Unchecked corporate espionage could cost you everything
10 things you can do to make sure your data doesn't walk out the door
Hacker attacks that bring down the network get a lot of attention, so companies concern themselves with protecting against those threats. Unfortunately, the security precautions that prevent those high profile attacks may not be addressing a much more insidious problem: theft of company data for corporate espionage or other purposes. Yet disclosure of your trade secrets to a competitor or the release of private company information to the media could, in some cases, result in a much greater loss than network downtime. Here's a look at what you should be doing to keep your data from walking out the door.
This week in downloads
10 things you should know about VoIP over wireless
The next step in network convergence is the combination of VoIP and wireless networking technologies. Although VoIP over wireless offers benefits, the technology isn't without drawbacks. Deb Shinder describes the advantages and challenges of VoIP over wireless.
How do I... return a unique list in Excel?
Excel's filter feature can create a quick list of existing data consisting of unique items. Office expert Susan Harkins demonstrates a couple of ways to produce such a list manually and then shows an automated VBA approach that accommodates a list whose source data is likely to change.
TechRepublic CSS Reference Table
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is becoming the de facto standard for many Web developers. But remembering the right value for the numerous CSS properties can be a challenge. Keep this easy-to-use CSS Reference Table handy the next time you need to know a property and its value.
10 reasons to deploy Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
If you're currently running Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) v2 in your enterprise, you've probably maxed out all the creative ways you can use Content Editor and Page Viewer Web Parts -- and your users still want more. Microsoft Office Specialist Tiffany Songvilay offers this list of 10 things you can take with you into any discussion about Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) that will help you plead the business case for this technology deployment.
10 ways to communicate more effectively with customers and co-workers
Communications plays a key role in your career success. When asked to name the top three skills they believe their subordinates need, 70 percent of the readers of CIO magazine cited communications as one of them. Calvin Sun offers a list of practical tips on how you can communicate more effectively with people at work, be they customers, co-workers, subordinates, or superiors.
How do I... Turn off the CapsLock key on my keyboard?
Sometimes, depending on the manufacturer and on the particular layout, your keyboard can be a great source of frustration. For TechRepublic reader Frank Reeves, the CapsLock key is the one that drives him crazy. After seeing the TechRepublic How do I... about how to disable the Insert key in Word, he asked for information on how to similarly disable the CapsLock key.
A sample app to monitor performance counters and send alerts
Nearly every system level application or component publishes data via performance counters. In addition to that, the .NET Framework provides functionality to both read and write to performance counters. Many application developers have taken advantage of this functionality in their applications. With these two points in mind, Zach Smith developed a configurable utility that could monitor a performance counter and send alerts when certain critical conditions are met. In this document, Zach shows you the code for this utility and explains how it works.
Featured book chapter for the week
Does moral intelligence lead to business success?
There is a powerful correlation between strong moral principles and business success. Or so the authors of Moral Intelligence: Enhancing Business Performance and Leadership Success would have us believe. In this chapter download, investigate this possible connection. Learn about the specific competencies that constitute "moral intelligence" and why you should develop your moral intelligence and promote it throughout your organization.
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Featured software for the week
VB Sample Code: FolderBrowser
This sample contains a custom object called a FolderBrowser that wraps the functionality of the shell folder browser. This is an example of creating a .NET wrapper around some API functionality.
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