Monday, November 10, 2008

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ せる・させる (causepass) ]

せる・させる (causepass) - make, let (someone do something)

--- Examples ---
I let my daughter eat ice cream.

Let me pay for it.

--- Comments ---
causative verbs 使役動詞
passive verbs  受動態動詞、受身動詞 (contributor: anon)

Great page, I found it most helpful.
Just one question - how would we translate 'shinareru'?

For verbs which obviously have actors and objects such as to eat, to play
etc, to be eaten and to be played are easy translations. But for things
like die, and other such verbs that you do yourself? (contributor: bi-ru)

These actions are done unto you by others (the subject is the passive
recepient) So in the case of 死なれる, in most cases, you should be
able to translate it as 'someone dies on you'. (contributor: kimchi314)

It is great! There are not many text books that cover cuasative and passive
verbs properly. I'm impressed! (contributor: Masumi)

shinareru = to be killed
ex: Kanojo wa kare ni shinaremashita. (She was killed by him.)
(contributor: Ayumi)

shinareru = to be killed (contributor: Dama)

Tha Causative form of 'kuru' is KOSASERU not koraseru as it appears in the
Causative Conjugation Rules Box (contributor: kaszarob)

彼女は彼に殺された=She was killed by him.

彼女は彼に死なれた=She had died on him.

気をつけてね!^^ (contributor: akiokun)

〜られる=Passive 〜させる=Causative  ね^^
(contributor: akiokun)

Why don´t you write the example also in romaji?
Despite you explanation it is very dificult to know how to read the kanji.
(contributor: futaro)

彼女は彼に死なれた=He had died on her
It is 'he' who had died on 'her' and not the other way round. (contributor:

'ask a question' looks confusing for you.
Tthe example (2)先生が質問をたくさん聞かせてくれた。 is
strange. It should be 先生がたくさん質問を_させてくれた。
if English is Teacher let (someone) ask lots of questions.
Another example
(5) 外国人に質問を聞かれたが、答えられなかった。 is
correct. You can also say 外国人に質問をされたが、…。
(contributor: Miki)

This is most definitely on JLPT level 3. (contributor: Drew)

futaro, this page was originally from another Japanese 'tutorial', and the
original writer never put it in romaji...I think he wanted the readers to
look it up. (contributor: Saralynne)

I understood the 払わせてください (Let me pay for it).
And the 彼に払わせてあげる (I let him pay).

What about:
払わせてもらう? (contributor: sky)

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