heed to the road deeply covered with snow, he doggedly drove on.

Heedless of the enemy advance, the troops charged.

in defiance of everyone around them, the two of them got married.

Making nothing of the cold he went out in thin clothes.

He jumped into the river in defiance of the icy water.

The reckless girl climbed the tree regardless of danger.

--- Comments ---
added a translation and some see also links.
be nice to know subtelties between this and (contributor: dc)

perhaps others are 'despite' whereas this is a much stronger 'in defiance
of/against all odds' type phrase... (contributor: dc)

I think it also means 'regardless'; behaving as though the obstacle or
whatever isn't actually there. (contributor: Rob)

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - かのごとく (kanogotoku)

かのごとく (kanogotoku) - as if

--- Notes ---
〜かのごとく: 〜かのように + 形容詞・動詞

--- Examples ---
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

Dance freely as if nobody was watching.

Within this forest, it was so mysterious as if one had even gone some ten
thousands years back in time

--- Comments ---
Appeared in JLPT 1 for 2002 (contributor: Amatuka)

Seems may be used mostly in poetic / lyric sense. (contributor: Amatuka)

Actually, this entry is under ごとく since the 〜かの before it can be seen
as a noun phrase, 何万年も前に戻ったか(noun phrase) + の + ごとく
(contributor: 誠)

Actually, it sounds similar with 〜かのような, only thing is now since the
following phrase is either an Adjective or Verb, it becomes 〜かのように.
And also, ごとく is a classical word. (contributor: 誠)

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜それまで�セ ([conditional] + soremadeda)

〜それまでだ ( + soremadeda) - Conveys the idea that if something occurs,
then a bad end is reached.

--- Examples ---
Even if you study hard, you will fail the exam and that's the end of that.

You shouldn't be doing this. If they find out, that will be the end of

If it rains, that's the end of that.

If you die, you die.

No matter how much money you earn, once you die, that is the end of it.


--- Comments ---
Even if you study hard, you will fail the exam and that's the end of that.
(contributor: Glen Charles Rowell)

for the above example 一生懸命勉強しても試験に合格しなければそれまでだ。
(contributor: Glen Charles Rowell)

Thanks for checking. (contributor: Miki)

You can also use this with other conditionals such as 〜たら, 〜なら, 〜と.
Although most JLPT books only have the 〜ばそれまでだ version.

'that's the end of that' is a great translation. Thanks. (contributor:

I think 'that's the end of that' is grossly ambiguous and it is not a good
English. I suggest the following:

Even if you study hard, should you fail the exams,then the things would go

That's bad and you shouldn't be doing that. If they ever find out, you will
be hitting your point of no return.

If it rains, that's how the ball bounces.

(contributor: bamboo4)

To me, rather than 'that's the end of that', it sounds more natural to say
something more along the lines of ' that's it' or depending on the case,
'you're screwed'. A good example would be from the sentence above -
悪いことをしないほうがいいよ。見つかればそれまでだ。 You shouldn't be doing
stuff like that. Somebody sees you and you're gonna be screwed.
(contributor: HokkaidoHillbilly)

hello hillbilly: care to put that one in as an example? it seems a good
one. (contributor: dc)

I think 'you're screwed' is also a good translation (意訳) in the case of
my example #5315. 'That's the end of that' might not be the most natural,
but it is a general translation which fits almost all examples.

To me 'That's bad and you shouldn't be doing that. If they ever find out,
you will be hitting your point of no return. ' seems a little strange.
(contributor: blabby)

I also like to use 'that's all she wrote' for this one. Like, 'then you're
screwed', it's a bit colloquial, but definitely sounds natural. I also
wonder if using a repetition here: for instance [#5315] could be written
'...if you fail, you fail.' However, in English, this can also have the
sense of 'no big deal', or 'you can't argue with fate'. So for [#5316] 'If
it rains, it rains' - in English, this has the implication that a) there's
nothing you can do about it, and possibly b) no big deal. Are these nuances
present in the Japanese? (contributor: srobertson)

The grammar entry meaning 'if .. then it was over' is a poor match. At
the least it should be 'if ... then it _is_ over.' (contributor: Paul)

'That's the end of that' is (I believe) much better English than those very
odd phrases suggested above. The only problem with #4765 is that it is
conditional, and therefore should be written: If you study hard and still
fail the exam, that's the end of that. (contributor: Dutch)

[#5316] 'If it rains, it rains' would be a good translation, since in
Japanese, it conveys the feeling of resignation, too. Such tautological
statement has the connotation of emphasis in Japanese.
雨が降るから雨が降る. (contributor: bamboo)

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - どうも (doumo)

どうも (doumo) - apparently, naturally

--- Examples ---
With this kind of sky apparently it will rain

Whatever I do, it doesn't end up well.

I feel very bad about it.

It's not very clear and I don't quite understand.

'Will they go on strike again?' 'I'm afraid so.'

There seems to be no need to go.

Well, thank you/sorry/sorry I'm late/good to see you, etc.

--- Comments ---
済みません means that one's mind remains unsettled and therefore not 澄む,
that is not clear. From 澄む came the concept of 済む meaning 'finishied.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can simply say どうも and you can dispense with all other phrases you
can think of!
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - ように (youni-2)

ように (youni-2) - became

--- Examples ---
So, I want to become able to speak better english

I don't care whatever you do.

Can you imagine what the 21st century will be like?

It crawls on all fours as a baby, then learns to walk on two legs, and
finally needs a cane in old age.

We are hoping for your quick recovery.

--- Comments ---
ように has a meaning of 'to do' or 'so that one can do' which I guess would
include 'become.' The first example can literally be translated as 'For
that reason, I want to do so that I can speak better English.'

My second example follows that vein.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Um, this might be of use but it's especially for the youni NARU -sentence
pattern. But it said in the comments of the 'youninaru' that this grammar
entry would do, so...One of the possible usages of ように:

ようになる expresses a change that takes place gradually.

With verbs:

Vdic + you ni naru= 'reach the point where~'/'come to~'

(My) child has reached the point where she cleans her room herself.

Vneg + you ni naru= 'reach the point where ~not'

Mr.Hayashi has reached the point where he does not smoke.

*Vdic= Verb, dictionary form


Besides なる, there's also する and 言う verbs that can be connected with
ように to create more specific meanings...Did some of these have their own
entries...? (contributor: Naino)

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜であれ (deare)

〜であれ (deare) - No matter what; Even if; No matter how

--- Notes ---
Same meaning as 'Tatoe~temo'. Written. Formal.


--- Examples ---
Even the company president has to obey the rules.

Voting is something that you have to do, even if you live abroad.


No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are
moments when you wish you had chosen some other career.

I will go, be the weather what it may.

Whoever is at the door, please ask him to wait.

--- Comments ---
Please, think to the people who have a hardtime understandin japanes
writing and put the example also in romanji. Thank you. (contributor:

I am not able to read kanjis... (contributor: uetaki)

This example is JLPT level 1. It is formal and WRITTEN grammar.

Just click on the example and you will get a tranlastion into hiragana from
the Edict dictionary.

If you can't read hiragana, you will find studying advanced written grammar
a little hard... (contributor: blabby)

Is this just like a formal version of 「だって」、As
in, アメリカ人だってご飯を食べますよ。

Hmm actually that's not right, is it. I guess it's more like でも or
であっても, yeah? (contributor: rogen)

From what I have studied so far であれ has a similar meaning to
であっても and でも (contributor: evdsluys)

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - にもまして (nimomashite)

にもまして (nimomashite) - above everything; more than before

--- Examples ---
Tom works more diligently now.

Above all, I want to be healthy.

He decided to study harder.

He values honor above anything else.

This flowers color is beautiful. However, the scent is even more

--- Comments ---
how is this different from より ? (contributor: dc)

にも+まして(増して)is similar to より here.
I feel にもまして is more emphasized than より in telling the difference.
(contributor: Miki)

is this a written only word? (contributor: dc)

= A is 〜 but B is even more 〜.
= Aも〜だが、さらにBの方が上だ。 (contributor: blabby)

Is this almost like TORIWAKE ?? (contributor: naimononedari)

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - ずもがな(=�ウくもがな ) (zumogana)

ずもがな(=無くもがな ) (zumogana) - Vn, As well not to ~

--- Examples ---
Japan wins at football, it's a thing you don't even need to ask about to
know how the Korean Mr. Kim feels.

New eletronic gadgets - Pah! - as well not to buy them, if you do then
nothing good will come of it.

In his writings, there are a number of words which might better have been
left out.

--- Comments ---
Two general uses, 1. Something doesn't need doing / saying. (contributor:

2. Something should not be done / said (contributor: Amatuka)

NOTE: This is /relatively/ low usage in modern Japanese - but appeared on
2000 JLPT level 1. (contributor: Amatuka)

I agree with NOTE. I asked J co-workers if they use 買わずもがな, I was
asked the meanings. I know only 言わずもがな. (contributor: Miki)

Formed by V-nai base + ずもがな
e.g. 買う→買わない→買わずもがな

Vn = V-nai base (contributor: Amatuka)

もがな dates bqck to the Heian era, and it means that what precedes もがな
would be the desire of the speaker. It is an archaic Japanese which only
finds its use in some set expressions, such as 言わずもがな,which literally
would mean 'I desire that I do not say that' that would include the case of
my regret for having said what I said.
My 広辞苑 shows the following:
あらずもがな、言わずもがな、無くもがな、やらずもがな and 由もがな.
While 買わずもがな is grammatically correct, I am not sure if it is
actually used.
In any event, except perhaps 言わずもがな, all other instances of the use
of もがな are pretty archaic.

(contributor: bamboo4)

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Yellow Fever Grips India
Nandita Jain - | Nov 13, 2007 | View It
"Analysts have predicted that gold consumption will rise to a record 900 tonnes this year."

Gold Surge Triggers Wall Street Fear
Free Market News Network | Nov 13, 2007 | View It
"If investors are turning back to one of the most ancient forms of money, one implication is that they are losing faith in modern finance."

Gold Bull Market Just Beginning as Gold surges Toward $2000/oz.
Bill Bonner | Nov 7, 2007 | View It
"Predicting a US$1,000 price for gold seems modest?In fact, we don't even think US$2,000 is all that outrageous.."

US Dollar Devaluation Signals Risk of Hyperinflation
Captain Hook | Oct 30, 2007 | View It
"Behind the scenes the Fed is all too aware the economy is in recession."

Central Bank Gold Sales, 2007-08
Gold News | Nov 13, 2007 | View It
"While Spain and Switzerland continue to sell gold, Russia and smaller banks are looking to buy..."

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - をよそに (woyosoni)

をよそに (woyosoni) - Without consideration for... / Despite... / Without

--- Notes ---
Noun + をよそに

Aは Bをよそに Cする。- 'Despite B, A did C.'

--- Examples ---
Despite having university entrance exams soon, he's wasting his time on
the computer every day.

Without considering that his parents might be worried, he always slacks

Without respect for the protests from China, Mr Koizumi visited Yasukuni

--- Comments ---
I think this grammar might be related to 他所/よそ/'A different place'. For
example '他所の人' - 'Stranger'.

I know this kanji is not used often, but is this relationship correct?
(contributor: blabby)

I think so.
#5495 Looks 文字化け. 毎日???に興じてる。 (contributor: Miki)

Thanks for pointing that out Miki. For some reason sometimes just one or
two Kanji become 文字化け. Im not sure if its this site or my computer...
(contributor: blabby)

blabby - what browser and OS are you using? it might be because your
browser is not sending pages in the right encoding. sometimes multi-byte
items can get chewed up. (contributor: dc)

よそに or 余所に means 'treating as if it is somehwere unrelated.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

Hi DC, I'm using Windows XP SP2 English version with microsoft IME 2002
version 8.1. I am using firefox v1.0.6. If nobody else has problems then it
is probably just my computer. Its not a big problem, Ill just have to check
my examples a lot. (contributor: blabby)

should the note read 'Despite B, A did C'? (contributor: yookoso)

Whoops, thanks yookoso. I mixed up A and B. Fixed! (contributor: blabby)

よそに=ものともせず?? (contributor: サリル)

よそに and ものともせず is not equal.
よそに implys neglecting/(despite) B, A did C.
ものともせず implyes overcome obstacles and do something. in defiance of
(contributor: Miki)

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - によって (niyotte-2)

によって (niyotte-2) - depending on

--- Examples ---
depending on the weather, i will come

Depending upon the outcome, you may not be hired.

Depending upon the weather, the event may be cancelled.

--- Comments ---
天気によって来ます is weird. It should be '天気次第で行きます.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

how about
 天気によっては来ます (contributor: dc)

If you say 天気によっては来ます,it is very likely that you are talking
about some third party or things. Like in Nikko, there are many monkeys,
and you can say that to indicate that those monkeys will show up depending
on the weather.

If you are talking about yourself, it is normal to say
天気によってはゆきます or 天気によっては帰って来ます but one do not
normally see 来ます very often.

(contributor: bamboo4)

erm, sorry my encoding messed up again, that first line should be 'saiyou
shinai _koto_ ga arimasu'

delete button doesn't seem to work :(
(contributor: Snake)

snake hiya - deleted your mojibake post above... dunno why your delete btn
is not working - are you logged in?
also the encoding, i haven't seen probs with. what browser/OS are you on?
(contributor: dc)

dc, I cannot delete my comment, too. When I am logged off, I cannot see
delete btn. でしょ? (contributor: Miki)

I could delete an example I added. (contributor: Miki)

yes, you can only delete your own comments - so you have to be logged in so
the system knows which are yours! otherwise an anonymous user could come in
and delete everything... (contributor: dc)

I was logged in, and i tried it again just then logged in, but no go. I'm
using Opera though.. gomen
(contributor: Snake)

dang. that would class as a bug then. might be Opera cookie/session
handling. I recommend firefox but IE seems OK too. (contributor: dc)

Firefox cannot handle Japanese fonts. (contributor: bamboo4)

ex1309 天気 によっては 来ます can also be used such when you were at a
gathering and asked if you comes to next gathering. 
一郎:「次回はきますか?」Will you come next time?
花子:「天気によっては来ます。」 (contributor: Miki)

I use Firefox and have had no problems with japanese fonts..? (contributor:

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜ほど (hodo)

〜ほど (hodo) - the more... the more... as along with

--- Examples ---
the colder it is the more delicious sake can become, it is said

He could not speak, he was so angry.

It is so crowded, the door cannot be closed

We have more apples than we could eat in a day.

This English novel is not easy enough for you to read in a week.

This furniture is superior beyond comparison.

This fruit has not ripened enough to be picked.

This job is killing me.

Nothing is as terrible as losing someone you love.

This store doesn't stay open as late as I'd like.

This medicine will do wonders for a runny nose.

In all my travels I've never seen a more beautiful mountain than Everest.

That's why I have such an extreme hatred for him.

The coffee was too hot for me to drink.

That shop does not stay open as late as would suit my convenience.

--- Comments ---
In the second example, 閉まらないほど would be 'cannot be closed' instead
of opened.
In the third example, 'can be made' assumes possibility of human
intervention, whereas 出来る denies that. So, the English should be 'can
become' instead of 'can be made.' (contributor: bamboo4)

ex. 666 and 1211 seem different from 263.
The first two have the effect coming before ほど.. can not speakほどangry.
can not openほどcrowded.
Example 263 seems backwards, but is similar to the explanation for
Could someone explain the first two examples, please? (contributor:

To add to that, the first two examples, ほど has the effect of 'such that.'
Such that he could not speak, he was angry.
Such that the door could not be closed, it was crowded.
Does that soudn right? (contributor: gtunak85)

I think it is smoother if the English versions of the first two examples
He was so angry that he could hardly speak.
It was so crowded that the door cluld not be closed.
(contributor: bamboo4)

お酒 would be 冷たい (tsumetai) not 寒い (samui), wouldn't it? I get this
one confused a lot--based on situation, so I thought I'd ask to clarify.
(contributor: jpeppel)

Yes, but this is not talking about the sake itself - but the environment in
which it is made... from the icy north comes delicious sake... ってこと?
(contributor: anon)

or possibly depending on context: in cold weather hot sake tastes more
delicious? (contributor: anon)

出来る cannot have the connotation of 'taste more delicious.' (contributor:

but isn't this talking about 'making' お酒 as opposed to tasting, as
mentioned above (...from the icy north comes delicious sake)? (contributor:

i think the entry meaning should be ' so〜(such)that...' for ' 〜ほど '
'the more... , the more ...' should be the entry for '〜ば〜ほど ' ,
therefore any examples with the meaning ' the more... the more...' should
be moved to the corresponding entry, to avoid confusion. お願い致します
(contributor: 誠)



Have these ほど the same meaning? ?_? (contributor: Lucia06)

I think 'extent' is the best single-word equivalent for ほど. It fits with
most of the example sentences above. (contributor: Sumofan)

I agree with Sumofan. I found this sentence in a song:
飽きるほど でんわした. I called until I got tired of calling.
(contributor: pingpongpaddle)

I also learned that 'extent' or 'as much as' is a good representation for

Also, I once read a Japan Times piece about the set phrase
それほどではありません。Apparently, it is good to use whenever you want to
respond humbly to a compliment (e.g. about how good your lousy Japanese
is). (contributor: yookoso)

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜っぱなし (ppanashi)

〜っぱなし (ppanashi) - Keep ~ing / To leave ~

--- Notes ---
Verb(ます形) + っぱなし

--- Examples ---
On the shinkansen from Toukyou to Aomori I kept standing up for 3 hours. My
feet hurt!

Hey, you can't leave your things here.

Don't drop your rubbish about, ok.

I borrowed my friends video and didn't return it. I'd better return it

--- Comments ---
This is a rare case of 一級 grammar that I hear in every day conversation.
I learnt this when I was still a beginner. I think it has a similar
meaning to '〜たまま'. (contributor: blabby)

It is a colloqual form of 放し, meaning doing something and leave it at
that.It has a lot more emphasis than ...たままにする. (contributor:

How can I know how must I read the kanji, if in on yomi or kunyomi.
For example: in n° 5446 is:
koko ni 'TE' ki ppanachi
koko ni 'OKU' ki ppanachi?
It is very difficult for people who don´t know japanese very well.
(contributor: Futaro)

It's not that difficult.
The fact that there's a hiragana 'ki' after it tells you that it should be
'oki'. This has nothing to do with this grammar though... (contributor:

It's common practice that in compounds you'll be using onyomi.
(contributor: Cacawate)

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - にかかわる (nikakawaru)

にかかわる (nikakawaru) - affects; relates to; a matter of

--- Notes ---

--- Examples ---
That kind of behaviour affects your honour.

Such conduct is beneath your dignity.

The problem affects the honor of our school.

It is a matter of life and death.

If you drive with anything less than extreme caution, you're risking your

Lack of oxygen is fatal to most animals.

We will not tolerate anyone who engages in insane terrorism.

Any industrial property rights relating to the Product Specification shall
belong to ABC Inc.

War concerns us all.

He got angry because his honor was at stake.

The illness is not a matter of life or death.

--- Comments ---
is this a formal version 関係? (contributor: dc)

The opposite to this is にかかわらず which is 2級 grammar. (contributor:

The kanji is 関わる (contributor: Nanashi)

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - かけた (kaketa)

かけた (kaketa) - started but not finished

--- Notes ---
~kakeru is for verbs:
言いかけ (いいかけ)
In the middle of saying something

I fell asleep with the book half read.

~kakeno is a modifier for nouns (eg. tabekake no ringo)
A half-eaten apple

~kake da comes at the end of a sentence
where だ is derived from です
it is in the middle of being written

--- Examples ---
the essay has to be finished by today, but I am still in the middle of
writing it.

I am in the process of reading it.

I've totally forgotten (them). Even though it's certain that I've read
(no, well, started to read,) them.

please throw away the half-drunk things in the fridge.

This in the middle of being eaten bento box is who's?

Just as I was about to eat the cake, the phone rang.

The man who nearly drowned began to breath.

The child was nearly run over by a car.

Half-forgotten music danced through his mind.

He started to say something, but I beat him to it.

I caught him by the arm before he could fall.

He was about to fall asleep, when he heard his name called.

He got tired of the work, and left it half-done.

--- Comments ---
書きかけた is incorrect, and should be 書きかけだ.
(contributor: bamboo4)

飲み かけた is incorrect and should be 飲みかけの (contributor: bamboo4)

読み かけた means 'just started to read' and does not have the context of
'I didn't finish reading it' which would be 読み終えなかった.
(contributor: bamboo4)

corrections made, thanks! (contributor: dc)

書きかけた does seem to be a valid (if low) usage - 3,000 Google hits
compared to
(書きかけ -書きかけた)'s 27,600.
Do 飲みかけ, 書きかけ etc belong in the same entry as 読みかけた ?
(contributor: Amatuka)

I suppose 読みかけた doesn't have the nuance of 読み終えなかった - because
that would imply that you probably aren't going to finish it.
(contributor: Amatuka)

Presumably they are all based on
かける (aux-v,v1) to turn on; to dial (e.g. phone); to start doing
something (but not finish) (contributor: Amatuka)

Maybe this entry should be changed to 'かける - To start (but not finish)
something' with the noun + past tense verb form noted in comments.
(contributor: Amatuka)

I think this has two meanings:
1. to start (but not finish)
2. to almost start (contributor: dc)

is different from
食べかけの+noun (contributor: dc)

食べかけの is simply the noun form of 食べかける with の acting as a
modifier. I think there is no difference in meaning between
'食べかけたケーキ' and '食べかけのケーキ' (although the latter is much more
common). (contributor: your name)

as someone else pointed out the かけた in 話しかけた is nothing to do with
this grammar, it's a set phrase
'he started to talk to me' (contributor: dc)

this might fall into a category of verb endings, including -dashita
(contributor: dc)

I'm still not convinced of 'to almost start' as distinct from 'to start
(but not finish)' although there are cases where both could be used in
translations of sentences using かけた. (contributor: Amatuka)

私はケーキを 食べ かけた should be 私が (contributor: bamboo4)

Made the change by deleting 私は in #1612. Not need in the context.
(contributor: bamboo4)

The english in ex#1082 is really awkward. I think it should be 'Whose is
this half-eaten bento box?' (contributor: CorDarei)

you're right, that is a literal translation...trying to keep the same order
as the japanese. out of style i guess on this site, so i moved it to the
notes section. (contributor: dc)

not yet tho! (contributor: dc)

what would you say this means kaketa arnou i have taken the spelling off
something heard so it is probably incorect
(contributor: rudy)

This is a Level 2 grammar point. (contributor: Olivier)

の in 食べかけの is a nominalizer, which makes a noun phrase out of
食べかけ(started to eat but not yet finished). (contributor: bamboo4)

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 依頼 (irai)

依頼 (irai) - Request or commission

--- Notes ---
The example has little to do with 依頼 word :-) It is actually the
'contents' of a certain request.

Here's another example:
Hire a lawyer / Ask a lawyer to represent one.

--- Examples ---
I am counting on your continued support and guidance.

--- Comments ---
To tell you the truth, I was expecting this entry to be about 以来, really.
Is this entry even really grammar-related? (contributor: Cone)

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Today's Economics

Volume 44
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Supply/Demand Dynamics May Trigger Quantum Upward Change in Gold Price
Dorothy Kosich | Nov 5, 2007 | View It
"Under these circumstances, the supply-demand imbalance will begin to accelerate at an ever-increasing pace into a net deficit"

Gold to Set New Record Highs by Christmas
Chris Hart | Nov 5, 2007 | View It
"In 2007 dollars the $850 level would translate to $2,280/oz."

They Have Got to Be Kidding
Peter Schiff | Nov 1, 2007 | View It
"My guess is that inflation is actually running at an annualized rate closer to 10%."

Silver Update
Roland Watson | Nov 4, 2007 | View It
"Can silver go from $15 to $40 in a matter of months? Well it is possible . . ."

The Gold Price and War in the Mid-East
Cliff Droke | Nov 4, 2007 | View It
". . .'a priming we shall go' will be the tune the Fed sings as the next phase of Middle East war gets underway."

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - ものを (monowo)

ものを (monowo) - But...! / But If (you) had just... / But (I) could

--- Notes ---
Verb(普通形) + ものを

This grammar is almost always in the form of 〜ば〜ものを。
Sometimes it becomes 'もんを' in casual speech.

〜ものを: (...だったら)〜のに (実際は〜でなくて残念だという気持ち)
If only ... had.... , then....would..

--- Examples ---
If you knew, why didn't you tell me!?

You didn't have enough people? If you had just called me, I would have
helped you.

If she had just used the internet, she could have easily made the
reservation, but she made an international call.

He should have told the truth, but he lied and lost their trust.

--- Comments ---
This can often be replaced with 〜のに

This is used to express the speakers moderate disappointment or regret.
(contributor: blabby)

Isn't ものを always used with 〜た形?
Because, ものを is 'but...' where something regrettable happened , and
couldn't/almost impossible to be recovered from. (contributor: 誠)

So, i feel ex#5494 is better to be :
(contributor: 誠)

ex#5493 は同じです。
(contributor: 誠)

ex#5491 知ってるのであれば、教えてくれてもよかったものを。'If you had
known, it would be OK even you told me.'(But now it means not OK to the
speaker since before this , the listener DIDN'T KNOW about that particular
thing and told the speaker about it already.) Sounds strange to me, unless
the speaker wanted it to be known to him at that particular time , in that
case :

Is better to say :
(君が)知っていて教えてくれればよかったものを。'It would be nice if you had
known and told me.'

I think if you wanted to say :
' If you have known, why didn't you tell me?' (Of agony) :

'If you have known, isn't it ok to tell me?' :
知ってるのであれば、教えてくれてもいいんじゃない(か)。 (contributor: 誠)

You have to keep in mind that ものを is not a conversational phrase, and it
is predominantly literal diction. (contributor: bamboo4)

I don't thinsk it always used with 〜た形。blabby's exmples are all natural
to me.
(contributor: Miki)

Miki and blabby are right. It doesn't have to be 〜た形. (contributor:

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - にあって (niatte)

にあって (niatte) - being in/due to/suited to

--- Notes ---
Noun + にあって

often used to with situation that has a time span. 'At the time that' or
'under the circumstances of...'


いる to be: → 'being in'

--- Examples ---
As an infant, he underwent a stressful situation.

No country under the sun is safe in this nuclear age.

So that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through

The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.

That every one who believes in him may have eternal life.

on't take it for granted that the nature is always there to help us.

Japan is unique among the Asian countries in having modernized completely.

His house stands on the hill-side and commands a splendid view.

He is cool amid confusion.

Her dress is not to my taste.

It is a pity that some people starve to death even in the midst of plenty.

Mathematics, in such a highly information orientated society is a necessary
field of study. 

--- Comments ---
related to a situation.. 状況にあって (contributor: dc)

I think it usually にあっては, which is similar to においては or では
but still とあって is usedin this form: tell the circumstances.
(contributor: dc)

#4237, #4239 These sentences come from ヨハネの福音書 3 (John 3).
(contributor: Miki)

#5081, #5082, #5083, #5084, #5086, #5090, #5092, #5093, #5095 are not for
this entry.
に + a form of あう
(contributor: Miki)

#5091 is missing 'my'. 彼女のドレスは_私/自分の趣味にあっていない。
(contributor: Miki)

corrected/deleted. will remove comments soon too. (contributor: dc)

I assume that example #4234 should read as follow:
(contributor: Olivier)

Olivier, It shouldn't be 児時期. 幼児期 youjiki is fine.
つづける 続ける
But English says something like
(contributor: Miki)

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - ならでは (naradeha)

ならでは (naradeha) - but, except, without, but for

--- Notes ---
implies a special characteristic, or something that is unique to (that type
of person)

Almost always seems to be used like

noun +ならでは + の + noun

○ あの人ならではの能力
× あの人ならではできる

--- Examples ---
No one could have written such a prose as this one except him.

Noone but he would be equal to this task.

no one but mother could have made such delicious food.

characteristic of the dictionary

a feeling special to this season perhaps

A charming type of work specific to the region

Especially for the fussy 'master' (husband?) anything fresh and tasty.

With that company's stress on limited edition and hard to obtain goods, you
are sure to be satisfied. (bad trans)

Such a new conception is something only of that designer.

--- Comments ---
ならでは is equal to でなくては.
(contributor: bamboo4)

#5012 I think this would be better Japanese.
or こんなおいしい料理は母親でなくては作れない。
母親ならでは作られない。is somewhat not natural for me. (contributor: Miki)

I agree, Miki-san. (contributor: bamboo4)

changed. (contributor: dc)

is this a little like 「のことだから」
its hiroko of course, so she was late. (contributor: dc)

It is not like 弘子のことだから, which means 'as it is usual for Hiroko.'
Accordingly, you would not say 弘子のことだから、遅れました, but you would
say 弘子のことだから、遅れるでしょう. In other words, we use that
expression for prediction rather than description of what actually took
place. If you want to say 'HIroko was late, as usual,' you would say
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can also say : 弘子はいつも通りに遅れてきた (contributor: 誠)

So would it be correct to say that in cases where ならでは isn't followed
by の it will always be followed by a phrase containing a negative verb?
(contributor: Sumofan)

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 果たして (hatashite)

果たして (hatashite) - really, as was expected

--- Examples ---
Is it really true?

Would we ever meet again?

He succeeded as I had expected that he would.

That guy failed, as I had expected that he would.

We will check to see what you have said is really the truth.

I was afraid it would not work out well and sure enough it failed.

Is management really going to consider our bonus, or was that just lip

Computers are certainly playing an important role in our life, whether we
like it or not.

The Diet is not fully functioning as such.

He was in despair when he spent the last of his money.

We have used up the coal.

Nature plays an important role in our life.

These bodies have actually played indispensable roles in attaining these

People carried their own weight then.

We've run out of water.

War bankrupted the nation's resources and manpower.

Some politicians never make good on campaign promises.

Japan plays a key role in the world economy.

His money melted away in Hawaii.

They soon used up their food supplies.

--- Comments ---
Is this similar to ? (contributor: anonymous)

Yes, I think so as for ex#3100 and #3101.
While ex#1187 and #3099 imply a slight suspicious mind or assumption. So
these are similar to hontouni 本当に. (contributor: Miki)

使い果たして seems to be a frequent set phrase meaning to 'use up;
exhaust'. Is this related to hatashite as a grammar construct? ie the
implication is 'used up as we expected' ? (contributor: dc)

plz told us!!!!!!!!!!!! (contributor: semoo)

ex#4265- #4277 these 果たす are different meaning from the entry.
(contributor: Miki)

Those 使い果たす examples do not belong here.They should be set up in a
separate head.
(contributor: bamboo4)

In response to dc's question...
There are 2 uses with slightly different essence:
1. as we expected
2. to accomplish, finish
You can see that accomplish and as we expected have similarities.
(contributor: christ)

For this item of grammar, 果たして is to be used as the adverb of the
sentense. 果たす,使い果たす are verb so they are out of scope.
(contributor: kikkoro)

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Grammar a Day - Level 1 - 〜尽くめ (zukume)

〜尽くめ (zukume) - Full of / A lot of

--- Notes ---
Noun + ずくめだ。
Noun + ずくめ + の + Noun

--- Examples ---
That school is full of rules.

The girl that seemed full of happiness even had hidden worries.

He was wearing all black.

I managed to pass JLPT level 1 with no problems, this year was full of so
many good things.

--- Comments ---
Similar in some ways to 'だらけ' and 'まみれ' and it seems to have the same
meaning as '全て〜ばかり' or '〜ばかりたくさんある'.
It often has the form of Adjective+こと+ずくめ
(contributor: blabby)

ずくめ also written 尽くめ added to a noun means 100% so.But there are a
lot of nouns and noun phrases which to do accept ずくめ.
(contributor: bamboo4)

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