Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ にあたらない (niataranai) ]

にあたらない (niataranai) - no need to

--- Examples ---
A weather report is rarely on target.

It is not to be wondered at.

no need to feel sorry for him, he was drunk-driving so its his own fault.

--- Comments ---
Although example 3680 is correct in structure, its context is somewhat
--Ni Ataranai = isn't worthy of --
Ataranai = opposite of ataru (to be right on)
(contributor: Yuto)

自業自得 = As you sow, so shall you reap.
(contributor: bamboo4)

あたらない in this case if different from other examples because
あたる mere means 'hit the target' like bullet. Accordingly, 'A weather
forecasts are rarely near the mark' would be more appropriate.
(contributor: bamboo4)

This is often used with words such as 驚く, 嘆く, 褒める, etc.
(contributor: blabby)

Can also be used without the する. When used with just the noun
(非難、同情、称賛、etc.) this phrase could be translated as
'doesn't merit (criticism, sympathy, admiration, etc.)' (contributor:

Therefore, i think #3680 does not belong to this category since
it doesn't imply the meaning 「〜no need to ...」 (contributor: 誠)

Correct, 誠 (contributor: bamboo4)

I disagree with bamboo4 and 誠. I think that the given definition
itself is too restrictive and wrong. The literal meaning of #4233 could be
more accurately described as 'sympathy (for that person) DOES NOT MATCH the
reality (of what that person has done) = sympathy is not warranted in this
case.' I think that #3680 should stay, because it shows the diversity and
the true basic spirit of this expression. That is, all examples here have
the meaning of something 'not matching,' 'being off the mark' or 'not
appropriate.' I think we should change the definition since it is
misleading. (contributor: godfrey)

当たる in #3680 does not mean 'match' but it really means phyisical
striking like an arrow hitting the target. The other examples of あたる
does not have that physical meaning. While I agree that the definition is
not appropriate, I still think #3680 stands alone here.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Isn't the construction of #4045 and #4233 this:
but #3680 actually:
「副詞」あたらない (副詞=めったに) (contributor:

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