Thursday, February 5, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜をおいて (〜wo oite) ]

〜をおいて (〜wo oite) - apart from/leaving aside

--- Examples ---
Apart from you, there is noone suitable for this company's President.

From the Japanese Mass: 'Lord, you are Christ, the Son of God, Bread of
eternal life. Without you, to whom should we go?'

--- Comments ---
を措いて wo oite followed by 〜ない or negative (contributor: Miki)

How is this different from 以外 【いがい】? (contributor: yookoso)


I'm wondering if this is grammatically correct? (contributor: ozonitabetai)

ozonitabetai, I don't know if I can say that your sentence is grammatically
incorrect, but I can say that I have a real tough time figuring out what it
is supposed to be saying^^: 'Except for what happened yesterday, how are
(you, we...) going home today?' is how it reads to me. So, I'd have to say
that for my two yen, it's probably not an ideal application of the grammar
point. (contributor: Lorenz)

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