Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜を限りに (wo kagiri ni) ]

〜を限りに (wo kagiri ni) - with 〜, some continuing activity will
end (or a prohibition on an activity will start)

--- Examples ---
After today I'll say goodbye to this school, too.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ばかりに (bakarini-2) ]

ばかりに (bakarini-2) - as if to

--- Examples ---
'I'm fine thanks.' McDonagal answered cooly, as if to say this is no
occasion to be eating lemon candies.

She winked at me, as much as to say , I love you.

At this, Hermione stood up, her hand stretching toward the dungeon ceiling.

He nodded as much as to say, I agree.

They looked at us, as much as to say, 'Poor creature.'

She winked at me as much as to say she knew everything.

My friend shook his head as much as to say 'impossible'.

--- Comments ---
there are lots of different bakari~~s! bakari bakari! (contributor: dc)

I think the と quotation in the second example /may/ have an implied
言わない after it. (contributor: Amatuka)

'Seems to be used in casual/slang speech with negative verb stem + ん so
as to mean 'as if to ' without actually doing so.' (contributor: dc)

Appeared in 2000 JLPT level 1 (contributor: Amatuka)

Meaning changed back. Seems that I was right in the first place.
(contributor: Amatuka)

hmm I don't see the difference this and another ばかりに。The same
nuance when you add (言わん).
(contributor: Miki)

Maybe we need more examples for the other bakarini[/b] but it seems to have
a qualitative (type) difference to me. (contributor: Amatuka)

Could just be down to lack of familiarity with forms like 言わん
though... (contributor: Amatuka)

is 言わん just short for iwanai? like
'iwanai bakari ni -> just about not saying (but its almost as if it was
(contributor: Snake)

You would say 言わなかったばかりに and 言わんばかりに, but
not 言わないばかりに.
(contributor: bamboo4)

言わん can be short for 言わない, but in this case, 言わん =
言わむ is an old fashioned subjunctive, equivalent to 言おう.
I was highly confused at first until I discovered that the final 'ん' can
signal two different inflectional forms (contributor: DealPete)

Maybe this should be listed as 'と(言わん)ばかりに'. I've seen lots
of examples such as
My dog looked at me and barked as if to say 'let's go for a walk!'
(contributor: blabby)

In Californish it would be 'was like' (contributor: Bakurosareta)

I think it would be helpful if the Authors of grammar posts made sure to
include a grammar note. examples are helpful, but good solid grammatical
information makes it easier to memorize and utilize in real life
situations. (contributor: tigert)

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とする (tosuru) ]

とする (tosuru) - assume, regard X as ~ , suppose

--- Examples ---
If we assume that we go to japan

We assume that temperature is constant.

If you are to be a good world citizen, you should try to be free of any

私たちは みな、 人生に おいて 成功を
We all try hard to make the grade in life, but only a few succeed.

One who is not willing to learn is not worth teaching.

When I try to walk, I get an awful pain here.

The workers have no incentive to work harder.

--- Comments ---
温度は一定であるとする。is more natural. (contributor: Miki)

OK, done. (contributor: Amatuka)

仮定する (katei suru) I think also means 'to assume' (contributor: dc)

ひょっとする = perhaps (contributor: dc)

about ex #4191:
i tought that the form [-ou to suru] meant 'to be in a process of' or 'try
to do'. (contributor: NutritiveSoul)

what about ~ta to suru?? (contributor: Hakeem)

hakeem - can you give an example please? (contributor: dc)

perhaps you mean [youni-suru]

maybe [ou-tosuru] would be 'if you try..' which we have also as
(contributor: dc)

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Volume 52
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Gold Buying Outlook Bullish According to Bloomberg Survey
BullionVault | January 27, 2009 | View It
"the stimulus plans by the US and printing of money are likely to lead to devaluation of the dollar which will lift gold prices,"

Gold At $1000 May Not Be Far Away
CommodityOnline | January 27, 2009 | View It
"2009 may be the dream year for gold!"

Big Inflation Is Coming
Adam Hamilton | January 25, 2009 | View It
"the CPI is a joke, riddled with statistical sleights of hand deliberately designed to downplay rising prices."

It's Only a Gold Bull Market
Steve Saville | January 27, 2009 | View It
"gold is not only in a long-term bull market, it is the ONLY long-term bull market."

As Bond Prices Sink, Hold On to Gold
Seeking Alpha | January 26, 2009 | View It
"Holders of a diversified portfolio of precious metal assets will make a fortune as this narrow market becomes the object of incredible demand."

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今から思えば (imakaraomoeba) ]

今から思えば (imakaraomoeba) - Looking back on it now

--- Examples ---
Looking back on it now, quitting the company was the right thing to do.

Looking back on it now I wish i had done things the way my parents told

Looking back on it now I haven't done anything to help my parents.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜べく (beku) ]

〜べく (beku) - For the purpose of; To ____, In order to

--- Notes ---
'Beku' is the same as '~ngatame' but they differ grammatically.
'Beku' comes after the dictionary form of a verb, whereas
'~ngatame' follows the '~tai' form of a verb. Written.


(Goal/End result) + beku + (Current Action)

--- Examples ---
I studied hard in order to become an engineer.

We will try to correct it in order to straighten out our finances.

They chased the man to arrest him.

--- Comments ---
Shall I delete ex# 3915 and ex#3916? Their べく are different from the
entry. (contributor: Miki)

yes, they should go under
in edit example, change the last field 'category' and that will move them
over... (contributor: anon)

how does this differ from ために? (contributor: infinite_trial)

I've read that they are more or less inerchangable but ために is used
more for something you want to do - personal will (個人の意思)
However べく is used more for some assumed responsibility
(当然の義務). Can anyone help us out and explain this better?
べく is also mainly used in written Japanese. (contributor: blabby)

べく is 連用形 of べし. It could oerate as an imperative or as firm
presumption, indication of probability or expression of a plan.
Imperative = 全員参加すべく
Presumption = 後日登城の御裁可あるべく候(archaic)
Indication = 期待にこたえるべく努力する
Plan = 犯人を逮捕すべく

This expression is basically archaic, but it is still used in conversation
in such set phrases as 成るべくして成った or
(contributor: bamboo4)

I came across this in a JLPT 1 problem collection. Note the unusual use of
the ~ます form - 励ますべく appears to be a special case of some

(contributor: Paul)

励ます(はげます) is the dictionary form of
It is not a special case but sometimes easy to be confused with a
ます形 verb. (contributor: blabby)

D'oh! (contributor: Paul)

This sounds very formal, so it fits #3914 only.

I would say 'エンジニアになれるように・・・。'

I would say '彼らは男を逮捕しようと追いかけた。'
(contributor: Nick)

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 致す (itasu) ]

致す (itasu) - to do (humble)

--- Notes ---

--- Examples ---
We will make further efforts for it.


At about that time, we lived in a shack in Kitayama, where being awake and
sleeping were the same...(from Mori Ogai's 'Takasebune').

--- Comments ---
from 大辞林

混乱する〜(-.-;) (contributor: Miki)

堀田小屋 should be 掘立小屋, meaning a crude shack built by
inserting the pillers directly into the ground without using any foundation
stones. (contributor: bamboo4)

Ah! I was so careful not to mess up my first contibution and I did! Sorry!
Thanks, bamboo4, for the catch. (contributor: Ness)

#5520 Ness, I think the sentence is missing ところで or ところに :
北山の掘立小屋同様のところに, otherwise the sentence doesn't
make sense. Please check the book again. (contributor: Miki)

Re #5520: Correct version is:
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ をもって (womotte) ]

をもって (womotte) - based on

--- Notes ---

This is a formal expression.

--- Examples ---
The store will close today at seven o'clock.

--- Comments ---
(contributor: rad)

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ せんがため (sengatame) ]

せんがため (sengatame) - In order to do

--- Notes ---
Written more than spoken.

にせんがため is equivalent to にするため

uses the nai form of verbs without nai.
In the case of suru, it is, as in the name of the entry, せんがため.

--- Examples ---
This must be a covert effort in order to further strengthen the veracity of
the Christian dogma

At that time, in order to go on to university I frantically did my best

In order to finish the project, he worked day and night without sleeping.

To keep one's store going even one more day, one is frantically working.

--- Comments ---
Appeared in 2002 JLPT level 1 (contributor: Amatuka)

Old style usage, not in much use in modern Japanese. (contributor: Amatuka)

That's a horrible, horrible translation ^^vv (contributor: Amatuka)

any ideas on detailed difference with youni? (contributor: dc)

Hmm, I think the two big differences are
1. You'll probably never have to use せんがため
2. ように isn't tested in JLPT level 1.
;-) (contributor: Amatuka)

So, no I don't have any idea of detailed differences to youni youni
(contributor: Amatuka)

The English translation is not only inaccurate but terrible: 'This must be
a covert effort to further strengthen the veracity of the Christian dogma'
would be more like it. (contributor: bamboo4)

translation updated! (contributor: dc)

At that time, in order to go on to university I frantically did my best
everyday. (contributor: beth)

thanks for the ex Beth. added #5734 (contributor: dc)

Not a comment on the Japanese, but the English: it's not 'everyday' but
'every day.' CAC (contributor: kyoho16)

Can this be used with other verbs, such as 入る? My grammar book uses
this example:
If this is the same pattern, can someone update this entry? (contributor:

Is this the -nai form? It seems to me that it's really based on a
classical form, with the mizenkei of the verb, followed by volitional
particle 'mu' (with a not-uncommon sound change to 'n'). That's probably
a lot for a beginner with no classical experience to deal with, though.
(contributor: ggencare)

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜だに (dani) ]

〜だに (dani) - Even; just

--- Examples ---
I never even imagined it

Just hearing about it is dreadful

even now

The clock, which my grandfather bought, is still in good order.

That question still sticks me.

The anthropologist says old customs still prevail in the province.

The wound has not healed yet.

The mother was still grieving over her child's death.

Why he killed himself is still a mystery.

Our tax system is still without coherent philosophy.

Even thinking about it is scary.

They won't even give the idea a chance.

--- Comments ---
いまだに(未だに) is one word. 副詞
(contributor: Miki)

未だに is parsed into 未だ and に.
(contributor: bamboo4)

いまだに = even now
いまどき = in this age (contributor: dc)

ex #3747 is a little off. The word 直る actually means to be fixed or
repaired. 治る is to heal. They have the same pronounciation (なおる)
but the kanji have different meanings. (contributor: CWebb)

just wondering, but how formal is this? Would you use this in everyday
speech, or formal speech, or writing only?
thanks! (contributor: EvilKyra)

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今さら〜たと���ろで (imasara-tatokorode) ]

今さら〜たところで (imasara-tatokorode) - it's already too late

--- Notes ---
This is usually followed by a negative.

 imasara (verb-ta) tokorode, (verb2-nai)
 imasara setsumei shita tokorode, yurusanai.

= its too late to explain - you won't be forgiven

--- Examples ---
It's too late to explain, I don't think the teacher will forgive you now.

Yelling about it won't help now . You should have done that when it


It's too late to come back, he no longer loves you.

--- Comments ---
not sure how this is different from (contributor: dc)

They are almost the same. 
今頃になって説明したって、…。 (contributor: Miki)

ex#3980 can be also said as
今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。…。 (contributor:

imasara-demo/temo (contributor: Miki)

A better translation would be ' Even if (one) had 〜ed now, ... still ...'
(contributor: 誠)

I agree with 誠. ex#3980 translation makes more sense as: 'Even if you
make a fuss now, nothing can be done (about it). It's too late!'
(contributor: godfrey)

I sometimes hear the slang version without the ところで at the end, for
example: 「いまさら言うなよ」 (contributor: nickm758)

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ に あたらない (ni ataranai) ]

に あたらない (ni ataranai) - no need to do st

--- Examples ---
A weather report is rarely on target.

It is not to be wondered at.

no need to feel sorry for him, he was drunk-driving so its his own fault.

--- Comments ---
Although example 3680 is correct in structure, its context is somewhat
--Ni Ataranai = isn't worthy of --
Ataranai = opposite of ataru (to be right on)
(contributor: Yuto)

自業自得 = As you sow, so shall you reap.
(contributor: bamboo4)

あたらない in this case if different from other examples because
あたる mere means 'hit the target' like bullet. Accordingly, 'A weather
forecasts are rarely near the mark' would be more appropriate.
(contributor: bamboo4)

This is often used with words such as 驚く, 嘆く, 褒める, etc.
(contributor: blabby)

Can also be used without the する. When used with just the noun
(非難、同情、称賛、etc.) this phrase could be translated as
'doesn't merit (criticism, sympathy, admiration, etc.)' (contributor:

Therefore, i think #3680 does not belong to this category since
it doesn't imply the meaning 「〜no need to ...」 (contributor: 誠)

Correct, 誠 (contributor: bamboo4)

I disagree with bamboo4 and 誠. I think that the given definition
itself is too restrictive and wrong. The literal meaning of #4233 could be
more accurately described as 'sympathy (for that person) DOES NOT MATCH the
reality (of what that person has done) = sympathy is not warranted in this
case.' I think that #3680 should stay, because it shows the diversity and
the true basic spirit of this expression. That is, all examples here have
the meaning of something 'not matching,' 'being off the mark' or 'not
appropriate.' I think we should change the definition since it is
misleading. (contributor: godfrey)

当たる in #3680 does not mean 'match' but it really means phyisical
striking like an arrow hitting the target. The other examples of あたる
does not have that physical meaning. While I agree that the definition is
not appropriate, I still think #3680 stands alone here.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Isn't the construction of #4045 and #4233 this:
but #3680 actually:
「副詞」あたらない (副詞=めったに) (contributor:

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Today's Economics

Volume 51
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Gold rises on Worries Recession Will Deepen
MarketWatch | January 20, 2009 | View It
"the job creating elements of the stimulus packages will take months to come to fruition and the crisis is far more immediate than that."

Gold Outshines Other Assets In 2008
The Earth Times | January 20, 2009 | View It
"gold ended the year on a firm footing recording its eighth consecutive annual price increase."

97% Indian Investors Put Money in Gold
Commodity Online | January 20, 2009 | View It
"97% of Indian investors invested in gold in Q4 2008 compared to 42% in Q3 2008."

Tug of War
Gary Tanashian | January 19, 2009 | View It
"we may actually begin to think about a brand new inflation-fueled bull market later in 2009 or in 2010."

Gold is a Beach Ball Being Held Under Water
Captain Hook | January 19, 2009 | View It
"if measured in terms of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), it should be trading well north of $2,000 today."

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ めく (meku) ]

めく (meku) - like / ish

--- Notes ---
means '-ish' or 'steeped in'. hard to translate!

I felt sure that this would work out.

--- Examples ---
because of the President's sarcastic like way of speech, the employees felt

The glisten ing sun on the blue sea...Ahhh, just thinking about it makes my
heart beat fast.

Hey, we've been friends for many years right? Don't use such a
strangerish/stranger- like style of speaking with me!

--- Comments ---
what does this mean? example: 
(contributor: dc)

This grammar is quite difficult because it is hard to translate into
English. The best translation I can come up with is

* to become ~like (山は春めく - 'The mountain became spring-like')
* to show signs of (show signs of spring)
* ~ish (他人めく - 'strangerish')?
* ~ly (冗談めく - Jokingly/皮肉めく - sarcastically)
* ~ing (謎めく - Puzzling) (contributor: blabby)

Another interesting thing about this grammar is its use with

きらきらする = きらめく To glitter
ひらひらする = ひらめく To flash/flutter
どきどきする? = ときめく To pulpitate

If anyone can correct this or has more information, I would love to hear
it. (contributor: blabby)

きらめく、ときめく are totally different animals from
皮肉めいた、他人めいた。 (contributor: dc)

名詞や副詞、形容詞や形容動詞の語幹base+めく means like
something or being in a condtion of something. (contributor: Miki)

I thought that きらめく/ときめく was different to
皮肉めく/他人めく too. But in my old grammar dictionary and here:
they are treated as the same grammar point. Can anyone clarify this?
(contributor: blabby)

I think they all mean 'summer-like'. (contributor: Suitto)

That's just the transformation of natsumeku 夏めく. Yes, all means
Natsumeku here is used as compliments of the season for June in a letter.
(contributor: Miki)

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならでは (naradeha) ]

ならでは (naradeha) - but, except, without, but for

--- Notes ---
implies a special characteristic, or something that is unique to (that type
of person)

Almost always seems to be used like

noun +ならでは + の + noun

○ あの人ならではの能力
× あの人ならではできる

--- Examples ---
No one could have written such a prose as this one except him.

Noone but he would be equal to this task.

no one but mother could have made such delicious food.

characteristic of the dictionary

a feeling special to this season perhaps

A charming type of work specific to the region

Especially for the fussy 'master' (husband?) anything fresh and tasty.

With that company's stress on limited edition and hard to obtain goods, you
are sure to be satisfied. (bad trans)

Such a new conception is something only of that designer.

--- Comments ---
ならでは is equal to でなくては.
(contributor: bamboo4)

#5012 I think this would be better Japanese.
or こんなおいしい料理は母親でなくては作れない。
母親ならでは作られない。is somewhat not natural for me.
(contributor: Miki)

I agree, Miki-san. (contributor: bamboo4)

changed. (contributor: dc)

is this a little like 「のことだから」
its hiroko of course, so she was late. (contributor: dc)

It is not like 弘子のことだから, which means 'as it is usual for
Hiroko.' Accordingly, you would not say
弘子のことだから、遅れました, but you would say
弘子のことだから、遅れるでしょう. In other words, we use
that expression for prediction rather than description of what actually
took place. If you want to say 'HIroko was late, as usual,' you would say
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can also say : 弘子はいつも通りに遅れてきた (contributor:

So would it be correct to say that in cases where ならでは isn't
followed by の it will always be followed by a phrase containing a
negative verb? (contributor: Sumofan)

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ はかどる (hakadoru) ]

はかどる (hakadoru) - Make progress

--- Examples ---
Looks like you are making progress in your work.

How much progress are you making?

How is getting along with his school work?

The work is marching right along.

--- Comments ---
はか means the results from one's efforts - see はかない.はかどる
therefore takes the results of your efforts in making progress.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I wonder if this is really JLPT level 3? (contributor: dc)

this is an interesting phrase, but is this a grammar construct, or
vocabulary I wonder? (contributor: anon)

Maybe as bamboo4 said before that haka is the result from one's effort,
then haka+toru (take the result) becomes hakadoru which resulted to the
meaning 'making progress'... (contributor: Ethanol)

I am not sure about the connection b/n はかどる/はかない.
捗る(はかどる)-JPLT1 vocab (Kanji) / 儚い(はかない) - JPLT1
vocab (no kanji). It seems this may simply be Lev.1 vocab rather than
grammar? (contributor: samboki)

good word but it's vocab. The meaning of surrounding word constructs do not
change based on it. (contributor: Bakurosareta)

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ さすが (sasuga) ]

さすが (sasuga) - as expected, after all

--- Examples ---
That's just what one would expect of him.

Excellent! It's just like you to come through like that.

Like the great scholar that he was, he answered the question easily.

Maybe it's his age but his opinions seem a little more grounded in
experience than everyone else's.

He did not go to college for nothing.

You were courageous to tell the truth.

--- Comments ---
seems to usually be used for positive things. you would not say 'he
cheated. after all, he is a lawyer..' (contributor: dc)

ex4131 一日の長 ichijitsu no chou 〔論語 Analects〕:
(contributor: Miki)

さすが = さすがに 流石 sasuga (contributor: Miki)

This might be a good example of how to use さすが in a more casual way.

Last time I went to karaoke I went with a bunch of bandmen, and after a
vocalist of a certain band blew us all away, everyone said at the same
time「さすがにプロだね!!」 (contributor: マリ)

(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ どんな (donna) ]

どんな (donna) - Whatever; whoever, etc.

--- Examples ---
No matter what happens.

No matter whatever you said......

Noone whatsoever can enter.

We try to accept whatever opinion you may have.

In what manner did you explain it?

No matter how much I drink, I want more.

What do you have to do with this matter?

--- Comments ---
Tried to show similarity to 'ikanaru-demo' which is not necessarily
conversational. (contributor: bamboo4)

should this be donna-demo to keep consistency with [ikanaru-demo]
(contributor: dc)

I don't think so. どんな is not inherently coupled with でも.
(contributor: bamboo4)

for #3000
i was told:
どんな人も、入る事はできません sounds odd.
more natural are:

but these arent examples of !
is there a reason this might sound uncomfortable? (contributor: dc)


どんなに飲んでももっと欲しくなる (contributor: dc)

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today's Economics

Volume 50
In this issue
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Main Articles

Rising Commodity Prices to Trigger Renaissance for Uranium and Gold
The Gold Report | January 14, 2009 | View It
"Gold's actually a fantastic bet right now."

Gold and the New Era
Darryl Robert Schoon | January 13, 2009 | View It
"There Is Only One Alternative To The Dollar."

S&P500 In Trouble
David Petch | January 7, 2009 | View It
"S&P could meander lower over next 3-4 weeks before a sharp decline likely occurs before mid-February 2009."

The Dow Jones Industrials Below 5000
Mark J. Lundeen | January 9, 2009 | View It
"The DJIA dividend yield points the way."

Death of the Dollar
Howard S. Katz | January 12, 2009 | View It
"It turns out that the economy is not caught in a wave of "deflation."It is caught in a wave of "inflation."

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• Gold is moving - and projections from even the major brokerages say, "gold will hit $1500 within the next five years". Lear would like to offer the easiest way to start your gold purchase with the American Eagle at just 1% over dealer cost! And by acting now, we will even cover your shipping cost on your first order when you use the promo code NL101 when you check out. Online special only, click here to take advantage.

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Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ にもまして (nimomashite) ]

にもまして (nimomashite) - above everything; more than before

--- Examples ---
Tom works more diligently now.

Above all, I want to be healthy.

He decided to study harder.

He values honor above anything else.

This flowers color is beautiful. However, the scent is even more

--- Comments ---
how is this different from より ? (contributor: dc)

にも+まして(増して)is similar to より here.
I feel にもまして is more emphasized than より in telling the
difference. (contributor: Miki)

is this a written only word? (contributor: dc)

= A is 〜 but B is even more 〜.
= Aも〜だが、さらにBの方が上だ。 (contributor: blabby)

Is this almost like TORIWAKE ?? (contributor: naimononedari)

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ の極み (nokiwami) ]

の極み (nokiwami) - the utmost

--- Examples ---
be most regrettable

be extremely honored

feel quite confused

explain why is feeling so churned up

at the height of excitement

height of luxury

state of extreme disorder

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とはいえ (tohaie) ]

とはいえ (tohaie) - However (the truth is in fact different)

--- Notes ---
Same as といっても but:
といっても is for spoken clauses, and
とはいえ is for written clauses.

way of use: P1 とはいえ P2.
P1 is the sentence in question, P2 is the reason why.

--- Examples ---
This is Spring, however wind is still freezing.

Spring has came, but mornings and evenings are still cold.

'for mobile use' but it weighs 5 kg or more.

'useful' computer but so expensive that I can't hardly buy it.

Recently, my 80 years old grand mother fall in the stairs and hurt herself
in the feet, so unfortunately she became disabled for walking. However,
even if she can't walk, she have no problem to do his housework.

Because I have a mountain of work, on Sunday however I must work hard.

Compared with olden days, my physical strength is declining, however I
didn't loose against young people yet.

--- Comments ---
Delete this item! (contributor: bamboo4)

I agree 消してください (contributor: tigert)

I intended to give a second live to this entry. Is it OK now? (contributor:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜ほど (hodo) ]

〜ほど (hodo) - the more... the more... as along with

--- Examples ---
the colder it is the more delicious sake can become, it is said

He could not speak, he was so angry.

It is so crowded, the door cannot be closed

We have more apples than we could eat in a day.

This English novel is not easy enough for you to read in a week.

This furniture is superior beyond comparison.

This fruit has not ripened enough to be picked.

This job is killing me.

Nothing is as terrible as losing someone you love.

This store doesn't stay open as late as I'd like.

This medicine will do wonders for a runny nose.

In all my travels I've never seen a more beautiful mountain than Everest.

That's why I have such an extreme hatred for him.

The coffee was too hot for me to drink.

That shop does not stay open as late as would suit my convenience.

--- Comments ---
In the second example, 閉まらないほど would be 'cannot be closed'
instead of opened.
In the third example, 'can be made' assumes possibility of human
intervention, whereas 出来る denies that. So, the English should be 'can
become' instead of 'can be made.' (contributor: bamboo4)

ex. 666 and 1211 seem different from 263.
The first two have the effect coming before ほど.. can not
speakほどangry. can not openほどcrowded.
Example 263 seems backwards, but is similar to the explanation for
Could someone explain the first two examples, please? (contributor:

To add to that, the first two examples, ほど has the effect of 'such
Such that he could not speak, he was angry.
Such that the door could not be closed, it was crowded.
Does that soudn right? (contributor: gtunak85)

I think it is smoother if the English versions of the first two examples
He was so angry that he could hardly speak.
It was so crowded that the door cluld not be closed.
(contributor: bamboo4)

お酒 would be 冷たい (tsumetai) not 寒い (samui), wouldn't it? I
get this one confused a lot--based on situation, so I thought I'd ask to
clarify. (contributor: jpeppel)

Yes, but this is not talking about the sake itself - but the environment in
which it is made... from the icy north comes delicious sake...
ってこと? (contributor: anon)

or possibly depending on context: in cold weather hot sake tastes more
delicious? (contributor: anon)

出来る cannot have the connotation of 'taste more delicious.'
(contributor: bamboo4)

but isn't this talking about 'making' お酒 as opposed to tasting, as
mentioned above (...from the icy north comes delicious sake)? (contributor:

i think the entry meaning should be ' so〜(such)that...' for ' 〜ほど '
'the more... , the more ...' should be the entry for '〜ば〜ほど ' ,
therefore any examples with the meaning ' the more... the more...' should
be moved to the corresponding entry, to avoid confusion.
お願い致します (contributor: 誠)



Have these ほど the same meaning? ?_? (contributor: Lucia06)

I think 'extent' is the best single-word equivalent for ほど. It fits
with most of the example sentences above. (contributor: Sumofan)

I agree with Sumofan. I found this sentence in a song:
飽きるほど でんわした. I called until I got tired of calling.
(contributor: pingpongpaddle)

I also learned that 'extent' or 'as much as' is a good representation for

Also, I once read a Japan Times piece about the set phrase
それほどではありません。Apparently, it is good to use whenever
you want to respond humbly to a compliment (e.g. about how good your lousy
Japanese is). (contributor: yookoso)

Yookosoさん、ありがとうございます。I have been wanting to
know the polite way to say, 'I know my japanese sucks, but thanks for the
complement.' 今まで僕は「まぁ、そんな。。。」を使いましたがそれは本当に女性の話し方ですね。一人のコーワーカは僕に「マットさん、大釜ですか?」と聞きました。ほかの人々は「やっぱりマットさんの日本語の先生が女の人ですね」ということもあります。
(contributor: tigert)

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜尽くめ (zukume) ]

〜尽くめ (zukume) - Full of / A lot of

--- Notes ---
Noun + ずくめだ。
Noun + ずくめ + の + Noun

--- Examples ---
That school is full of rules.

The girl that seemed full of happiness even had hidden worries.

He was wearing all black.

I managed to pass JLPT level 1 with no problems, this year was full of so
many good things.

--- Comments ---
Similar in some ways to 'だらけ' and 'まみれ' and it seems to have
the same meaning as '全て〜ばかり' or
It often has the form of Adjective+こと+ずくめ
(contributor: blabby)

ずくめ also written 尽くめ added to a noun means 100% so.But there
are a lot of nouns and noun phrases which to do accept ずくめ.
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜をおいて (wooite) ]

〜をおいて (wooite) - apart from/leaving aside

--- Examples ---
Apart from you, there is noone suitable for this company's President.

From the Japanese Mass: 'Lord, you are Christ, the Son of God, Bread of
eternal life. Without you, to whom should we go?'

--- Comments ---
を措いて wo oite followed by 〜ない or negative (contributor: Miki)

How is this different from 以外 【いがい】? (contributor: yookoso)


I'm wondering if this is grammatically correct? (contributor: ozonitabetai)

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ずもがな(=無��もがな ) (zumogana) ]

ずもがな(=無くもがな ) (zumogana) - Vn, As well not to ~

--- Examples ---
Japan wins at football, it's a thing you don't even need to ask about to
know how the Korean Mr. Kim feels.

New eletronic gadgets - Pah! - as well not to buy them, if you do then
nothing good will come of it.

In his writings, there are a number of words which might better have been
left out.

--- Comments ---
Two general uses, 1. Something doesn't need doing / saying. (contributor:

2. Something should not be done / said (contributor: Amatuka)

NOTE: This is /relatively/ low usage in modern Japanese - but appeared on
2000 JLPT level 1. (contributor: Amatuka)

I agree with NOTE. I asked J co-workers if they use 買わずもがな, I
was asked the meanings. I know only 言わずもがな. (contributor: Miki)

Formed by V-nai base + ずもがな
e.g. 買う→買わない→買わずもがな

Vn = V-nai base (contributor: Amatuka)

もがな dates bqck to the Heian era, and it means that what precedes
もがな would be the desire of the speaker. It is an archaic Japanese
which only finds its use in some set expressions, such as
言わずもがな,which literally would mean 'I desire that I do not say
that' that would include the case of my regret for having said what I said.
My 広辞苑 shows the following:
and 由もがな.
While 買わずもがな is grammatically correct, I am not sure if it is
actually used.
In any event, except perhaps 言わずもがな, all other instances of the
use of もがな are pretty archaic.

(contributor: bamboo4)

なくもがな 【無くもがな】


「あの一言は≠セった」「≠フ差しで口」 (contributor:

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜に越したこ���は無いが (ni koshita koto ha nai ga) ]

〜に越したことは無いが (ni koshita koto ha nai ga) - Normally
Its better to (You can never have too much)

--- Examples ---
You can never be too careful

This job doesn't require experience but it would probably be an advantage.

Even though they said it won't rain tomorrow, better to have your umbrella
with you just in case.

When you are sick, sleeping is the best thing to do.

If you want to become proficient in Japanese, the best thing is to go to
Japan, but I think you should first study properly in America.

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Today's Economics

Volume 49
In this issue
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Main Articles

Highest Gold Value Ever
The Optimist | January 2, 2009 | View It
"people will be surprised to discover that the value of gold actually rose to new all time highs on the final trading day of 2008."

Gold On Defensive But Set to Snowball
Bullion Vault | January 7, 2009 | View It
"The global financial crisis seems so deep rooted, that demand for gold as a safe haven is expected to escalate."

U.S. Private Sector Cut 693,000 Jobs In December
New York - Reuters | January 7, 2009 | View It
"The initial shock is a big one...and should keep the dollar under pressure for the rest of the session,"

Gold Could Be Headed for Good 2009
Mineweb | January 7, 2009 | View It
"the best-performing metal in 2008, may appreciate for an eighth year as investors seek a refuge"

Gold May Advance for 8th Year as Perfect Insurance Sought
Bloomberg | January 7, 2009 | View It
"People fear inflation, they fear the credit crunch and they fear currency losses, and gold is the perfect insurance against all of that,"

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1990 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90025. (800)576-9355
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 唯でさえ (tadadesae) ]

唯でさえ (tadadesae) - To add to, something alone is normally enough

--- Examples ---
This neighbourhood is already normally noisy enough but this week
construction started nearby so now I can hardly get a wink of sleep.

Haven't you caused enough trouble already?

This is normally really delicious anyway but if you add our special
ingredient it will be irresistable.

To day, I'm already busy enough but ,my mother wanted me to go shopping

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかんによらず (ikanniyorazu) ]

いかんによらず (ikanniyorazu) - without regard to

--- Notes ---
〜いかんによらず = 〜いかんにかかわらず 
          = 〜いかんを問わず

意味 :〜がどうであるかに関係なく

What is the difference between 名詞+を問わず and

--- Examples ---
Regardless of the reason, murder is not permitted.

The number of municipalities where one can take the employment test
regardless of nationalty is increasing.

--- Comments ---
This means 'no matter what reason there is.'
Usually, Japanese people say '理由が何であろうとも' instead.
(contributor: Nick)

'理由が何であろうとも' would be used especially in speaking. In
written form, 'いかんにもよらず' is often seen. (contributor: Miki)

A better translation for #5473 is 'The number of municipalities where you
can take the employment test regardless of nationalty is increasing.
(contributor: samboki)

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜でなくてな���だろう (denakute-nandarou) ]

〜でなくてなんだろう (denakute-nandarou) - If thats not ... I
don't know what is

--- Notes ---
always follows a noun. written only

〜でなくてなんだろう literally means : 'If it is not 〜,then
what it is/ what can it be?'

--- Examples ---
If this isn't the world's best cake, then I don't know what is.

The president of that country decides everything himself ignoring nation's
concerns. If that's not dictatorship, then i don't know what is.


--- Comments ---
JLPT Level 4? (contributor: anon)

well spotted. Level 1 i think. (contributor: dc)

JPLT Level 1 without a doubt. (contributor: olivier)

not to be a nit-picker, but how does that example sentence fit in with
'written only'? (contributor: rasmusjp)

suppose we're talking about a person, is 〜でなくてだれだろう
acceptable? (same goes for places, time, etc) (contributor: cosmo)

think its grammatically correct its just probably not used. Also consider
that when speaking about other people you have to be careful about
politeness, so saying なくてだれだろう?might be considered a
little bit rude. (contributor: iamharenchi)

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ は言うまでも���く (haiumademonaku) ]

は言うまでもなく (haiumademonaku) - goes without saying/not to

--- Notes ---
* iu made mo naku is used only in the midle of the phase.
* iu made mo nai or 'iu mo oroka' is used in the end of the phase.

--- Examples ---
We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.

There are a number of methodological problems here, not to mention the
inaccuracy of some of the results.

The teacher speaks good French, not to mention English.

Jane can play the violin, not to mention the guitar.

Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago.

He speaks German, not to mention English.

Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons.

Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons.

We admired his wisdom, not to mention his courage.

We admired his wisdom, not to mention his courage.

istrust of people, not to mention hate, is the root of human suffering.

His wife now had to take care of his grandfather, not to mention their two

He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain.

He doesn't speak English, not to mention French.

He can speak German, not to mention English and French.

He can speak French and German, not to mention English.

He can speak French, not to mention English.

He knows little of mathematics, still of chemistry.

He reads foreign books, not to mention Japanese ones.

He cannot afford the common comforts of life, not to mention luxuries.


She speaks French and German, not to mention English.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) ]

〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) - not hard to ...

--- Notes ---
in certain circumstances, it would be possible.
often used with imagine 'it would not be hard to imagine this happening'

--- Examples ---
Its not hard to imagine he is worried

It's not hard to guess how happy he is.

--- Comments ---
This is very often used with 想像する and 察する. (contributor:

(contributor: khongbietboi)

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) ]

〜にかたくない (nikatakunai) - not hard to ...

--- Notes ---
in certain circumstances, it would be possible.
often used with imagine 'it would not be hard to imagine this happening'

--- Examples ---
Its not hard to imagine he is worried

It's not hard to guess how happy he is.

--- Comments ---
This is very often used with 想像する and 察する. (contributor:

(contributor: khongbietboi)

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ふと (futo) ]

ふと (futo) - suddenly, by coincidence

--- Notes ---
and do not always have negative connotations

whereas implies more regret, or that the action was done carelessly.

other words for suddenly include

--- Examples ---
By coincidence, I happened to see Kimura san on the train

Suddenly, I hit upon this new idea.

Watching TV,I had this instant recall of the memory of my friend during my
student days.

A pure happenstance can be a die-casting event in your life.

A happy idea came upon me.

A bight idea occurred to me.

That word dropped from his mouth.

The old man stopped suddenly and looked back.

It occurred to me that I should not keep it secret.

Accidentally, the rumor has turned out to be false.

It occurred to me that I had left my purse at home.

I had a notion to tell what I had seen.

It occurred to me that the man was tryng to cheat me out of moy money.

It struck me that the girl was trying to hide something.

It occurred to me that I had left my bg on the train.

Through trial and error, he found the right answer by chance.

It occurred to me that he was the right man.

The sight tempted him to steal.

It occurred to me that he had done it on purpose.

It occurred to me that he was trying to conceal something.

It occurred to me that he might not tell the truth.

I overheard their mockery.

She hit upon a good idea.

Suddenly, my feet stopped.

--- Comments ---
whats the difference with いきなり or 突然? (contributor: dc)

hmm this is a very good question... Let me think. (contributor: Miki)

ふと would be used in the sense of 'incidentally' or 'by some unexpected
turn of event.' It is more or less an unexpected thing that catch you more
or less passively.

いきなり and 突然 has the connotation of 'out of blue' or 'abruptly'
so that there is a big element of surprise. (contributor: bamboo4)

what is the difference with 偶然 ? (contributor: marvin)

偶然 「ぐうぜん」 I think means more what a coincidence. As in
'what a surprise to see you here!'

突然 「とつぜん」is more similar, like 'out of the blue'.

いきなり is another similar word.
いきなり結婚した - got married all of a sudden (contributor: dc)

For me, there are hints (like endling と) for the word is an onomatopoeia
construction, that's the difference... As in,
「ふと気がついたの。」''Pooh!' - the realization came.' Although
it's not as childish in Japanese, as they use onomatopoeia words a lot.
(contributor: Kaens)

Yes. Bamboo4 is correct. 3940 should start 'Incidentally, ' (contributor:

Kaens へ
I don't think ふと、is not an onomatopoeia construction. In kanji 不図
not planned, not mapped, unexpectedly, etc.
I don't know why they don't write it in kanji though, as both are easy...
(contributor: ookaminote)

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