Excel Easter eggs, space shuttle 2.0
Looking back at Microsoft Excel Easter Eggs
Of all the unintended consequences of Microsoft's Trusted Computing Initiative, none is so egregious as the elimination of gleefully embedded software Easter eggs in major Office applications. Harken back to those halcyon days of discovering a complete flight simulator, 3D first-person maze, or Spy Hunter-style driving game nestled within the secret spaces of your Excel 95, 97, and 2000 worksheets.
Geekend Top 10
Geek Peeks of the Week
Images: Space shuttle replacement prepares for moon landing
Former NASA director Michael Griffin called the Orion spacecraft "Apollo on steroids," but this back-to-the-future replacement for the space shuttle is scheduled to begin flight testing in just over a year, dock with International Space Station by 2015, and then set out for the moon and Mars. Take a peek at how retro the future of manned spaceflight looks.
Cracking open an external DVD burner
External USB-connected CD and DVD burners present a simple method for expanding PCs and adding valuable functionality. Just what's inside those black and beige boxes so many users have added to their systems, though? Check out this Cracking Open image gallery for a glimpse inside an LG Super Multi DVD ReWriter GSA-2166D.
Photos: Duel to the 'Kong' finish
The new film The King of Kong documents the chase to set a new world record high score in Donkey Kong, profiling a showdown between the so-called "gamer of the century" and an upstart middle-school science teacher who aims to unseat him for the Kong crown. Prepare to be chumpatized.
Cracking Open the Sony Playstation Portable
PSP: It's a handheld video game console, wireless Web browser, mini-DVD player, digital camera, GPS navigator, television receiver, and homebrew software platform (provided the battery life holds out). And now it's in pieces. Take a look at our autopsy of the Playstation Portable.
Images: A 3D view of space shuttle Endeavour
NASA and Microsoft have teamed up to give people a 3D photographic look at the space shuttle Endeavour before its launch this week. The three-dimensional model is actually a composite of hundreds of photos of the space shuttle at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, FL.
Find more optical distractions in the TechRepublic gallery collection.
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