Friday, November 7, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ あればこそ (arebakoso) ]

あればこそ (arebakoso) - particularly thanks to

--- Examples ---
I'm thankful to you all, it's particularly because of all of your support
that we were able to complete construction without incident.

Wearing a kimono , rather than wearing Western clothes even if you don't
use it much, can be something very stressing on your muscles.
But i guess it's all possible particularly thanks to having good health

The fact that I could surface from the depth of 20 meters after running out
of air without suffering air embolism could only be attributed to the
constant training I went through.

I found the work easy, especially since I had done that kind of work

Because I am especially thinking about your wellbeing, I am strict.

Especially becuase she is smart, she worries about such things.

The victory was especially due to the team members' cooperation.

--- Comments ---
Hmm, I could have done a smoother job on that translation. (contributor:

NOTE that the construction is /past tense/ but あればこそ (as a set
phrase) can still be used. (contributor: Amatuka)

See also ある, こそ and ーば verb form. (contributor: Amatuka)

Appeared in 2000 JLPT level 1 (contributor: Amatuka)

Normally, you would say あったからこそ in #517.
(contributor: bamboo4)

ex#517 When you change the word order, it sounds natural.
あればこそ/あったからこと と感謝しております。
(contributor: Miki)

oops         あればこそ/あったからこそ
(contributor: Miki)

I looked for more examples on the areba koso and i found this particular
sentence, i'm pretty messed up on the translation but minasan no kyouryoku
wo onegai itashimasu ^^! (contributor: Exrulez)

In ex#3195, I am not sure if the second sentence logically follows from the
preceding first sentence.In other words, the second sentence can stand on
its own without the first sentence.
(contributor: bamboo4)

There are some examples using different verbs besides ある (see my
examples). Should this be changed to 〜ばこそ? (contributor: blabby)

Agree. (contributor: Miki)

ex5312 Correct Japanese is 厳しくしているのだ。 (contributor:

Thanks for noticing. Fixed typo. (contributor: blabby)

In #5312, 為に思えばこそ should be 為を思えばこそ.

#5314 is weird - should be deleted or corrected.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Thanks bamboo4 for checking.
I looked at #5314 and I think a more natural way of saying it would be
X あなたが来いと言えばこそ私は来たんです。
○ あなたが来いと言ったからこそ私は来たんです。
I came especially becuase you said to.

So I moved it to . Is this correct?
Also, does anyone know the difference between 〜ばこそ and
からこそ? I read that 〜ばこそ is used after hypothetical form
(仮定形) and the sentence must end in だ/です?? I don't get it.
(contributor: blabby)

I agree that this entry should change to 'bakoso'. My understanding of the
difference from is that 〜ばこそ stresses that the preceding condition
was the *only* reason for a certain action or attitude (which is usually
proactive or positive in nature).

〜だからこそ, on the other hand, is used when you just want to
emphasize a reason. (contributor: srobertson)


(合ってる?)Or does it have to be

(contributor: rogen)

I agree with srobertson on his explanation on 〜ばこそ which having the
preceding condition the 'only' reason for a certain action or attitude
which usually the action taken is quite overwhelming.
〜からこそ has a more different usage where the reason is very
unexpectedly opposing to the action taken. Here is the explanation from the
E.g. : A : なぜ遅刻したんですか。
  X B : 電車が遅れたからこそ遅刻したんです。
E.g. : 愛しているからこそ別れる、ということもあ 
   There is such a thing that 'It is because of love that is why both
separate from each other' Sorry, can't translate better.
E.g. :
(contributor: 誠)

何でもいいと思うんですけど... (contributor: 誠)

rogen correction for you.
so you are emphasizing the fact that 'ジェイグラムを見た'.
(contributor: Miki)

rogen すみません.
Miki's correction is correct.
[It is because I had seen Jgram, that I can remember this grammar]
In this case, you had done something, then it is because of this reason you
〜。 (contributor: 誠)

I think there is only one したことが in ex #4755 (contributor: 誠)

#4755 corrected >誠 (contributor: dc)

I always thought that 〜ばこそ meant 'if only-', as in:
お金があればこそ来日できる。If only I had money I could visit
(contributor: マリ)

#6268 'We are able to win because of the whole team's cooperation.' I think
that sounds better... (contributor: petra)

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