いかん (ikan) - based on
--- Notes ---
〜いかん is the same as によって
Look at this subtle difference:
1 結果いかんで、次のレベルを決める
based on the result, the next level will be decided
2 結果いかんでは、次のレベルに行ける
based on the result, you will go to the next level
in (1) a clear result comes out, so the で particle is used.
in (2) a process will start, so では is used to link the two parts.
Negative case 'without regard to'
As far as I know, いかんで means that one thing depends on another.
i.e. We'll decide what to do depending on the results.
いかんでは means that something has already happened, so the speaker
is using those results to predict/suggest something else . i.e. Looking at
these results we should do this.
〜いかんだ : Based on how/whether 〜
名詞 + いかんだ
Depending on the results, it is possible to enter university.
Depending on the results, it is possible(there are times where one) not
being able to enter university.
--- Examples ---
Depending on the exam results its possible also to fail graduation
On the basis of your test results, your level will be decided
Regardless of the weather, I will come
depending on the fortune teller consultation, it will be decided if i will
return to America
Depending on the weather, i will come
That cannot be helped one way or another.
That issue would be decided depending on what your attitude will be on it.
What will be the fate of Spiderman!
Anyone can participate in the game, no matter what nationality they are.
Happiness depends, not so much on circumstances, as on one's way of looking
at one's life.
It can't be helped.
Whether you will succeed or not depends upon your own exertions.
Success depends on your efforts.
Rain or shine, I will come to meet you at the station.
He stood for freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color.
His life hangs on the judge's decision.
--- Comments ---
My comments re によって is equally applicable to Examples 1 and 2.
(contributor: bamboo4)
占いの相談 is a strange Japanese. Normally, 占いの結果.
(contributor: bamboo4)
直った (contributor: dc)
RE 天気 いかんでは, whether you say 来ます or 行きます, that
is an uncommon expression. One would say 次第では instead of
(contributor: bamboo4)
#1307 There is no such word as irregardless. Don't let the Japanese
double-beg fool you, the correct Eigo is Regardless, regardless of the
situation... (contributor: Stickler)
PS, make that double-neg. I can't type (contributor: Stickler)
welcome Stickler!
changes made, example upped to 'checked'... feel free to edit the examples
yourself too... (contributor: dc)
In notes dc[62], I think....
結果いかんでは is by emphasizing with では, implies more another
side than just 結果いかんで that you will not have a chance to go to
the next level depending on the result. You next action is decided after
the result of something is clear and see the situation you are in.
結果いかんで implies neutral. What to do is automatically followed by
the result. (contributor: Miki)
The difference between 結果如何で and 結果いかんでは disappears
when you say 結果如何で駄目になることがある and
(contributor: bamboo4)
ex#3353 this いかん is derivative of いかぬ, means
ex#3355 いかん comes from the combination of 厳し「い」and
か「かん」ばつ 旱魃 drought. (contributor: Miki)
well spotted. i deleted those two examples... (contributor: dc)
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