Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Xem ảnh 3D

ảnh 3D

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mẹ ơi tại sao?

Bé Nguyễn Đức Minh Anh sinh ngày 16/12/2005 tại TP.HCM

Đến tháng này bé được 3 năm 3 tháng, bé luôn đặt câu hỏi tại sao, làm ba mẹ phải bù đầu tìm lời giải đáp cho bé.

Dưới đây là một số câu hỏi mà bà mẹ tuy có giải đáp nhưng vẫn thấy chưa ổn:

Bé: Mẹ là con gái, con là con trai, tại sao con gái đẻ ra con trai mà con trai không đẻ ra con gái được hả mẹ?
mẹ : !!??...

Nghe các anh lớn kể chuyện ma cà rồng hút máu người, bé thắc mắc:
Bé: Ma cà rồng hút máu người để sống, muỗi cũng hút máu con, vậy ma cà rồng với muỗi là bạn của nhau phải không ba?
Ba : ?!!!...

Một hôm đang xem truyền hình, bài hát có từ "Bâng khuâng", bé hỏi:
Bé: Ba ơi, bâng khuâng là gì?
Ba: à à ... là mình nhớ về một điều gì đó đã qua ...
Bé: Giống như con nhớ lúc qua nhà Ngoại chạy xe đạp phải không ba?
Ba: ờ hé!!!

Bé khoái xem clip "Giờ tý canh ba" lắm, nhưng bỗng một bữa nghe trong bài hát có từ "động phòng", bé hỏi mẹ:
Bé: Mẹ ơi, động phòng là gì hả mẹ?
Mẹ: ????

Cũng trên video clip có cảnh các cô ca sĩ mặc áo ngắn quá, bé thắc mắc:
Bé: Ba ơi, vì sao mấy cô trên tivi để rốn ra ngoài hả ba?
Ba: ???!!

Sáng nào bé cũng phải đi vệ sinh, hôm nọ bé thắc mắc:
Bé: Ba ơi, tại sao con phải ị bô?
Ba: Mình ăn thức ăn vào bụng, chất dinh dưỡng nuôi cơ thể, còn chất bã phải đưa ra ngoài, nên con phải ị bô.
B1: Vậy mình uống nước vào để tè ra phải không ba?
ba: !!!??

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today's Economics

Volume 62
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Morgan Stanley Says the Bear Market is Not Over
Market Forces Live | April 6, 2009 | View It
"Our three signposts to identify the end of the bear market do not flash green"

Gold Prices Poised to Weather IMF Sales
WSJ.com | April 6, 2009 | View It
"Gold sales by IMF unlikely to depress the metal's price because central banks would be likely buyers."

Fed Extremely Uncomfortable About Bailouts
Jeannine Avens - AP | April 3, 2009 | View It
"these operations . . . were carried out only because no reasonable alternative was available"

Dollar Devaluation is Inevitable
I.M. Vronsky | April 2, 2009 | View It
"US debt monetization = Dollar devaluation = Higher gold prices"

Gold Buying Opportunity of a Lifetime
Darryl Robert Schoon | March 19, 2009 | View It
"We are in the last days of paper money?s longest run. No economy built on fiat paper money has ever lasted in the history of the world"

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Copyright © Lear Capital, Inc.
1990 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90025. (800)576-9355
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ならでは (naradeha) ]

ならでは (naradeha) - but, except, without, but for

--- Notes ---
implies a special characteristic, or something that is unique to (that type
of person)

Almost always seems to be used like

noun +ならでは + の + noun

○ あの人ならではの能力
× あの人ならではできる

--- Examples ---
No one could have written such a prose as this one except him.

Noone but he would be equal to this task.

no one but mother could have made such delicious food.

characteristic of the dictionary

a feeling special to this season perhaps

A charming type of work specific to the region

Especially for the fussy 'master' (husband?) anything fresh and tasty.

With that company's stress on limited edition and hard to obtain goods, you
are sure to be satisfied. (bad trans)

Such a new conception is something only of that designer.

--- Comments ---
ならでは is equal to でなくては.
(contributor: bamboo4)

#5012 I think this would be better Japanese.
or こんなおいしい料理は母親でなくては作れない。
母親ならでは作られない。is somewhat not natural for me.
(contributor: Miki)

I agree, Miki-san. (contributor: bamboo4)

changed. (contributor: dc)

is this a little like 「のことだから」
its hiroko of course, so she was late. (contributor: dc)

It is not like 弘子のことだから, which means 'as it is usual for
Hiroko.' Accordingly, you would not say
弘子のことだから、遅れました, but you would say
弘子のことだから、遅れるでしょう. In other words, we use
that expression for prediction rather than description of what actually
took place. If you want to say 'HIroko was late, as usual,' you would say
(contributor: bamboo4)

You can also say : 弘子はいつも通りに遅れてきた (contributor:

So would it be correct to say that in cases where ならでは isn't
followed by の it will always be followed by a phrase containing a
negative verb? (contributor: Sumofan)

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ まさかの〜 (masakano) ]

まさかの〜 (masakano) - If unexpectedly there is anything , 〜

--- Notes ---
Always come with

--- Examples ---

If there is anything unexpected/For the unexpected , please contact to
this place.

If there is anything(unexpected) ,please let me know at once.

In an emergency you can fall back on your savings.

Keep something for a rainy day.

Friend in need is a friend indeed.

I'll stand by you in time of need.

--- Comments ---
In #5842, まさかの場合 should preferably be まさかの時は and in
#5843, まさかの時 should be まさかの時は  (contributor:

There are 19 まさかの時 examples in WWWJDIC
which can be 'borrowed' as necessary. In WWWJDIC examples the Japanese is
usually good, but the English is sometimes dodgy. (contributor: Paul Blay)

a lot of those examples are duplicates, but i added the best. FYI the link
on this page to 'Search big database for more examples of まさかの〜'
searches the same WWJDIC example database. (contributor: dc)

Wouldn't example [#5843] be more succinctly translated as, 'If there is
anything unexpected, please call.'? It's not really necessary to include
the 'to this place' (or better - 'here'). (contributor: lonesoullost)

(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ながらも (nagaramo) ]

ながらも (nagaramo) - even while, even though, as she was

--- Examples ---
He could not refrain from smiling, though with a slight sense of guilt.

Although he says he might return to Iran to marry, his plans after Japan
are up in the air.

He gave me what little money he had about him.

Tom took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble
along to a party.

Enough gold that have it even though there is little he were given to me.

Woman as she was, she fought bravely.

She gave what few coins she has to the beggar.

She did it against her will.

Child as he was , he was brave.

--- Comments ---
How did we end up with many duplicate examples?
(contributor: bamboo4)

I put in the same ones twice, oops. (contributor: dc)

ex #3777 'He gave me what little money he had on him.'

ex #3783 'Even though he didn't have much he gave me all that he had'
or'Even though he didn't have much he gave it all to me'

ex #3784 'Even though a woman she fought bravely' or 'Even though she was
only a woman she fought bravely'

ex #3787 'Even though he was only a child he was brave' or 'He was brave
even though only a child.'

These sound more natural to me. (contributor: Kanemiya)

[#3783] Please correct the English translation or remove this example.
Kanemiya's translation is good. Currently, I have no idea what the current
translation means. (contributor: seanohagan)

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とはいえ (tohaie) ]

とはいえ (tohaie) - However (the truth is in fact different)

--- Notes ---
Same as といっても but:
といっても is for spoken clauses, and
とはいえ is for written clauses.

way of use: P1 とはいえ P2.
P1 is the sentence in question, P2 is the reason why.

--- Examples ---
This is Spring, however wind is still freezing.

Spring has came, but mornings and evenings are still cold.

'for mobile use' but it weighs 5 kg or more.

'useful' computer but so expensive that I can't hardly buy it.

Recently, my 80 years old grand mother fall in the stairs and hurt herself
in the feet, so unfortunately she became disabled for walking. However,
even if she can't walk, she have no problem to do his housework.

Because I have a mountain of work, on Sunday however I must work hard.

Compared with olden days, my physical strength is declining, however I
didn't loose against young people yet.

--- Comments ---
Delete this item! (contributor: bamboo4)

I agree 消してください (contributor: tigert)

I intended to give a second live to this entry. Is it OK now? (contributor:

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ めく (meku) ]

めく (meku) - like / ish

--- Notes ---
means '-ish' or 'steeped in'. hard to translate!

I felt sure that this would work out.

--- Examples ---
because of the President's sarcastic like way of speech, the employees felt

The glisten ing sun on the blue sea...Ahhh, just thinking about it makes my
heart beat fast.

Hey, we've been friends for many years right? Don't use such a
strangerish/stranger- like style of speaking with me!

--- Comments ---
what does this mean? example: 
(contributor: dc)

This grammar is quite difficult because it is hard to translate into
English. The best translation I can come up with is

* to become ~like (山は春めく - 'The mountain became spring-like')
* to show signs of (show signs of spring)
* ~ish (他人めく - 'strangerish')?
* ~ly (冗談めく - Jokingly/皮肉めく - sarcastically)
* ~ing (謎めく - Puzzling) (contributor: blabby)

Another interesting thing about this grammar is its use with

きらきらする = きらめく To glitter
ひらひらする = ひらめく To flash/flutter
どきどきする? = ときめく To pulpitate

If anyone can correct this or has more information, I would love to hear
it. (contributor: blabby)

きらめく、ときめく are totally different animals from
皮肉めいた、他人めいた。 (contributor: dc)

名詞や副詞、形容詞や形容動詞の語幹base+めく means like
something or being in a condtion of something. (contributor: Miki)

I thought that きらめく/ときめく was different to
皮肉めく/他人めく too. But in my old grammar dictionary and here:
they are treated as the same grammar point. Can anyone clarify this?
(contributor: blabby)

I think they all mean 'summer-like'. (contributor: Suitto)

That's just the transformation of natsumeku 夏めく. Yes, all means
Natsumeku here is used as compliments of the season for June in a letter.
(contributor: Miki)

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Today's Economics

Volume 61
In this issue
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Mints Coin it as Consumers Scramble for Gold
Reuters | March 31, 2009 | View It
". . . even ETFs aren't good enough because you only have a piece of paper,"

Dollars and Gold
Mickey Fulp | March 30, 2009 | View It
"The monetization of debt is simply massive currency inflation"

Why Obama's Stimulus Package is Doomed
Antal Fekete | March 28, 2009 | View It
"Bernanke is risking something much worse than a Depression. He is literally risking the end of America"

What a Mess
David Chapman | March 27, 2009 | View It
"Taxes became so onerous . . . free men actually sold themselves into slavery to escape taxes."

U.S. Bailout, Stimulus totals $11.6 Trillion
Bloomberg | February 24, 2009 | View It
"U.S. government has pledged more than $11.6 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers"

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• Gold is moving - and projections from even the major brokerages say, "gold will hit $1500 within the next five years". Lear would like to offer the easiest way to start your gold purchase with the American Eagle at just 1% over dealer cost!

Copyright © Lear Capital, Inc.
1990 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90025. (800)576-9355
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ せんがため (sengatame) ]

せんがため (sengatame) - In order to do

--- Notes ---
Written more than spoken.

にせんがため is equivalent to にするため

uses the nai form of verbs without nai.
In the case of suru, it is, as in the name of the entry, せんがため.

--- Examples ---
This must be a covert effort in order to further strengthen the veracity of
the Christian dogma

At that time, in order to go on to university I frantically did my best

In order to finish the project, he worked day and night without sleeping.

To keep one's store going even one more day, one is frantically working.

--- Comments ---
Appeared in 2002 JLPT level 1 (contributor: Amatuka)

Old style usage, not in much use in modern Japanese. (contributor: Amatuka)

That's a horrible, horrible translation ^^vv (contributor: Amatuka)

any ideas on detailed difference with youni? (contributor: dc)

Hmm, I think the two big differences are
1. You'll probably never have to use せんがため
2. ように isn't tested in JLPT level 1.
;-) (contributor: Amatuka)

So, no I don't have any idea of detailed differences to youni youni
(contributor: Amatuka)

The English translation is not only inaccurate but terrible: 'This must be
a covert effort to further strengthen the veracity of the Christian dogma'
would be more like it. (contributor: bamboo4)

translation updated! (contributor: dc)

At that time, in order to go on to university I frantically did my best
everyday. (contributor: beth)

thanks for the ex Beth. added #5734 (contributor: dc)

Not a comment on the Japanese, but the English: it's not 'everyday' but
'every day.' CAC (contributor: kyoho16)

Can this be used with other verbs, such as 入る? My grammar book uses
this example:
If this is the same pattern, can someone update this entry? (contributor:

Is this the -nai form? It seems to me that it's really based on a
classical form, with the mizenkei of the verb, followed by volitional
particle 'mu' (with a not-uncommon sound change to 'n'). That's probably
a lot for a beginner with no classical experience to deal with, though.
(contributor: ggencare)

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ にもまして (nimomashite) ]

にもまして (nimomashite) - above everything; more than before

--- Examples ---
Tom works more diligently now.

Above all, I want to be healthy.

He decided to study harder.

He values honor above anything else.

This flowers color is beautiful. However, the scent is even more

--- Comments ---
how is this different from より ? (contributor: dc)

にも+まして(増して)is similar to より here.
I feel にもまして is more emphasized than より in telling the
difference. (contributor: Miki)

is this a written only word? (contributor: dc)

= A is 〜 but B is even more 〜.
= Aも〜だが、さらにBの方が上だ。 (contributor: blabby)

Is this almost like TORIWAKE ?? (contributor: naimononedari)

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とする (tosuru) ]

とする (tosuru) - assume, regard X as ~ , suppose

--- Examples ---
If we assume that we go to japan

We assume that temperature is constant.

If you are to be a good world citizen, you should try to be free of any

私たちは みな、 人生に おいて 成功を
We all try hard to make the grade in life, but only a few succeed.

One who is not willing to learn is not worth teaching.

When I try to walk, I get an awful pain here.

The workers have no incentive to work harder.

--- Comments ---
温度は一定であるとする。is more natural. (contributor: Miki)

OK, done. (contributor: Amatuka)

仮定する (katei suru) I think also means 'to assume' (contributor: dc)

ひょっとする = perhaps (contributor: dc)

about ex #4191:
i tought that the form [-ou to suru] meant 'to be in a process of' or 'try
to do'. (contributor: NutritiveSoul)

what about ~ta to suru?? (contributor: Hakeem)

hakeem - can you give an example please? (contributor: dc)

perhaps you mean [youni-suru]

maybe [ou-tosuru] would be 'if you try..' which we have also as
(contributor: dc)

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 兼ねて (kanete) ]

兼ねて (kanete) - combine with

--- Notes ---
Noun + を + 兼ねて
Noun + を + 兼ねる

--- Examples ---
In going to Osaka on business, I'll combine it with a sightseeing visit to

Hold the office of Prime Minister concurrently with the portfolio of
Foreign Minister.

I want to get a job that mixes work and play.

Combined with writing practice, I am corresponding with my Japanese pen
friend. I guess I am killing two birds with one stone.

Along with personal interest and practical reasons, I studied Japanese.
Before I knew it, translation became my main source of income.

--- Comments ---
Thank you for putting this page up.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this in a form other than
Noun+を+兼ねて? (contributor: blabby)

I thought of examles other than Noun nor noun phrase, nothing comes up.
noun phrase eg. 頭を冷やすのを兼ねて公園に散歩に行く
(contributor: Miki)

Thanks for your help Miki, I'll add it to the notes section. (contributor:

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ことにする (kotonisuru) ]

ことにする (kotonisuru) - Decide to do something

--- Notes ---
formation: 辞書形 + ことにする

I decided to move because the apartment is too small.

I decided to study japanese studies because I am interested in Kanji.

Format: Verb(plain, nonpastform) + ことにしている
Meaning: A habit or routine activity

I exercise every morning (routine)

--- Examples ---
I gained a little weight recently so I've decided not to eat hamburgers
every day.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ はかどる (hakadoru) ]

はかどる (hakadoru) - Make progress

--- Examples ---
Looks like you are making progress in your work.

How much progress are you making?

How is getting along with his school work?

The work is marching right along.

--- Comments ---
はか means the results from one's efforts - see はかない.はかどる
therefore takes the results of your efforts in making progress.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I wonder if this is really JLPT level 3? (contributor: dc)

this is an interesting phrase, but is this a grammar construct, or
vocabulary I wonder? (contributor: anon)

Maybe as bamboo4 said before that haka is the result from one's effort,
then haka+toru (take the result) becomes hakadoru which resulted to the
meaning 'making progress'... (contributor: Ethanol)

I am not sure about the connection b/n はかどる/はかない.
捗る(はかどる)-JPLT1 vocab (Kanji) / 儚い(はかない) - JPLT1
vocab (no kanji). It seems this may simply be Lev.1 vocab rather than
grammar? (contributor: samboki)

good word but it's vocab. The meaning of surrounding word constructs do not
change based on it. (contributor: Bakurosareta)

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) ]

〜が最後 (〜gasaigo) - Once someone starts something, the person
can't stop it.

--- Notes ---
see http://www.geocities.com/easykanji/jlptgrammar.html

Once someone starts something, the person can't stop it.

Notes: Easily confused with ~kiri, but the meanings are completely
different and ga saigo doesn't mean 'for the last time'. Always used
with past tense verbs.

--- Examples ---
It was so delicious that once I started eating, I couldn't stop.

Whoever finds us will take the pearl.

Such a restroom that once you enter in it, you wont ever want to come out.

He is such karaoke fan that if only he gets his hands on the mike he
wouldn't drop it all night.

--- Comments ---
There are cases where this is similar to 一旦〜 (Once you 〜)
(contributor: blabby)

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かろうじて (karoujite) ]

かろうじて (karoujite) - barely

--- Examples ---
I ran and barely made the 2 O'Clock train

I just barely managed to avoid dropping out of class

They are just barely still together

I barely managed to finish the letter by eleven o'clock.

You are only just in time.

I escaped the accident by the skin of my teeth.

I narrowly escaped being hit by a car.

I barely managed to catch the train.

--- Comments ---
By the look of the examples, this is spoken grammar? (contributor: blabby)

Kaens, I think you mistake 辛 for 幸. 幸 is used in 幸福、幸運 etc.
かろうじて is written as 辛うじて. (contributor: Miki)

blabby, this is the grammar for both spoken and written language (of
Miki, true, I did mistake that ^^; So, the meaning would be 'bitter,
painful, bad' - the opposite to my first comment, so I'm removing that one.
Ugh. (contributor: Kaens)

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Today's Economics

Volume 60
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Gold to Hit New Highs in 2009: CEO Survey Says
MineWeb | March 23, 2009 | View It
"A survey of Gold producers provides consensus view that gold will be trading in $1100 - $1500 range by year end."

Richard Russell the Gold Bull
Richard Russell | March 22, 2009 | View It
"The gold bull market will roar when least expected, after it's worn out many of its followers."

The Party is Over, Let the Hangover Begin
Peter Souleles | March 21, 2009 | View It
"What is virtually certain however, is that "things will get worse before they get worse"

Gold Buying Opportunity of a Lifetime
Darryl Rober Schoon | March 18, 2009 | View It
"We are broke, literally and figuratively and the "we" is inclusive."

50 Year Returns Higher for Gold Than Dow
Adam Brochert | March 18, 2009 | View It
"It is not too late to buy physical gold and ride the gold bull, as the most spectacular gains lie ahead"

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ ひとり〜だけ���なく (hitori-dakedenaku) ]

ひとり〜だけでなく (hitori-dakedenaku) -

--- Notes ---

--- Examples ---
The recent terrorism in London is not simply England's problem, it involves
the whole world.

Bullying and non-attendance is not only becoming in the field of
education but also a major social problem.

Compulsory military services have a long history and are being implemented
not only in Taiwan and Germany, but in 20 countries around the world
including Denmark and Austria.

--- Comments ---
A good translation could be 'Not simply', 'Not just' or 'Not merely'. What
do you all think?

This grammar is equal to ひとり〜のみならず. (contributor: blabby)

ただ単に (contributor: Miki)

does 不登校's school refusal mean skipping school? aka playing hookey?
(contributor: purple gloomy)

Yes, in one way. 不登校 also means someone refuses to go to shool due to
psychological reason. (contributor: Miki)

It seems like 'not the only'. Maybe 'not just' is best? Can it be used in
the context of 'not the only factor/reason'? (contributor: Reality Bytes)

'Bullying and school refusal becam not only in the field of education but
also major social problem.' -- This is not a good translation.

I suggest the following:

'Things like bullying and truancy are not only problems of the field of
education; they have become major social problems.' (contributor: thekaje)

I think truancy is a better translation for 不登校. skipping school has
its own word サボする。 IE To sabatoge yourself, by skipping
class. (contributor: tigert)

A little off the grammar topic, delving into questions of vocab..... but
while truancy and skipping are good suggestions, they don't quite cover it.
As the example suggests this is a 'special phenomenon' in Japan that is
considered to be becoming a real social problem (aren't they special?). It
refers to a situation where a student refuses to attend school at all - As
in, they lock themselves in their room and never go out. It is not a
singular event, but an ongoing and open-ended one. Dropping out/drop outs
would probably be the most appropriate translation. (contributor: samboki)

I've edited the translation and gone for 'non-attendance'. This term seems
to be used a lot, at least here in the UK, when describing the problems of
children who are 'serial truants' and essentially refusing to go at all,
rather than simply skipping school for a day here and there (it's in the
news a lot since it became law that the parents can be prosecuted and even
sent to prison for failing to ensure their child attends school).
'Drop-out' to me suggests someone who is no longer enroled at the school as
a result of non-attendance, which is perhaps a little different (?)
If anyone disagrees, feel free to edit! (contributor: mochabean)

This might also work as a translation:

not 〜 alone = ひとり〜だけでなく

not (a problem in England) alone
not (an issue in the field of education) alone
not (in Taiwan and Germany) alone (contributor: seanohagan)

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ こととて (kototote) ]

こととて (kototote) - because/since - explains the cause or gives a
reason for

--- Notes ---
Not normally used in speech. A more formal, written word for letters and
whatnot. Explains the reason for something with the sense that it is
precisely because of (person,thing) that( ).
Because it was early in the morning, there wasn't even a dog around this
street that is so lively during the day.

--- Examples ---
Since I did not knew anything, I ended up making mistake.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ かのごとく (kanogotoku) ]

かのごとく (kanogotoku) - as if

--- Notes ---
〜かのごとく: 〜かのように + 形容詞・動詞

--- Examples ---
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

Dance freely as if nobody was watching.

Within this forest, it was so mysterious as if one had even gone some ten
thousands years back in time

--- Comments ---
Appeared in JLPT 1 for 2002 (contributor: Amatuka)

Seems may be used mostly in poetic / lyric sense. (contributor: Amatuka)

Actually, this entry is under ごとく since the 〜かの before it can
be seen as a noun phrase, 何万年も前に戻ったか(noun phrase)
+ の + ごとく (contributor: 誠)

Actually, it sounds similar with 〜かのような, only thing is now
since the following phrase is either an Adjective or Verb, it becomes
〜かのように. And also, ごとく is a classical word. (contributor:

I agree. The かの of 〜かのよう(に) might need special
explanation for those at a lower level who aren't familiar with these
constructions, but once you've reached level 1 and presumably long-since
mastered 〜よう(に) and 〜かのよう(に) I wouldn't have
thought this required any further mention once the entry for ごとく had
been read; certainly not a seperate entry. (contributor: mochabean)

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ いかにも (ikanimo) ]

いかにも (ikanimo) - seems (but is not); indeed

--- Notes ---
Description + いかにも + evidence to the contrary = seems (but isn't)
Desciption + いかにも = indeed

--- Examples ---
The bag indeed looks heavy, but there's nothing inside, so it only weighs 1

That guy has a really frightening look, but he is in fact a very gentle

That indeed sounds like what he would have said.

That suit has an expensive look.

That's Bill all over.

Your clothes say 'vacation resort' to me.

Such playfulness is characteristic of Mr Baker.

I look for all the world like an athlete in this outfit, but the truth is I
don't do any sports at all.

That way of talking is typical of him.

That way of talking is typical of him.

Such behavior is just like Meg.

Such words are particular to him.

A person who makes an easy matter sound difficult does not seem to be so

I firmly believe it is characteristic of him to be late.

It was typical of him to arrive late.

It is characteristic of him to go to work before breakfast.

He's a salesman's salesman.

He posed as my close friend.

She talks too aloofly.

--- Comments ---
ex#2993 とても親切な人でした。not でた。
you can also say,
(contributor: Miki)

In #2993, if you want to say 親切な, you have to say 'kind,' but if you
say 優しい then you can say 'gentle.' YOu can be 親切 but do not
necessarily be 優しい and vice versa.
(contributor: bamboo4)

JDict gives both kind and gentle as meanings for both - can you clarify?

親切な 【しんせつ】kind
優しい 【やさしい】gentle (contributor: dc)

It is true that 親切な and 優しい are often mixed up. However,
technically speaking 親切 is what is represented by the act of Good
Samaritan in the Bible, meaning going out of one's way to help, but this
does not necessrily mean he is 優しい, which means that he is gentle of
disposition and sweet-tempered. A sweet-tempered person could often be a
kind person at the same time, but that is not the necessary condition.
(contributor: bamboo4)

Edited #2993. (contributor: bamboo4)

I added in a note that clarified a bit of confusion for me. After I wrote
it, it seemed a bit obvious, but I suppose that's how learning goes. I hope
it's useful for others, and the kind of note that's desired. (contributor:
Ebisu Dave)

ex #3968 ' With this appearance/outfit, I indeed look like doing sports,
but the truth is I don't do any sports at all. ' Sounds better.
(contributor: 誠)

The note says Description + いかにも but all the examples appear to be
いかにも + Description. Should we change that? (contributor: yookoso)

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ せめて (semete) ]

せめて (semete) - at least, at most a small thing

--- Examples ---
If we at least had a pot, we could cook rice

at most an uninteresting thing, but ...

At least I want to be understood by my parents

At least let me help with the table.

Can't you wait just ten more minutes?

He might at least apologize.

At the very least, I'd like to be able to have everyday conversations.

You should have enough sense not to drink, at least during your illness.

Had we at least one more day!

At least show me your smiling face just one last time.

--- Comments ---
I don't like the second example. せめて is not used that way.
(contributor: bamboo4)

would you use seizei instead?
せいぜい、つまらないものですが、、 (contributor: dc)

せいぜい also does not cut it. If you really want to use it in the
context of the second example, it would be like
せめてもと持参したつまらないものですが(it's an
uninteresting thing that I at least brought,' but that's really stretching
it. (contributor: bamboo4)

You can say せめてのもの instead of せめて. せめてのもの is
stronger than せめて. (contributor: Miki)

ex1174 J is weird for me. Did you mean
ほんのつまらないものですが ? (contributor: Miki)

攻めて and 責めて are the only two kanji that come up for this word.
責めて means to criticize, condemn or blame. Maybe せめて means (at
it's core) 'Even if you closely examine this situation, x should be
expected.' I don't know if this is true or not, but it's a thought.
(contributor: LittleFish)

攻めて and 責めて are not equivalent of せめて, but せめて did
derive from 責む in 連用形 form with connective て. In archaic use,
there were several other meanings associated with せめて, but what we
now have is 'although not sufficient, at least this much if the situation
compels.' (contributor: bamboo4)

I agree with Miki-san re ex1174. As he says, it shoud be
ほんのつまらないものですが and therefore does not belong to
this thread.
  (contributor: bamboo4)

Beg pardon but what is the difference between せめて and
つくなくても ? (contributor: nadine)

This isn't JLPT 1. My guess is level 3 or 2 but I don't know for sure
which. On another note, does anyone besides me always get せめて and
せいぜい confused? If so, does anyone have a good memory technique?
(contributor: yookoso)

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 今から思えば (imakaraomoeba) ]

今から思えば (imakaraomoeba) - Looking back on it now

--- Examples ---
Looking back on it now, quitting the company was the right thing to do.

Looking back on it now I wish i had done things the way my parents told

Looking back on it now I haven't done anything to help my parents.

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Market Oracle | March 16, 2009 | View It
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Saudi Arabia: Oil Should Be $60 - $75 a Barrel
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"If we want all hydrocarbon resources developed worldwide, 40 dollars is not enough"

A Trillion Here a Trillion There
Mineweb | March 9, 2009 | View It
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Now or Never: Face the Gold Cliff and Buy
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ とにかく (tonikaku) ]

とにかく (tonikaku) - in any case, anyway

--- Notes ---
often comes at the beginning of a sentence

see all these examples at ALC

--- Examples ---
Leaving that aside, how do you intend to deal with this problem?

Anyway, all I can say is...

Anyway I'm asking you to just listen for a minute

Anyway, we won't know unless we try.

In any case you should come up to Tokyo.

In any case, it's no business of yours.

At any rate, you had better go there.

Anyway, I'm glad you were able to broach this difficult subject.

I am against your opinion in any case.

--- Comments ---
とにかく can be replaced by tomokaku ともかく. (contributor:

I would like to know more about the etymology of this expression. Does it
have anything to do with the Shogi game where two pieces are named 'to' and
'kaku'? (contributor: Nizar)

why is it every time when i clikc on the title the msg below will show.
Return to beginning of the Text Translation function. Unable to map
(contributor: snoopycheng)

Nizar, tonikaku is not to do with 'to' and 'kaku' of Shogi game.
とにかく is used in hiragana by edo period. と of とにかく meant
そのように、 かく meant このように。 Tonikaku is sometimes
write as 兎に角 but this is phonetic equivalent. This is considered to
come from Buddhism word 「兎角亀毛」. Rabbit doesn't have horns and
turtle doesn't have hairs, which was used when you talked about something
doesn't exist. So this has no relevance to current とにかく in meaning.
BTW, in shogi, 「と金」 which is another side of 「歩(ふ)」 is
called と because the simplified form of 金 looks like
と。 角(かく) is also called 角行(かくぎょう).
(contributor: Miki)

I have heard this word used in a lot of contexts where it couldn't mean
anyway, in any case. I asked some friends who had some difficulty
explaining it, but one seemed to say that it also has the meanings:
'quickly', 'with all haste' and maybe also 'naturally'. I also heard it
implies that some information given is generally known by everyone. Any
native speakers care to comment? (contributor: yookoso)

You have it wrong. とにかく急ごう means 'leaving all that aside,
let's hurry.' Thus, とにかく does not have a meaning of 'quickly' or

Re Miki-san's comment, 角行 is pronounced かくこう.
(contributor: bamboo4)

角行 can be pronounced かっこう, かくこう and かくぎょう.
(contributor: nasu)

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 依頼 (irai) ]

依頼 (irai) - Request or commission

--- Notes ---
The example has little to do with 依頼 word :-) It is actually the
'contents' of a certain request.

Here's another example:
Hire a lawyer / Ask a lawyer to represent one.

--- Examples ---
I am counting on your continued support and guidance.

--- Comments ---
To tell you the truth, I was expecting this entry to be about 以来,
really. Is this entry even really grammar-related? (contributor: Cone)

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜ともなく (tomonaku) ]

〜ともなく (tomonaku) - Without really planning to, ~

--- Notes ---

When 「〜と(も)なく/〜と(も)なしに」is attached to a
question word (or question word and particle), it expresses uncertainty
(about when, where, who, what). Alternatively, when used on either end of
verbs expressing sensation, perception or speculation, as
in「見るともなく見る/聞くともなく聞く」, it indicates
that the action happens unintentionally or without conscious effort. This
model can be said to be representative of Japanese phrases expressing
involuntary/unconscious actions.


--- Examples ---
Without really planning, I looked ouside and saw anpanman!

Out of thin air...

I had not waited long before she turned up.

She came up from goodness knows where.

I was gazing absentmindedly out of the window, when suddenly a large crow
flew towards me.

--- Comments ---
You can also say 〜ともなしに (contributor: blabby)

I think example #5181 is different grammar. 待つこと、もなく、〜
(contributor: blabby)

Correct! ex #5181 does not belong here. (contributor: bamboo4)

#5986 could be translated as:

I just happened to glance outside, when suddenly a large crow flew towards
me. (contributor: montydrei)

見るともなくぼんやり外を見ていたら can be translated as 'I
was looking outside absent-mindedly without really seeing anything.....'
(contributor: bamboo4)

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜べく (beku) ]

〜べく (beku) - For the purpose of; To ____, In order to

--- Notes ---
'Beku' is the same as '~ngatame' but they differ grammatically.
'Beku' comes after the dictionary form of a verb, whereas
'~ngatame' follows the '~tai' form of a verb. Written.

see http://www.geocities.com/easykanji/jlptgrammar.html

(Goal/End result) + beku + (Current Action)

--- Examples ---
I studied hard in order to become an engineer.

We will try to correct it in order to straighten out our finances.

They chased the man to arrest him.

--- Comments ---
Shall I delete ex# 3915 and ex#3916? Their べく are different from the
entry. (contributor: Miki)

yes, they should go under
in edit example, change the last field 'category' and that will move them
over... (contributor: anon)

how does this differ from ために? (contributor: infinite_trial)

I've read that they are more or less inerchangable but ために is used
more for something you want to do - personal will (個人の意思)
However べく is used more for some assumed responsibility
(当然の義務). Can anyone help us out and explain this better?
べく is also mainly used in written Japanese. (contributor: blabby)

べく is 連用形 of べし. It could oerate as an imperative or as firm
presumption, indication of probability or expression of a plan.
Imperative = 全員参加すべく
Presumption = 後日登城の御裁可あるべく候(archaic)
Indication = 期待にこたえるべく努力する
Plan = 犯人を逮捕すべく

This expression is basically archaic, but it is still used in conversation
in such set phrases as 成るべくして成った or
(contributor: bamboo4)

I came across this in a JLPT 1 problem collection. Note the unusual use of
the ~ます form - 励ますべく appears to be a special case of some

(contributor: Paul)

励ます(はげます) is the dictionary form of
It is not a special case but sometimes easy to be confused with a
ます形 verb. (contributor: blabby)

D'oh! (contributor: Paul)

This sounds very formal, so it fits #3914 only.

I would say 'エンジニアになれるように・・・。'

I would say '彼らは男を逮捕しようと追いかけた。'
(contributor: Nick)

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ それっきり (Sorekkiri) ]

それっきり (Sorekkiri) - Since, since then

--- Notes ---
それきり is the same as それっきり。

--- Examples ---
Since then, I haven't seen Spike.

The store closed down for good.

I shiefted to pune in november last year. After that I have not
communicated with my teacher.

--- Comments ---
ex #5042の英訳はちょっと違う気がしている。
The shop remained as it was since when it was
(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ それっきり (Sorekkiri) ]

それっきり (Sorekkiri) - Since, since then

--- Notes ---
それきり is the same as それっきり。

--- Examples ---
Since then, I haven't seen Spike.

The store closed down for good.

I shiefted to pune in november last year. After that I have not
communicated with my teacher.

--- Comments ---
ex #5042の英訳はちょっと違う気がしている。
The shop remained as it was since when it was
(contributor: ppmohapatra)

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ としたら、と���れば、とすると (toshitara, tosureba, tosuruto) ]

としたら、とすれば、とすると (toshitara, tosureba, tosuruto)
- if one did; if one were to

--- Notes ---
V(plain form) + としたら・とすれば・とすると
いA + としたら・とすれば・とすると
なA・N + だ + としたら・とすれば・とすると

--- Examples ---
if we were to go to onsen, where would you suggest?

If I answer this question , what will I receive?

If you were born again, would you be a man or a woman?

If you were in my place, what would you do in this situation?

At this rate, if we don't pull out of this recession, there will be no hope
for Japan's future.

--- Comments ---
(contributor: Snake)

温泉に行ったらどこがいいでしょうね。hmm not natural.
温泉に行くならば can be replaced.
温泉と言ったら、どこがいいでしょうかね。means quite
When it comes to Onsen, where would be good. かな?? (contributor:

The example of zero is most natural. Otehr suggestions are not as
good.温泉に行ったらどこがいいでしょうね is simply
unacceptable.'When it comes to Onsen, where would you suggest?' would sound
natural in English. (contributor: bamboo4)

Not as good? You shouldn't say so as we use them except
温泉に行ったら even if you use only what you call the most natural
one. 心外なご意見です。(・_・) (contributor: Miki)

Sorry, I did not realize that 'other examples' included
温泉に行くならば and 温泉と言ったら. Both of them, of
course, are acceptable even though I would vote for 温泉といえば.
(contributor: bamboo4)

##5234 Japanese is not natural.
この質問に答えるとしたら、  何をもらうのですか?
この質問に答えたら、     何が貰えますか?
(contributor: Miki)

Is this actually how to use a subjunctive mood in Japanese? I wasn't sure
if such thing existed. For example, 'If I had been born rich, my life would
be better.' or 'If I were President, I would feed the hungry.' -- Both
meaning 'X is not true, but if it were, then I think Y would happen.' The
emphasis is on the requirement that 'X is not true.' Does this nuance come
through in the Japanese? (contributor: adamstudio)

- both of these examples satisfy the supposition ' that X is not true' but
if it were, then Y would have happened. (contributor: bamboo4)

I think of this as more of an 'assuming that...' or 'if we assume...'
construct. It's basically saying, this might not be correct (or might not
happen), but what if it is (or does)?

For example:
Assuming it's true, what do we do then? (contributor: KWhazit)

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grammar a Day - Level 1 [ 〜であれ (deare) ]

〜であれ (deare) - No matter what; Even if; No matter how

--- Notes ---
Same meaning as 'Tatoe~temo'. Written. Formal.

see http://www.geocities.com/easykanji/jlptgrammar.html


--- Examples ---
Even the company president has to obey the rules.

Voting is something that you have to do, even if you live abroad.


No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are
moments when you wish you had chosen some other career.

I will go, be the weather what it may.

Whoever is at the door, please ask him to wait.

--- Comments ---
Please, think to the people who have a hardtime understandin japanes
writing and put the example also in romanji. Thank you. (contributor:

I am not able to read kanjis... (contributor: uetaki)

This example is JLPT level 1. It is formal and WRITTEN grammar.

Just click on the example and you will get a tranlastion into hiragana from
the Edict dictionary.

If you can't read hiragana, you will find studying advanced written grammar
a little hard... (contributor: blabby)

Is this just like a formal version of 「だって」、As
in, アメリカ人だってご飯を食べますよ。

Hmm actually that's not right, is it. I guess it's more like でも or
であっても, yeah? (contributor: rogen)

From what I have studied so far であれ has a similar meaning to
であっても and でも (contributor: evdsluys)

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Volume 58
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The Goldsmiths - Part XXXXVII
R. D. Bradshaw | March 11, 2009 | View It
"Once this happens, "the US dollar will cease to be the reserve currency . . ."

Fund Managers Cautiously Bullish on Gold
Reuters | March 10, 2009 | View It
"Whenever you have negative interest rates . . . and you have continuous deficit spending, gold becomes an attractive asset class"

Gold is Ready To Go Very High Very Fast
Hubert Moolman | March 9, 2009 | View It
"we are in the final phase which should take us to about US $ 1 300 and eventually to about US $ 1 700 in a very short time."

Gold Bullish, Silver Volatile, as no Quick Fix to Global Crisis Likely
Mineweb | March 10, 2009 | View It
"the overall financial climate is bullish for safe haven investments and silver is well placed to benefit from that"

UBS Recommendation Fails to Lift Gold
Javier Blas - Ft.com| March 10, 2009 | View It
"The Swiss bank, one of the most active gold dealers, warned of ?a potential upside of $2,500 an ounce"

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