How Do I...Turn off overtype with the Insert key in Word permanently
Microsoft Word 2003 has this annoying little habit of flipping to the overtype mode while we are not looking. This is caused by an inadvertent touch of the Insert key on our keyboards. The functionality is a hold-over from the mainframe/terminal era of computing and is not really necessary for personal computers. This TechRepublic How do I... shows you two ways to turn off the Insert key overtype functionality in Word and goes on to suggest a compromise that will make the situation less annoying but allow you to toggle the overtype mode on and off if you wish.
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Macs worth giving a try
mwesthoff: " I started out as a Windows/Novell man, but now I advocate for Mac purchases and make them as much as I can. Two main reasons I do this: (1) on the whole, they require less time to support, much less time, actually, because the OS runs better and there are fewer malware concerns; (2) I practice the philosophy of keeping it simple."
Social Engineering self-defense
Nobody_of_note: "I know a few tried and true tricks. I won't publish them for obvious reasons, but I do tell people what to look out for. Included are steps to avoid."
Making sure your boss knows there is a problem
royhayward: "I spent a bit of time working in a professional recruiting office, and one of the things I gleaned from this experience was that some people let their boss know they are unhappy for the first time when they are turning in their resignation....In my experience as the boss, I know that fixing a problem to make employees happier is easier most times, than finding a replacement."
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